Информационные технологии на уроках иностранного языка (английского)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

The aims:

  • To check the students' knowledge on the theme.
  • To improve the students' speaking skills.
  • To bring up the culture of the personal contact of the students, discipline, responsibility.

Teaching aids: a screen, a projector, the cards with the crosswords, the presentation.

Notes on the lesson

I. Orgmoment.

Good morning, friends! Glad to see you again. How are you today? What can you say about today's weather? What is your forecast for tomorrow?

II. Phonetic exercises. Let's do some phonetic exercises!

Without your tongue you cannot talk
Without your feet you cannot walk,
Without your eyes you cannot see,
Without your heart you cannot be.

The development of the game. (1, 2 слайд, все по щелчку) T. Dear friends, at the last lessons we read and learned a lot of information about the USA. And today we'll check your knowledge and see who knows the material better.

III. Today we have a competition. Let's begin!

We have two teams here. Please, captains, introduce your teams!

The 1st game Finish my sentences! (15 questions for each team. One score for each right answer.)

For the1st team.

  1. The USA is situated in the central :
  2. The USA is washed by :
  3. The area of the USA is :
  4. The highest mountains of the USA are :
  5. The five Great Lakes between the USA and Canada are :
  6. The main rivers of the country are :
  7. The USA is a very large country, so it has several :
  8. The population of the USA is :
  9. People of many nationalities live in the country, they are :
  10. The capital of the USA is :
  11. It is a beautiful city without :
  12. But the largest city of the USA is :
  13. New York is famous for its :
  14. The population of New York is :
  15. Other big cities of the country are :

For the 2nd team.

  1. The first emigrants came to the USA in a ship called :
  2. The first President of America was :
  3. The USA is highly developed industrial country and its agriculture is highly :
  4. The USA is rich in natural resources, such as :
  5. The main industries are :
  6. Cattle-farming, poultry-farming and vegetable-growing are very well :
  7. The USA is a federal republic, consisting of :
  8. Congress consists of two Houses :
  9. The main political parties are :
  10. The new President of the USA is :
  11. The largest state of the USA is :
  12. America was discovered by :
  13. The Motto of the American people is :
  14. Christopher Columbus discovered America but the country was named after :
  15. The second largest state of the USA is :

The 2nd game Look and say everything you know about it. (Five tasks for each team; the presentation) (3-13 слайд,)

"Stars and stripes"

"The Statue of Liberty"

"The White House"

" The Bald eagle"

"Mount Rushmore"

"Uncle Sam"

"The Pentagon"


"The Capitol"

"Washington Memorial"

The 3rd game The page of poetry. Let's remember and recite the poems you have learned not long ago. Choose the poem! Prepare 3 minutes! (Thomas Hood "To a false friend"; Henry W. Longfellow "The arrow and the song")

The 4th game

Let' guess the crossword about the USA.

When one team finishes we'll stop the game. You'll get one score for each right word. Be quick, please! (15 слайд)



  1. The USA is washed by the :.ocean in the west.
  2. One of the big rivers of the USA is :.
  3. One of the five Great Lakes is :.
  4. The currency of the USA is a :.
  5. There are : states in the USA.
  6. The USA is rich in :.
  7. The biggest state of the USA is :.

The 5th game. American Holidays.

There are a lot of holidays which are celebrated in the USA. Listen to me and say what holiday I'm speaking about. (16 слайд)

Independence Day

Thanksgiving Day



Valentine's Day

New Years Day

It is a religious holiday and one of the happiest days of the year. The tree is decorated with toys and lights. Santa Claus visits the children and brings presents. (Christmas)

It is the biggest national holiday in the USA. On this day a very important Declaration of the country was proclaimed. It is celebrated on the 4th of July. (Independence Day)

Americans celebrate this holiday on the 31st of October. The children wear masks and colouful costumes. The most popular costumes are: ghosts, witches, devils and skeletons. (Halloween)

Americans celebrate this holiday on the 4th of November. It was celebrated many years ago as the first harvest festival. Americans make a big turkey dinner. (Thanksgiving Day)

This day is celebrated on February, 14. It is a day of love and friendship. People send greeting cards and sweethearts to each other. Valentine's Day)

On this day all banks, factories and schools are closed. People don't go to bed early. They like to see "the old year out and the new year in". (New Year's Day)

The 6th game Make up the English proverbs connecting phrases from the two columns. Translate them and give the Russian variant if you know it. (17 слайд)

  1. Speech - silver
  2. A bird in the hand
  3. Well begun
  4. A barking dog
  5. There is no rose
  6. While there is a life
  7. Never put off till tomorrow
  8. All is well
  9. What you can do today.
  10. There is a hope.
  11. Doesn't bite.
  12. Is worth two in the bush.
  13. That ends well..
  14. But silence is gold.
  15. Is half done.
  16. Without a horn.

The 7th game. Do you know the differences between British and American English? (18 слайд)

British English (American English)

Flat (Apartment)

Sweets (Candy)

Lift (Elevator)

Queue (Line)

Postman (Mailman)

Football (Soccer)

Tube/Underground (Subway/Metro)

Holidays (Vacation)

Form (Grade)

Autumn (Fall)

The cinema (The movies)

Postbox (Mailbox)

IV. The conclusion of the lesson. So, our competition has finished. Thank you for taking an active part in the games. You are really clever and industrious. I'm sure that your knowledge of English will help you in future. And now, the results of the competition. The score is : . Our best congratulations to the team ":". How do you feel?

(19, 20 слайд)

(If the time is left we'll play "Non-stop" (in chain). Say everything you know about the USA!)
