Разработка урока английского языка в 10-м классе по теме: "Цивилизация и прогресс"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • усвоить и пополнить лексический объем языка по теме;
  • совершенствовать процесс коммуникативного обучения английскому языку.

Задачи урока:

Обеспечивать первичную отработку лексики по теме: “Изучение прошлого”.

Совершенствовать речевое умение с использованием модели говорения “от чтения текста к последующему обсуждению на основе предложенных  упражнений на понимание содержания прочитанного”.

Формировать умение правильного использования слов с близким значением.

Развивать умение на слух воспринимать и воспроизводить прослушанную  информацию.

Познакомить учащихся с употреблением модальных глаголов, выражающих степени вероятности в прошлом.

Развивать умение вести короткие диалоги с правильным использованием  выражений с глаголами “to do | to make”

План урока:

  1. Организация класса.
  2. Обучение лексической стороне речи.
  3. Совершенствование основных коммуникативных явлений (чтение, аудирование, говорение).
  4. Формирование умения распознавать слова с одинаковым значением.
  5. Совершенствование навыков в письменной речи.
  6. Обучеие грамматической стороне речи.

Ход урока

I. Организация класса.

Сообщение целей, задач и плана работы на уроке.

II. Обучение лексической стороне речи.

Ознакомление учащихся с новыми лексическими единицами / словосочетаниями по теме:

Evidence – свидетельство
Rugged lands – суровые земли
Rhinoceros tusk – бивень мамонта
Glacial times – время оледенения
Hemisphere – полушарие
Entombed – погребен
Via – через
Artifact – артефакт, предмет материальной культуры

III. Совершенствование основных коммуникативных явлений:

Совершенствование навыков чтения:

Read the article and check your guesses

New evidence found by Russian archaeologists suggests that humans may have lived in the rugged lands of Arctic Siberia much earlier than previously thought. The discovery of central hunting tools along the Yana River in central Siberia has added at least another 15,000 tears to the previous date. Human occupation of this area could now go as far back as 30,000 years ago.

Dr Vladimir Pitulko of St Petersburg led a team of scientists who discovered the site. Uncovered were stone and ivory tools which included spear tips made of rhinoceros horn and mammoth tusk. The surprise findings indicate that humans were able to survive in harsh conditions during glacial times in this particular part of Siberia while the east of the Northern Hemisphere was entombed in ice.

Scientists are also trying to make connections between the existence of these humans in Siberia and the Clovis who are considered the first humans in North America. The similarity of the tools found in both areas suggests the possibility that at some point the people in Siberia made their way across from Asia to the Americas. Some scientists see this as evidence to explain the peopling of the Americas via Bering Land Bridge.

Read the text again and decide whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F)




1 Archaeologists found traces of ancient people in the South of Siberia.    
2 The hunting tools of prehistoric people were made of bronze.    
3 The discovery suggests that people lived in Siberia much earlier than previously thought.    
4 The first humans were not able to live in really harsh conditions.    
5 The discovery will help scientists understand how Americans continents became inhabited.    
6 The first inhabitants of north America might have come from Siberia.

IV. Распознавание слов с одинаковым значением:

Match the words that are close in meaning with the correct definitions:


Invention (1) or

discovery (2)?

  1. the process of learning something that was not known before, or of finding something that was missing or hidden
  2. a machine, tool, or system that someone has made, designed, or thought of for the first time

Tools (1) or

appliances (2)?

  1. machines or pieces of equipment that you have in your home, for example a washing machine or refrigerator
  2. pieces of equipment, usually ones you hold in your hand that are designed to do a particular type of work

Investigation (1)

or research (2)?

  1. the detailed study of something in order to discover new facts, especially in a university or scientific institution
  2. the process of trying to find out all the details or facts about something in order to discover who or what caused it or how it happened

V. Совершенствование письменной речи:

– Choose three expressions from the three columns and write a sentence using do or make:

a discovery one’s best someone’s homework
a telephone call nothing the washing up
research a mess noise
an effort plans a decision
good a cup of tea an excellent job
maths a mistake harm
the cooking some work  
your hair an exercise

VI. Обучение аудированию:

Listen to the short dialogues and fill in the missing expressions with do and make:

1 – Oh, this table is so uncomfortable!
– It is a traditional country table. My great-grandfather … then he built the house.

2 – Shall I help you in the garden?
– Yes, please, I’d like you…

3 – I’ll …
– Oh, no, thanks, but I’d like some coffee, please

4 – Do you like the place you’re staying at?
– Not very much, actually. There’s … around here – it’s really boring.

5 – Have you … yet?
– No, actually, I’ve decided to … first.

6 – Does anyone help you with the housework?
– Yes, a man comes in once a week…

7 – Let me help you …
– No, that’s all right. We’ve got a dishwasher.

8 – What’s going on? Could you please stop …
– I’m terribly sorry, but we’re preparing for  tomorrow’s performance.

9 – Remember … before you leave for school!
– I will.

10 – I feel terrible because he was so rude to me yesterday.
– Calm down! You’re … . You’re just being  oversensitive!

– Work in pairs. Try to dramatize these short dialogues

VII. Обучение грамматической стороне:

Let’s take grammar material: modal verbs – expressing degrees of probability in the past:

may / might
can / could
can’t / couldn’t

to say if something was true, probable, possible or impossible in the past.

People must have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times. Должно быть, люди жили в Сибири в доисторическое время You are absolutely certain that something is true. 99%
People may / might have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times. Вероятно, люди жили в Сибири в доисторическое время You think something has a good possibility of being true. 50%
People can / could have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times. Возможно, люди жили в Сибири в доисторическое время There is a possibility that something is true.

NB: This form is not as strong as might or may.

People can’t / couldn’t have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times. Не может быть, чтобы люди жили в Сибири в доисторическое время You are absolutely certain that something is NOT true. 0%

Use must, may / might, can / could or can’t / couldn’t plus the correct form of the verb in these sentences.

  1. Where was Peter yesterday? He … (be) at school. The school year started a week ago.
  2. I’m absolutely sure! They … (arrive) yesterday. I saw their tickets.
  3. The course … (begin) on the fifth of September but I’m not so certain about it.
  4. Are you joking! Nick … (go) to Moscow last week. He’s supposed to be at work now.
  5. They … (come from) London, but I’m not sure.
  6. We … (take) the wrong turn. We should be there by now.
  7. They … (miss) their train. Otherwise they would be here by now.
  8. It … (be) Masha who answered the phone because she’s away.
  9. I can’t find my cat anywhere. She … (get out) through the window.

The opening is too small.

Homework :

Mini project: Discovering ancient civilizations

Topics: Ancient people in Russia, Ancient China, Celtic art, Excavation in Troya, Have all people originated from Africa?