Цели: автоматизировать речь учащихся с использованием жизненно-важной современной информации и повысить мотивацию говорения на базе страноведческой тематики, применив различные приемы и формы обучения, а также учебно-наглядные пособия и ТСО.
- практиковать учащихся во всех видах учебной деятельности (аудировании, диалогической и монологической речи, чтении) на базе знакомого и нового словарного запаса;
- расширить объем потенциального словаря учащихся в плане географической проблематики;
- совершенствовать навыки самостоятельной творческой работы;
- формировать эмоционально-ценностное отношение к стране изучаемого языка.
Организация урока:
1. На доске:
- девиз урока “It’s better to see something once than to hear about it a hundred times”;
- карта Соединенных Штатов Америки;
- тематические картинки с видами Вашингтона;
- ключевые слова по теме;
- грамматическая таблица времен группы Present;
- карта-схема столицы США;
- таблица с предлогами направления движения.
2. Флаг США.
3. Альбомы на английском языке “In & Around Washington”, “In illustrated History Of the USA”.
4. Магнитофонная запись взлёта, полёта, посадки самолёта, гимн США.
1) Приветствие. Сообщение темы и задач урока.
Today we’ll continue to speak about Washington. Look at the map. Washington is the capital of the United States of America . This is the flag of the USA. At your Geography lesson you’ll also speak about this country but today we’ll travel to the most famous sights of Washington. Be attentive and you’ll learn some interesting facts about the sights.
2) Повторение грамматики.
To talk correctly in your dialogues we must revise The Present Perfect Tense. (На русском языке учащиеся проговаривают использование и образование Настоящего Завершенного времени)
And do you remember the forms of irregular verbs? Let’s play the game. (Для игры учащиеся делятся на две команды, учитель показывает карточки с неправильными глаголами, и участники команд поочередно называют формы неправильных глаголов. Побеждает команда, назвавшая правильно максимальное количество глаголов)
So, children, it’s time for us to visit Washington.
1) Let’s read the motto of our lesson “It’s better to see something once then to hear about it a hundred times”. Please, give a Russian proverb to these words. (“Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать”). That’s why today at the lesson we’ll try to do so.
2) But first of all let’s name the main Washington’s sights. (Учащиеся читают название достопримечательностей Лондона в учебнике “Счастливый английский–2” на стр. 210, затем называют картинки с видами Вашингтона на доске)
3) Let’s revise some information about the most famous sights of the American capital from the text on page 213. (Учитель начинает читать ключевое предложение о какой-либо достопримечательности, ученики занимаются поисковым чтением этого предложения в тексте, читают его вслух и переводят, повторяя основную информацию о достопримечательностях)
4) Well, let’s pronounce some phrases you can use in your conversations. (Учитель на русском языке называет фразы и речевые клише типа “Вы были когда-нибудь …?”, “Как я могу пройти к …?”, “Где находится …?” и т.д., а учащиеся хором переводят)
5) Now, children, imagine, you are tourists in Washington and act your dialogues according to your situation. (Карточки с различными проблемными ситуациями были розданы заранее. Пары составлены с учетом психологической совместимости детей и языкового уровня: один ученик сильнее, другой – слабее. После трехминутного повторения учащиеся драматизируют диалоги и полилоги различных видов: этикетного характера, диалог-расспрос, диалоги-обмены мнениями и информацией, полилоги-побуждение к действию. После выступления участников ролевых игр учитель называет допущенные ошибки, если таковые есть, и оценки)
6) Thank you, children. Now look at the photos of the places you have spoken about. (Учитель показывает фотографии из американских альбомов, ученики узнают достопримечательности и хорошо называют их)
7) So, my friends, imagine, you are really in Washington. Close your eyes, relax and see yourselves near the White House. Listen! (Учащиеся закрывают глаза и слушают запись “America is beautiful” ). Is it great?
Well, you have visited Washington. Let’s play “Asking the way” (учащиеся получают задания, как добраться до того или иного места в Вашингтоне, используя предлоги направления движения). Now let’s summarize the information about it. What sights of Washington do you like most of all and what do you know about them? (2-3 ученика называют понравившиеся достопримечательности и рассказывают о них в монологических высказываниях)
- Well, children, do you want to go to the American capital now?
- Yes, we do.
- Can you recognize the sights of Washington?
- Yes, certainly!
- O.K. I want you to visit Washington some day and see all the sight with your own eyes! Thank you for the lesson and good-bye!
