"Разговор". Подготовка к сдаче ЕГЭ

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: урок применения знаний и умений.

Обучающие цели:

  1. Развитие умений владения английской речью в монологическом высказывании и при составлении диалогов.
  2. Совершенствование навыков составления вопросительных предложений.
  3. Совершенствование навыков чтения короткого текста с целью извлечения основного содержания.

Воспитательные цели:

  1. Развитие навыков коллективного труда.
  2. Развитие навыков внимательного, толерантного отношения к собеседнику.
  3. Развитие культуры ведения диалогической речи.

Развивающие цели: Развитие активности, коммуникабельности, инициативы.

Цели социализации: развитие умений эмоционально и уверенно проигрывать диалоги, высказывать своё мнение при наличии большой аудитории слушателей.

Методы обучения: имитационный, побуждающе-поисковый, методы стимулирования и мотивации.

Средства обучения:

  • предметные: компьютер, проектор, экран;
  • практические: образцы диалогов, план пересказа текста, опоры для монологического высказывания, речевые образцы для диалогического высказывания;
  • интеллектуальные средства: синтез, анализ, сравнение;
  • эмоциональные средства: интерес, удовлетворение, комфортные условия общения.

Speaking. Preparing for exams

10th–11th Form

“Where there is a will there is a way” (proverb).

The aims of our lesson are:

1. to develop the skills of speaking, the skills of communication.

2. to develop imaginative and creative skills.

3. to learn to be attentive, tolerant, polite.

Warm – up

1) Read these ideas about friendship and say if you agree or disagree. Give your arguments.

  1. Friends are people to have fun with.
  2. Friends have no secrets from each other.
  3. It’s a bad idea to have friends who are too close.
  4. You can’t be a close friend with someone in your family.
  5. The more friends you have, the better


2) Shopping.

  1. What’s the _1_ of your mangoes?
  2. Eighty pence one. How _2_ mangoes _3_you like?
  3. I’ll take six, please. And _4_ sugar.
  4. How _5_ sugar?
  5. A small packet, please. How _6_ are the bananas?
  6. Two pounds _7_ kilo. They are excellent.
  7. Yes, but they are too_8_ . I can’t _9_ them.
  8. Is that all or would you like _10_ else?
  9. That’s all. Thank you.

3) Let’s listen to the dialogues you have prepared for the lesson.

  1. Telephone conversation.
  2. You are looking for a new apartment.
  3. At the department store.
  4. A terrible day.

4) I suggest you to read the short story “Hooligan”.

Your task is:

- to ask questions to the text,

- to retell it according to the plan:

  • the title,
  • the author,
  • the content: the story is about…,
  • according to the text…,
  • the conclusion: the author comes to the conclusion that…,
  • my opinion: I found the text interesting (important, of no use, hard to understand).


In 1890 there lived in London a man whose name was Hooligan. He behaved so badly that soon everybody in London knew him and talked about him. When somebody began to behave badly people said, “Oh, he behaves like Hooligan!” So a new word was born. You can find this word not only in English but also in other languages nowadays. It means “a person who makes disturbances in the streets and other public places

5) Picture story “The Enterprising Barman.

First picture.

1 .Where is the scene set?

2. Are there many customers in the bar?

3. Where are all the customers looking?

4. What can they see through the door?

5. It is raining hard, isn’t it?

6. Can the customers go out in such weather?

7. The barman is not displeased with the weather, is he?

8. Have the people been sitting in the bar long, do you think?

Second picture.

  1. What is the woman holding in her hand?
  2. Is she watering some flowers?
  3. The weather isn’t so bad after all, is it?
  4. The woman is enjoying he joke, isn’t she?
  5. Is it in the interests of the bar owner to keep the customers in as long as possible?

What would you do if you found yourself involved in a situation like that shown in the picture?

Make up your own ending for this story.

6) Try to make different questions.

Make questions to find out the following information.

