Система уроков по истории Великобритании "Кельты, кто они?", "Римляне в Британии"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Урок 1

Цели и задачи урока Who were the Celts:

  • развитие исторических и лингвистических знаний.
  • чтение с извлечением информации (аналитическое чтение)
  • воспитание ценностного отношения к культуре и истории страны изучаемого языка.
  • развитие самостоятельного анализа предлагаемой информации.
  • расширение кругозора учащихся по страноведению.
  • повышение уровня компетентности учащихся в использовании ИКТ.

Оборудование: АРМ, учителя, мультимедийный проектор, экран, раздаточный материал.

Этапы урока:

  1. Организационный момент (цели и задачи урока).
  2. Изучение нового материала.
  3. Закрепление знаний (фронтальная беседа, обсуждение).
  4. Домашнее задание.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент ( пояснение цели и структуры занятия, формы его проведения).

2. Введение в тему.

  • Введение новой лексики.

  • Аналитическое чтение текста “ The Celts- the forgotten people”
  • Этот этап урока сопровождается видеопрезентацией. (рис.1-6).

The Celts — the forgotten people?

One town - with two names: the name at the top is English, the other one is Welsh. Today road signs and many other public notices in Wales are usually in both languages. The Welsh are proud of their language even if only one fifth of the people still speak it. They are trying hard to keep their language alive. That is why all children learn Welsh at school. There are, of course, radio and TV programmes in Welsh, too. Welsh is one of the Celtic languages.

Who were the Celts?

A long time ago the Celts lived in many parts of Europe and they were so powerful that even the Romans were afraid of them. You won't find much about them in history books. In fact, the two most popular Celts, Asterix and Obelix, are only cartoon characters! About 2,600 years ago some Celtic tribes came across the Channel from Europe. One of them, is the Britons, made new homes all over the island and gave it its name: Britain. Another famous one arrived later - the Scots.

3. Актуализация знаний.

  1. Вопросы.
    1. What language do the Welsh speak?
    2. What do they do to keep their language alive?
    3. Where did the Celts come from?
    4. What Celtic tribes did you get to know?
    5. How did Britain get its name?
  1. Заполнение таблицы - What else do we know about Celts.
The Celts lived in a lot of small tribes, called clans, because they used iron ploughs and were able to grow a lot of food.
Many other peoples went hungry in those days. But not the Celts, but also many things made of gold or silver
They produced not only iron weapons and so there was never one strong Celtic king and one Celtic army.
They had gold coins at a time but we don't know anything about their songs. They didn't write them down.
The Celts liked music very much when most of the other peoples in Europe didn't know what money was.

4. Аудирование

-“ What happened to the Celts? Ученики слушают текст 2 раза и отвечают письменно на вопрос- What happened to the Celts?


What happened to them?

30 The great days of the Celts were over too soon: about 2,000 years ago the Romans conquered Britain and killed the most powerful Celtic leaders. In the 5th and 6th centuries most of the Celts became Christians. About 100 years later Celts from 35 Ireland brought Christianity to the Germans and other European peoples. When the Angles and Saxons conquered Britain, many Celts fled into the Welsh hills, others to Cornwall, to Scotland and even to Brittany in France.

5. Домашнее задание: ответить на вопросы заданные в начале урока письменно.

Урок 2 “ The Romans in Britain”.

Цели и задачи урока:

  • развитие исторических и лингвистических знаний.
  • чтение с извлечением информации (аналитическое чтение)
  • воспитание ценностного отношения к культуре и истории страны изучаемого языка.
  • развитие самостоятельного анализа предлагаемой информации.
  • расширение кругозора учащихся по страноведению.
  • повышение уровня компетентности учащихся в использовании ИКТ.

Оборудование: АРМ, учителя, мультимедийный проектор, экран, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент. ( Пояснение цели и структуры занятия, формы его проведения).

2. Контроль домашней работы.

3. Введение в новую тему.

  1. Отработка в устной речи географических названий и имён собственных.

  1. Аналитическое чтение текста “ The Romans in Britain. Traces of Roman rule in Britain”.Этот этап урока сопровождается видеопрезентацией. (Рис.7-10).

The Romans in Britain.

In 55 BC Julius Caesar and about 8000 Roman soldiers landed in Kent. They only stayed for a few days. One year later Caesar came back to Britain, with more soldiers this time. But the Celtic tribes were too strong, so the Romans were not able to conquer the island. Claudius was more successful about 100 years later. That was the beginning of Roman rule over England and Wales for nearly 400 years. In those years the Romans left behind what we call Britain.

Traces of Roman rule in Britain.

Hadrian’s Wall in the North of England: It was 73 miles long, 18 feet high and 8 feet thick. It had 80 castles, and towers every 540 yards. The Romans built it because wild Celtic tribes from the north attacked the 15000 Romans again and again.

4. Актуализация знаний.

  1. Write questions to the sentences:

The Romans landed in Kent in 55 BC.

Claudius conquered Britain.

The Romans built Hadrian’s Wall to protect from the Celtic attacks.

There are a lot of roads in Britain built by the Romans.

  1. Самостоятельная работа учащихся с раздаточным материалом. Они переводят латинские слова на английский язык.

The Romans spoke Latin. This language was so important that even today pupils learn it at school, not only in Britain but in Germany.


5. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.

6. Домашнее задание: подготовить презентацию о Римлянах.