Дополнительные материалы к уроку:
American Holidays
- New Year’s Day – January 1st
- Martin Luther King’s Birthday – January, third Monday
- St. Valentine’s Day – February 14th
- President’s Day – February, third Monday
- February 29th – February 29th
- St. Patrick’s Day – March 17th
- April Full’s Day – April 1st
- Easter – late March or early April
- Memorial Day – May, last Monday
- Mother’s Day – May, one Sunday
- Father’s Day – June, one Sunday
- Flag Day – June, 14th
- Independence Day – July, 14th
- Labour Day – September, first Monday
- Columbus Day – October, second Monday
- Hallowe’en – October 31st
- Veterans’ Day – November 11th
- Thanksgiving – November, fourth Thursday
- Christmas Day – December 25th
- New Year’s Eve – December 31st
The place for the capital was chosen by George Washington. It was he who in 1790 laid the corner-stone of the CAPITOL where the American Congress sits.
Washington has been the federal capital since 1800.
This city is often called the heart of America. It is the place where the federal government works and where each President of the USA lives.
Washington isn’t an industrial city. They say, it doesn’t produce anything except scrap paper.
Washington is smaller in size than the largest cities of the USA, such as New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.
There are sky-scrapers in Washington. The buildings are not high. According to a special law it is forbidden to build houses higher than the Capitol.
White House
The White House is the President’s residence. All American presidents except George Washington lived in the White House. It was built in 1799. It is a two-storeyed white building. In 1814 during the war with England the White House was burnt down. After the war the building was whitewashed because it spoiled the view. Since that time the residence of the American presidents has been always painted white.
The White House consists of 132 rooms and has the most famous address in the United States – 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue.
Open for tours 10.00 am till noon.
Washington monument
The capital of the USA is famous for the Washington monument which looks like a very big pencil. It is one of the most impressive sights in Washington. All the tourists are eager to have a look at it. The Monument was erected in the memory of the first President of the USA in 1888.
It is called “The Pencil” . The monument is one of the highest stone constructions in the world and the highest stone construction in the USA. The Washington Monument is 555 feet high and is hollow inside. A special elevator brings visitors to the top in 70 seconds, from where they can a view of the city.
The National Mall
The National Mall is area between the Capitol and the Washington Monument. We can find a great number of bikeways, footpaths and refreshment stands here.
The Smithsonian Information Centre which is often called “The Castle” is located on the territory of the National Mall. Here we can also find nine of the Smithsonian museums. These scientific and cultural establishments are called Smithsonian in the memory of the Englishman James Smithsonian who was their founder.
The National Gallery of Art
The National Gallery of Art was opened in 1941. It represents rich collections of works of art by the great masters from the 14th to the 19th centuries. It is one of the best pictures galleries in America.
Tourists usually visit the Arlington National Cemetery where President Kennedy is buried. American soldiers and officers who died in World Wars I and II are also buried here.
The building of the Pentagon was built during the Great Patriotic World War. Now it is the US military centre.
The Lincoln Memorial
The Lincoln Memorial is devoted to the sixteenth President of the USA, the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slaves in the USA.
The Lincoln Memorial is a magnificent building which has 36 columns symbolizing 36 states (that was the quantity of the states at the time when Lincoln was the President). Inside the memorial there is a huge statue of Abraham Lincoln.
Thanksgiving Day
The last Thursday in November is a holiday in America – Thanksgiving Day. People go to church. Families come together for the day. They decorate the houses with autumn’s fruits and flowers and eat traditional American food: roast turkey and pumpkin pie. The history of this holiday is like this. In 1620 the first colonists came to America. The life and work there was difficult and full of danger. The first harvest in 1621 was rather good and the colonists decided to thank God for their good harvest and other thongs. The colonists prepares a thanksgiving dinner for all people. It lasted three days. Wild turkeys were on the table. Since then the turkey has become a symbol of Thanksgiving Day.
Christmas Day
This is the biggest holiday of the year. Many people enjoy it most of all and say that this is the main holiday of the year. Soon after Thanksgiving people start sending Christmas cards and decorate their houses. Almost every home has a Christmas tree. The evening before Christmas Day is called Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve many people go to church and sing Christmas carols. The President gives his speech on TV. Parents tell their children that Santa Claus will come to their house at night and leave presents for them.
On Christmas Day people open their presents and then they prepare a traditional dinner of turkey with vegetables, salads, cookies, nuts, sweets and fruit. People eat Christmas dinner late in the afternoon. During the day many families watch special Christmas TV and children play with their new toys.
Использован УМК “Счастливый английский–2” под редакцией Т. Клементьевой.