Развитие лингвострановедческих знаний учащихся на уроках английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ход игры

Игра проходит по типу игры “Морской бой”. Группа делится на 3–4 команды по 3–4 человека. Ведущий – учитель. Он задаёт вопросы и записывает баллы командам в таблице на доске.

На доске табло и таблица для записи баллов командам.

  A B C D E
1 5 10 15 20 25
2 15 20 25 5 10
3 10 5 15 20 5
4 15 25 20 10 25
5 5 20 10 15 25

Каждая команда получает координаты своих кораблей (2В 3А, 4С 1Е)

Правила игры

Команды “стреляют” по очереди, стараясь попасть в противника. Если они не попадают, то отвечают на вопрос и получают столько баллов, сколько написано на клетке. Если не отвечают на вопрос, то баллов не получают и ход переходит к другой команде. Если попадают на координаты корабля противника, то получают баллы этой клетки, не отвечая на вопрос. На размышление столько секунд, сколько баллов на клетке.

На табло имеется “мина”. Попав на “мину” (C 3), команда получает сразу 3 вопроса, ответив на все 3 вопроса, команда получает количество баллов, имеющихся на клетке.

Также есть “бермудский треугольник”. Попав на данную клетку, каждая команда задаёт другой команде вопрос на английском языке. Ответив на вопрос, каждая команда получает количество баллов , имеющихся на клетке.

Игру начинает команда, ответившая на вопрос:

Who is Head of the State in the UK?

Вопросы на 5 баллов:

1) What are the names of the countries of Great Britain?
2) What flowers are the symbols of the countries of the UK?
3) What separates the UK from the continent of Europe?
4) What is the longest river in England?
5) What is the symbol of London?

Вопросы на 10 баллов:

1) Where does the Queen live?
2) Where does the Prime Minister live?
3) What food is traditional at Christmas?
4) Who does the real power in the UK belong to?
5) When was the Great Fire in London?

Вопросы на 15 баллов:

1) What are the national English sport games?
2) What is the political center of London?
3) What is the old name of London?
4) When did William the Conqueror come to London?

Вопросы на 20 баллов:

1) Who is the Scottish national poet?
2) Where are Newton, Darwin, Dickens, Kipling buried?
3) Which Liverpool band was so popular in the 60s?
4) Which king had 6 wives?
5) Where does the Changing of the Guard take place?

Вопросы на 25 баллов:

1) Who is the father of English poetry?
2) What bird do English people take care of?
3) What are the names of the British Saints?
4) What is the name of the famous stadium in the north of London?
5) What are the most famous private schools in England?

Вопросы для “мины”:

1) Where was William Shakespeare born?
2) What is a double-decker?
3) What is a capital of Wales?

St. Valentine’s Day (урок-конкурс). 8 класс

(По материалам журнала “Speak out”.)

Ведущий: Today we are gathered to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. As you know it is celebrated in Europe and in America on the 14th of February.

Love! Happiness! Beauty!

There are not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words. Today we have an excellent chance to plunge into atmosphere of love and to practice the use of some pleasant words and expressions on this special occasion. Happy St. Valentine’s Day!

Let’s make pairs. (Ученики получают половинку сердечка со словом и должны составить пару.)


Далее работа идёт в парах. За каждое правильно выполненное задание пара получает жетон.

Task 1. Tell each other compliments. (You are nice …)

Task 2. Guess the symbol of Love.

1) It is the most popular symbol of the holiday of love. It denotes eternal love. It may be red or pink, pierced with an arrow. (a heart)
2) It is the Roman God. His arrows are invisible and his target are our hearts. (Cupid)
3) It is a flower of love. (a rose)
4) This thing is decorated with hearts, Cupid and flowers. It is a gift for someone. (a Valentine card)
5) It consists of graceful loops, sometimes in the form of hearts with no beginning and no end. (love knot)

Task 3.

Listen to the text and explain what these numerals mean. (Цифры записаны на карточках.)

