Развитие навыков аудирования в старших классах на уроках английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели: совершенствовать навыки аудирования в рамках подготовки к ЕГЭ, научить работать с разными видами текстов для аудирования, расширять кругозор в области традиций,обычаев, культуры страны изучаемого языка;развивать навыки прогнозирования, догадки, сравнения, сопоставления.

Ход урока


T. Hello, everybody.  I am very glad to see you.

Речевая зарядка.

T. First of all I would like to tell you what happened to me yesterday in the morning. Hardly, had I left my flat I remembered that I had forgotten my mobile at home. But even I knew it would be necessary for me during the day I didn’t return to take it. Why? Can you guess? Can you explain?

Ответы учащихся: P1, P2, P3.

T. You are right. I’m a superstitious person. I believe if a person returns home to take smth. he has forgotten it can bring him bad luck. That’s why I didn’t return home, I was afraid to have bad luck.

Введение в тему урока.

They say that there are superstitions which bring bad luck and superstitions bring good luck. That’s what we are going to speak today about.

Сравнить в какие разные вещи верят люди в нашей стране и в Британии.

T. Look at the pictures. (a black cat, a ladder, a tree, number 13.) .

Here are pictures showing the most common superstitions in our country. Let’s comment on them.

Ответы  учащихся: P1, P2, P3, P4. ( учащиеся рассказывают о том, что знают об этих поверьях.)

T. Here are some British superstitions.

  1. It is lucky to meet a black cat. Black cats are depicted on many good luck greeting cards and birthday cards in England.
  2. It is lucky to touch wood.
  3. A horseshoe over the door brings good luck but it should be turned upside down.
  4. It is unlucky to walk under a ladder.
  5. The number thirteen is unlucky. Friday the thirteenth is a very unlucky day.
  6. It is seven years bad luck to break a window.

Let’s compare them with superstitions our country. Read the first one. Does it have the same meaning as in our country?

P1. According to the superstition in our country Black cats bring bad luck, but Black cats bring good luck according to the British superstition.

P2. As for the superstition connected with a ladder it has the same meaning as in our country

P3. The superstition connected with number 13 is the most common in our country, it has the same meaning. Etc.

Работа в парах.

T. Do you believe in superstitions? To see which of you is more superstitious you have to work with this questionnaire.

How Superstitious You Are?

  1. Would you sleep in a hotel room numbered 13?
  2. Would you happy to sit for an important exam on Friday 13th?
  3. Have you ever said, “Touch woods”?
  4. Do you ever cross you fingers as a sign of good luck?
  5. If there were a ladder on the pavement, would you avoid walking under it?
  6. How would you feel if a black cat crossed your path just before you went in to take an important exam?

T. Now let’s see which of you is more superstitious.

Аудирование 1

We have spoken a little about superstitions in Britain and in our country. It will be useful for us when we listen to some texts about different superstitions and beliefs.

Now you’ll listen to 4 texts and choose one of 5 sentences (ABCDE) matches each text.

Before listening task:

T. Before listening I’d like you to predict what superstitions will be mentioned in the text. Write at least 3 variants you think will be mentioned in the texts and then we’ll see if you are right.

(учащиеся записывают предполагаемые варианты)

T. Now I’d like to give you some advice how to be successful in listening.

(На доске памятка как выполнять задания на установление соответствия)

  • first of all you have to read all these sentences very attentively in order to remember the gist of the sentences.
  • then think about the key words of these sentences and about synonyms to them. Because in the texts are often used the synonyms of the words given in the task, but not those words.
  • while listening try to catch and remember the sentences, phrases and words which prove that you are right in your choice.
  • Remember that one sentence is extra.
  • You’ll listen to the texts twice.

Учащиеся слушают тексты  и выполняют задания.

Задания к тексту.

You will hear 5 people talking about superstitions. Choose from the list A-E a sentence which matches each speaker.  There is one extra letter.

  1. She believes she is just being sensible.
  2. She became superstitious on a trip abroad.
  3. She disagrees strongly with a particular superstition.
  4. She is only superstitious at work.
  5. She became superstitious after things that really happened.