  1. The subject that Mr. Smith teaches. (What)
  2. John’s way of spending his free time. (How)
  3. The departure time of the next bus. (What time)
  4. The languages that Mary learns at school. (What languages)

Make some “follow-up” questions.

  1. Nick often misses school. (How often)
  2. George plays pop music. (What instrument)
  3. Ann’s sister goes to evening classes. (How often)

7) You are to talk about:

- traveling:

  • your future profession,
  • studying a foreign language,
  • reading,
  • watching TV.

8) Let’s review the following speech patterns. Таблица

9) I hope you will be able to compose and act out some dialogues. Follow the tasks on the cards (см. Приложение 1).

  1. You want to have a new computer.
  2. Helping about the house.
  3. You want to go to another town.
  4. You want to book a room at a hotel.
  5. School emblems on the T-shirts.

10) Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Пока она гладила брюки, он слушал радио. Новости были интересными.
  2. Мы не могли пересечь речку в этом месте. Новый мост через неё всё ещё строился.
  3. Какой прекрасный свитер! Где ты его приобрела? – Мне его подарили на день рождения.
  4. В этой книге прекрасные иллюстрации, они были сделаны молодым и талантливым художником.
  5. Мы наблюдали, как дети наряжали ёлку.
  6. Когда я пришёл в университет, то обнаружил, что профессор заболел.
  7. Спасибо за сведения, которые Вы мне принесли, я их использую в своей работе.
  8. Интересно, что это строится в центре города? – Это ещё один ночной клуб.

11) Conclusion.

“Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it”. Samuel Johnson (England, 1709-1784).

I wish you always knew where to get information and how to use it properly.


  1. Абиева Н.А. ЕГЭ. Английский язык: Раздаточный материал тренировочных тестов.  Спб: Тригон, 2005. 120 с.
  2. Афанасьева О.В. “What or That?” М., Издательский центр “ACADEMIA”, 1995. 176 с.
  3. Балк Е.А. Занимательный урок: Сб. доп. Материалов. М, изд-во НЦЭНАС, 2001. 128 с.
  4. Белинская Н.В. Английский язык. Подготовка к ЕГЭ-2009. Вступительные испытания. Ростов-на-Дону: Легион, 2008. 256 с.
  5. Гроза О.Л. New Millennium English: учебник англ. Яз. Для 11-й кл Обнинск: Титул, 2005. 129 с.
  6. Калмина Н.И. “Иду на урок”. Омск: К17. ООИПКРО, 2002. 31 с.
  7. Киреева Т. “Preparing for Exams”, журнал “Английский язык”, издательский дом “Первое сентября”, № 1- 2009 г., с. 21.
  8. Клементьева Т.Б. “Счастливый английский”. Кн. 2 для 7–9-й кл.- Обнинск: Титул, 1998. 448 с.
  9. Этлин А. “Английская грамматика для общения”. Изд-во “Павлин”, М, 1993 г.


Dialogue “You want to book a room at a hotel.

Ask the clerk about:

  • room facilities;
  • price;
  • if meals are included;
  • leisure programme.

Dialogue “You are finishing school and your class decided to order T- shirts with the school emblem”.

Phone a firm and ask about:

  • the price of T-shirts;
  • the price of emblems;
  • the size of emblems;
  • the size of delivery;
  • if different sizes are available.

Dialogue “You want to nave a new computer table“.

Phone a furniture shop and find out:

  • whether they have computer tables;
  • what sizes and colours they have;
  • whether the prices are suitable for you;
  • how much delivery is;
  • when they can deliver vow table. Dialogue “You warn to go to another town “. Call the information service to ask about:
  • what means of transport you can use;
  • what fares are;
  • departure time;
  • if there is first / business/ economic class tickets;
  • if you can order any ticket now by phone.

Dialogue “Helping about the house”.

Discuss the following options and choose the one you both like:

  • cooking;
  • tidying up; washing clothes;
  • ironing;
  • shopping.