1415 14 10 000 000 61 16 000 000 39

Text. In spite of the unromantic reputation of the British, over 16 000 000 Valentine cards are sent each year on February 14th. 39% of Valentine cards are sent by women and 61 % by men, of course.

Originally, Valentine cards were only sent by men to women. They were all handmade and elaborately decorated.

The oldest existing Valentine card can be found in the British Museum. It was sent in the year 1415.

Britons exchanged over 10 000 000 text messages on St. Valentine’s Day, 2003.

St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many countries now, including Russia and China. But in atheist China your flowers can be confiscated if the police see you in the street with a bouquet.

Task 4. The history of the holiday.

Read the text for 5 minutes and complete the sentences.

St. Valentine’s Day is a religious holiday. It has roots in several legends.

Valentine was a Christian priest in Roman empire 300 years after the death of Jesus Christ. He had been thrown in prison for his teaching. On February 14, Valentine was beheaded, not only because he performed a miracle – he cured the Jailer’s daughter from her blindness the night before he was executed – but he wrote a letter to the girl, signing it “From your Valentine”.

Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time. He was imprisoned, because he secretly married couples, contrary to laws of the Roman emperor.

February 14 was also a Roman holiday, held in honour of the Goddess of Love. Young men by lottery chose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivities. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date has continued to our days.

Complete the sentences:

  1. St. Valentine’s Day is…
  2. Valentine was…
  3. He lived in …
  4. He was beheaded, because …
  5. Valentine cured …
  6. He wrote…
  7. He signed …
  8. Another Valentine was …
  9. He was imprisoned, because …
  10. This holiday held in honour …

Tell one of the legends.

Task 5. Guess the language.

1) I love you
2) Ti amo
3) Ich liebe dich
4) Te quiero
5) Wo ie ni
6) S’ayapo
a) Spanish
b) German
c) English
d) Chinese
e) Italian
f) Greek
Key: 1) c 2) e 3) b 4) a 5) d 6) f

Task 6. Make a poem.

1. Roses are red 1. And so are you 1. I don’t know the rest 1. And hold me tight
2. But if you’ll love me 2. Violets are blue 2. Violets are blue 2. Be my Valentine
3. I’ll love you too 3. Roses are red 3. But I know I love you 3. I dream about you
4. My world is blue 4. Honey’s sweet 4. Roses are red 4. Every night

Task 7. Make a pair. (Команды получают карточки с именами и составляют пары)

1) Juliet
2) Desdemona
3) Eve
4) Lady Hamilton
5) Assol
6) Ophelia
7) Margaret
8) Cinderella
a) Adam
b) Admiral Nelson
c) Hamlet
d) Romeo
e) Othello
f) Prince
g) Captain Grey
h) Master
Key: 1) d 2) e 3) a 4) b 5) g 6) c 7) h 8) f

Подведение итогов.

A Fortune-telling game

Think of five or six names of boys or girls you might marry. As you twist the stem of an apple, recite the names until the stem comes off. You will marry the person whose name you were saying when the stem fell off.


If you are going to give a present you love, check this star guide to help you decide what to give.
Aries is sociable but vain. Perfume, aftershave, or a pocket mirror would be ideal gifts for this sign.
A practical Taurus might like a book on their hobby or a set of screwdrivers.
Communicative, fun-loving Gemini would be happy with a pen or a video of their favourite film.
Sentimental Cancer loves food. So how about a cake with a romantic message on it?
Leo loves to look good so something trendy to wear would be best.
Virgo is the tidiest sign of the zodiac so something like a diary would be a best idea.
Libra loves luxury, so a silk handkerchief or a meal at a restaurant would suit them.
Scorpio would love to receive some sexy underwear for a special Valentine’s Day present.
Sagittarius loves sport so anything related to sports would be perfect.
Calculating Capricorn likes to keep organized so a calculator or address book would be appreciated.
Eccentric Aquarius would like a gadget that is new, fun and useful.
Dreamy Pisces loves music and books so the best present is a romantic book or a CD of love songs.