Тексты для аудирования.

  1. Well I wouldn’t say I was superstitious exactly but there are some things like….er… Well, let’s put it this way; if I see the ladder on the pavement, I tend to avoid it, I must say, but why? Well, hard to say really- whether it’s superstitions or something else, I don’t know. I suspect it’s got something to do with not wanting to get a pot of paint on my head. It’s not really a matter of believing in superstitions, so much as a logical reaction to a particular situation. You see, sometimes there isn’t enough room on the pavement to get under the ladder without knocking it over. So you go round it. It’s only common sense, isn’t it?

  2. As for black cats bringing good or a bad luck, no, I think all that’s superstitious nonsense. I’ve got a lot of cats at home. I’m very fond of cats, you see, and they are always crossing my path; black ones, white ones, all kinds. I think they are lovely animals. I find them very relaxing and I love stroking them. So in that sense I think they do me a lot of good because I live alone. If I see a stray cat looking thin and miserable, I take it in. So the superstition that cats have nine lives is a nonsense.

  3. Well, that’s a good question and I would say normally that no, I’m not, but when you are in the theatre, as I am, there are certain things you tend to avoid. There are more traditions than superstitions. For instance, take MACBETH. In the theatre you are not supposed to say the name of that particular play. If you do people get quite upset.
    you are supposed to refer to it, as you probably know as ‘the Scottish play’. The whole idea …it must go back to when people still believed in witches, you know, in the 16th century. Also people avoid saying ‘good luck’ to each other as they go on stage. We tend to say ‘break a leg’, which is a bit odd when you think about it, but there you go. So, yes on second thoughts I’d say theatre people are quite superstitious, me included.

  4. I’ve always been superstitious I think I always will be. You see, there are some weird things that happened that you have never been able to explain. I remember year ago – must have been about 5 year ago now I recon - a hotel that burnt down for no apparent reason. The papers wrote the next day that the fire had started on the 13th floor and the day was Friday. It wasn’t the 13th but it was Friday. Another thing may be a coincidence but, anyway, the house next to ours collapsed in the earthquake we had and what date was it? The 13th, Friday the 13th. So you see after things like that, just to be on the safe side, I often just stay in bed all day on that day if I can help it Call me superstitious, call me what you like, I’m not taking any chances.

Проверка выполнения заданий

T. Now let’s see what variants have you chosen, which words, phrases prove that your choice is right, check you answers and correct if they are not right. Count how many correct answers you have got.

Ответы учащихся: Р1, Р2, Р3. Варианты ответов (1a, 2c, 3d, 4e.)

T. Now let’s see who has predicted right superstitions. There were superstitions about black cats, ladders, 13 Friday.

Ответы учащихся.

Аудирование 2

Аудирование второго текста с выполнением заданий на выбор альтернативных ответов.

(На доске памятка как выполнять такие задания). Учитель комментирует.

T. While listening to the text you have to understand if the information in the statements given in the task true , false or not mentioned in the text. You have alternatives.


  1. Zeus met Europa at the seacoast.
  2. Zeus was the most powerful of the Olympian gods.
  3. Zeus turned into an animal.
  4. Zeus showed Europa how to do sports.
  5. Zeus took Europa to the capital of Greece.
  6. Zeus and Europa had no children.
  7. Europa’s name was given to the continent.
  8. Cadmus, the brother of Europa, came to Greece trying to find her.
  • Before listening to the text you have to read the sentences in the task in order to understand what topic is touched in the text. Can you tell what the text is about.  Yes, this is the myth about God Zeus. In distant past people believed more in different gods than in superstitions.
  • Now I advice you  to read the sentences very attentively paying attention to the key words and think about the synonyms to these words and about their definitions. Because in the text are usually used not the words from the sentences but their definitions.
  • Remember that you have to make choice only according to the information given in the text, but not because you know some information about it from your previous experience
  • Remember that these sentences are in logical order according to the information following in the text.

Учащиеся слушают текст и выполняют задания.


