Урок английского языка в 6-м классе "Город, в котором я живу" "The City Where I live" (интеллектуальная игра)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • развитие навыков речевой компетентности в использовании монологической и диалогической речи, расширение словарного запаса;
  • развитие памяти, внимания, информационной, коммуникативной компетентности ;
  • воспитание патриотизма, чувства гордости за родной город, бережного отношения к культуре и истории родного города; развитие умения взаимодействовать в коллективе.

Задачи урока:

  • организовать работу по выполнению проекта;
  • учить вести диалог - расспрос и диалог - обмен мнениями;
  • учить связному монологическому высказыванию по теме урока;
  • научить составлять рекламу - презентацию с опорой по теме урока.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Языковая зарядка. Вопросно - ответная работа.



Good afternoon dear children and our guests.

What's the full name of our country?

Let's sing a song about our country

Our country is a land of beauty,

Our country is a land of glee.

Many are its rivers, forests, cities,

Where a man is happy, proud and free.

What's our small Motherland?

In what city do you live?

2. Начало интеллектуальной игры. Поделиться на две команды.

<слайд 3>

<слайд 4>

Let's divide into two teams: "Chelyabinsk citizens", "The Urals citizens"

Знакомство с игровым полем.

Let's begin our game.

This is a game field with the task. Name the numbers.

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

1. Happy chance

2. Further, the further

3. Best of the best

4. The dark horse

5. The black box

6. Do you know?

7. The streets of Chelyabinsk

8. I love my city because/for:

9. The monuments

3. "Счастливый случай"

<слайд5> Happy chance You have a happy chance. You have three points.

4. "Дальше, дальше"

Оветить на вопросы. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает по одному очку.

<слайды 6,7,8,9> Further, the further

Answer the questions.

For every correct answer you'll receive a point.

Questions for Chelyabinsk citizens.

  1. The date of the Chelyabinsk's birthday./ the 13th of September, 1736/
  2. How was Chelyabinsk named in the Great Patriotic War? /Tankograd/
  3. The street that was named in honour of the 9th of May 1945. /Victory Avenue/
  4. The first name of the building where the Children's Theatre is. /The People's House/
  5. How many districts are there in our city? /seven/
  6. In what district is there lake Smolino? /in Leninsky/
  7. The Ural poetess of the 20th century. / L. Tatyanicheva/
  8. The sport building that has been built resently. /"Molniya" ice palace/
  9. The place of lovers. /Sphere of Lovers/
  10. In which theatre was the bullets' factory situated? /the Opera House/
  11. Questions for the Urals citizens.
  12. How many years ago was the Chelyabinsk' fortress founded?
  13. What did our city do in the Great Patriotic War? / tanks, bullets, "Katyushas"/
  14. The park that was called in honour of the 9th of May 1945. /Victory garden/
  15. Whose name was the Chelyabinsk Drama Theatre named after? /Naum Orlov/
  16. Where is the bridge between the Ural and Siberia? /It's near the business house of Spiridonov/
  17. What are the nature monuments of Chelyabinsk? /Chelyabinsk city forest, Kashtaksky forest/
  18. What are the sport halls that are the Zoo? /the Central stadium, "Molniya" ice palace
  19. What's the name of the monument where just - married people visit? /Sphere of Lovers/
  20. Who wrote: "When somebody speaks about Russia
    I see my blue Ural" /L. Tatyanicheva/
  21. What's the number of the school given to the hospital in the Great Patriotic War? /48/

5. "Самый, самый"

Оветить на вопросы. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает по одному очку.

<слайд 10> Best of the best

Answer the questions.

  1. For every correct answer you'll receive a point.
  2. What's the oldest street? /Truda/
  3. What's the oldest factory? /Kolyushenko/
  4. What's the youngest street? /Academic Korolyov/
  5. What's the longest street? //Victory Avenue/
  6. What's the youngest district? /Kurchatovsky/
  7. What's the oldest district? /Leninsky/
  8. What's the oldest park? / Pushkin Park/
  9. What's the oldest cinema? / Pushkin Cinema/
  10. What's the oldest school? /6/

6. "Тёмная лошадка"

(Лидия Скобликова)

У вас четыре подсказки. За первую подсказку вы получите четыре очка, за две подсказки - три , за три подсказки - два очка, за четыре - 1.

<слайд 11> The dark horse

Who is this?

There 4 hints

For one hint you'll get 4 points.

For two - three hints.

For three - two hints.

For four - one hint.

This is a woman.

She is a sport woman.

She is a skater.

She is six times champion of the Olympic Games.

She is Lidiya Skoblikova

7. "Чёрный ящик" (верблюд) У вас три подсказки.

<слайд 12>

The black box

What's this?

This is an animal.

It lives in desert.

This is the symbol of Chelyabinsk.

It is a camel

8. "Знаешь ли ты:" Выбрать правильный ответ. Do you know:?

Do you know our city?

Do you know that:

- the Chelyabinsk region was founded in

1. 2004

2. 1934

3. 1736

- the founder of the Chelyabinsk's fortress was

1. Pyotr I

2. Tatishev

3. Tevkelev

- the symbol of Chelyabinsk is

1. a camel

2. a box

3. an eagle

- the climate in our city is

1. the artic

2. the tropical

3. the moderate - continental

- the first leader of the musical group Arial is

1. Yarushin

2. Mozart

3. Utyosov

9. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи. Игра "Интервью".

<слайд 14> Let's play the "Interview"

The group of the British students is coming on a visit to Chelyabinsk.

Answer their questions.

  1. What's the name of your city?
  2. Chelyabinsk is the capital of the South Ural, isn't it?
  3. How old is your city?
  4. Who is the founder of your city?
  5. What's the symbol of Chelyabinsk?
  6. Is your city rich in parks?
  7. What park would you advise to visit?
  8. What is the museum worth visiting?
  9. Are there any theatres in your city?
  10. Are you proud of your city? Why?

10. "Челябинские улицы". По очереди каждая команда называет улицы, связанные с именами других городов.

<слайд 15> The chelyabinsk's streets

Do you know the Chelyabinsk's streets?

Tell the streets that connect with the name of other towns.

11. "Памятники" Соединить названия памятника с местом, где находится этот памятник

<слайд 16,17> The monuments

There are many monuments in our city.

What are they?

Where are they?

For the Urals citizens.

Sphere of Loves / "the Ural" Cinema/

Monument to "Volunteers - Tankmen" /Arbat/

Monument to M. I. Glinka /The Opera House/

Myth of the Ural /The Railway station/

Monument to "Katyusha" /KolyushenkoPalace/

For the Ural citizens.

"The Tank" /Komsomolskaya square/

"The Locomotiv" / Railway Workers Palace/

Monument to V. I. Lenin /Revolution square/

Monument to I. V. Kurchatov /Gagarin Park/

Monument to A. S. Pushkin /Pushkin Park/

12. "Я люблю свой город"

Развитие навыков монологической речи. Составить свой собственный буклет о столице Южного Урала - Челябинске.(работа в группах по 5 - 6 человек) <слайд 18>

I love my city

Chelyabinsk tourist centre has published some booklets about our city.

Read one of the booklets.

Make up your booklet about the sights of Chelyabinsk.

Welcome to Chelyabinsk

Chelyabinsk is the capital of the South Ural.

Whatever your interests - the capital of the South Ural.

It's worth visiting the Chelyabinsk Oblast Regional Ethnography Museum

It has 300,000 collections of the city and region history. It's unforgettable experiences.

13. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок

14. Домашнее задание. Write your own adverts for visitors to your city. (Написать рекламу - презентацию о своём городе)