And now let’s sing songs. (Love me tender, Let me call you sweetheart)

“Funny Train” (конкурс в начальной школе)

Оборудование: карточки с буквосочетаниями, карточки с английскими именами, карточки с буквами, цифры, примеры на карточках, картинки, слова на карточках.


  • Группа делится на команды (3-4 человека в каждой команде ). Команда придумывает название (Snowballs, Flowers, Teddy Bears).
  • Команды представляются, получают маршрутный лист, в котором записаны станции.
  • На станциях учащиеся выполняют задания. За каждое правильно выполненное задание команда получает баллы, которые выставляются в маршрутный лист.
  • Учащиеся в команде встают друг за другом в форме “паровозика” и по колокольчику двигаются от станции к станции.
  • Время работы на станции примерно одинаковое, 4-5 минут.
  • На каждой станции работают “диспетчеры” - учащиеся 9 класса, которые контролируют выполнение заданий и записывают баллы в маршрутные листы. По окончанию соревнования команды выстраиваются и подводятся итоги по количеству набранных баллов. Все дети получают призы (наклейки, письменные принадлежности)

Ход мероприятия

Вступительное слово учителя. Today we have an unusual lesson. We have a competition. There are 3 teams in our classroom. and we’ll travel.

Объяснение правил игры учителем, представление “диспетчеров”.

Introduce yourselves. Команды представляются.

Phonetic Station

1. English Rhymes. Who knows more English rhymes?

Учащиеся рассказывают английские считалки, за каждую рифмовку, стихотворение – 1балл.

2. Name the sound.

Карточки с буквосочетаниями: sh, ch, th, ph, tch, wh, kn, all, ind, ng.

3. What letter is absent?

Карточки со всеми буквами алфавита, разложены беспорядочно, одной буквы не достаёт (Х)

4. Place the names in the alphabetic order.

Карточки с английскими именами:

Ian, Victor, Ruth, Ann, Lisa, Brian, Helen, Nancy, John, Carol, Ursula, Tom, Diana, Sally, Quentin, William, Kevin, Frank, Mark, Gary, Oliver, Eric, Paul, Xavia, Yvonne, Zara.

Маthematic Station

1. Name the numerals 28, 11, 14, 19, 54, 13, 68, 79.

2. Do the sums: 48 + 6 = ?, 100 – 22 = ?, 34 + 52 = ?, 92 – 18 = ?, 76 + 13 = ?.

3. Match the numeral and the word: (цифры и слова на карточках)

2 – two, 5 –five, 7 – seven …

4. Guess the word:


Vocabulary Station.

1. Match the picture and the word:

Картинки и слова на карточках.

2. What letter is absent?

Ham…ter, rab…it, ele…p…t, tige…, f…x, w…lf.
(hamster, rabbit, elephant, tiger, fox, wolf)

3. Guess the word:


4. Match the colour and the word:

Цвета на карточках и слова, обозначающие цвет.

5. Days of the week.

Разложить дни недели на карточках по порядку.

Grammar Station

1. Fill the gaps:

1. She … a doctor.

4. We … children.

2. I …happy.

5. They… friends.

3. He …a student.

6. You … pupils.

2. Match the words.

Местоимения на карточках.

I – my you – your he – his she – her it – its we – our they – their

3. Make up sentences:

have, a cat, we, a dog, got, and.
Are, best, my, you, friend.
Are, you, where, from?
Season, favourite, your, is, what?
(We have got a cat and a dog.)
(You are my best friend.)
(Where are you from?)
(What is your favourite season?)

Riddles Station.

Guess, please!

If you want
To draw a straight line,
Make use of me,
For this business is mine.
(a ruler)
This coloured chalk
In a holder of wood
For drawing and writing
Is perfectly good.
(a pencil)
Has no legs,
But just for fun
It is always
On the run.
(a ball)
My face is black,
As black as night.
On it, with chalk
All pupils write.
(a blackboard)
This house on wheels
Is running a race,
Taking people
From place to place.
(a bus)
It is running
Night and day,
But it never
Run away.
(a watch)