The beautiful Europa was among the young women Zeus fell in love with. She was playing with her friends on the shore when Zeus saw her. Europe was beautiful. Her charms made the father of gods and men fall in love with her. In order to get near Europe Zeus transformed himself into a white ball and went and lay at the girl’s feet. As Europa took courage, she began to sport with the bull. But as soon as she sat on his back he ran to the sea and plunged into the water. She cried for help in vain. The bull swam further and further from the shore. Europa took hold of the horns to keep from falling off and in that way they reached Crete. Zeus and Europa had three sons. Europa stayed at Crete, married its King, who adopted her children and gave her name to the continent. The bull whose shape Zeus assumed rose to heaven and became the well –known constellation of Taurus in the Zodiac cycle.

T. now let’s see how many points you have got. These are the right variants, check and cross those which are not right. (1T, 2N.M, 3T, 4F, 5F, 6F, 7T, 8N.M.)

Аудирование 3

T. The task to the next text is connected with multiple choice. Open your books at page 52. Look at the picture and through the sentences of the task and say what the text is about Whom can you see in this picture?

Ответы учащихся ( a bride and a groom)

T. Which words tell us about the topic of the text?

Ответы учащихся (wedding, bridal.)

T. So, what is the text about?

Ответы учащихся (about wedding superstitions)

T. The picture and the words help us to understand it. Now your task is to understand in the text as much information as possible and then to choose the right option to complete the sentences of the task.

На доске памятка как правильно выполнять такие задания. Учитель комментирует..

T. Read the sentences and the options, paying attention to the main words and think about the synonyms to these words. For example; let’s see the word (bridal array) - the option under the letter C in the first sentence and think about the synonyms to the word ARRAY (the synonyms are DRESS, CLOTHES, OUTFIT).

  1. A superstitious bride is not supposed to wear the — before the wedding.
    1. bridal veil
    2. wedding dress and accessories
    3. whole of her bridal array
  2. A superstitious bride does her best not to — the wedding.
    1. see herself fully prepared for
    2. look at herself in the mirror before
    3. try on her wedding gown before
  • Remember not to choose the option only because you have heard the word or the phrase in the text, you have to analyze the information. 
  • Choose the option only according to the information given in the text.
  • Remember that sentences are given in a logical order.

Учащиеся дважды прослушивают текст и выбирают варианты.


Are you superstitious person? Even if you are not yourself, you will probably be able to sympathize with those bride and groom who are determined to do everything right in hope that it will bring them good luck in their married life.
It is considered unlucky for the bride to put on the whole of her bridal outfit before wedding. So when the bride tries on her dress, veil and other accessories, she should do it in sections, never all at once. Some brides even leave part of the dress unfinished so that it could be done on the wedding day. More than that, the bride would not look at herself fully dressed in the wedding gown in a mirror. Why not? It is believed that if she does, this may cause something to happen that will prevent the marriage.
The bride and groom traditionally avoid seeing each other on the morning of the wedding day. Perhaps this superstition originated in the time of arranged marriages. The father of the bride may have been afraid that the groom would change his mind if his bride was not to his liking. So the groom was supposed to see his bride only at the actual wedding ceremony.
On the way to the wedding, some sights and events are considered lucky for the bride and groom. Others are thought to be very bad for their happiness. The bride is expected to leave her house out the front door and step right boot first. If the sun shines on her or she sees a rainbow, it is a sign of good luck. Meeting a black cat, a chimney sweep, or an elephant is also fortunate.
On the other hand it is an unlucky sight a pig running across the road. The worst of all omens is to meet or even to see a funeral procession. Death is also foretold if the horse or the car refuses to start.

Проверка выполнения задания.

T. Let’s see your variants and see if you are right or wrong

These are right options: 1A, 2C, 3E, 4F.

Подведение итогов урока.


    1. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. Английский язык. 10 класс. Student’s Book. М., Просвещение, 2007.
    2. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. Английский язык. 10 класс. Teacher’s Book. М., Просвещение, 2007.
    3. Prodromou, Luke. First Certificate Star. Student’s Book. Macmillan, Heinemann, 2006.
    4. Prodromou, Luke. First Certificate Star. Teacher’s Book. Macmillan, Heinemann, 2006.