Открытый урок по английском языку на тему "Welcome to London"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. учебная – систематизировать и обобщить знания по теме “Great Britain”; ввести лексику по теме “London is the capital of Great Britain”; обучать студентов отвечать на вопросы по теме на основе услышанного материала; обучать воспринимать иноязычную речь на слух; ознакомить с достопримечательностями Лондона.
  2. развивающая – развивать навыки монологической речи и навыки работы в группе; развивать навыки взаимоконтроля; развивать навыки аудирования; развивать языковую догадку.
  3. воспитательная – прививать студентам интерес к стране изучаемого языка, её традициям, культуре, памятным местам; расширять страноведческие знания у студентов в рамках изучения учебной дисциплины «Английский язык».

Вид занятия: комбинированное.

Тип занятия: комбинированный урок.

Методы обучения: объяснительно-иллюстративный, частично-поисковый.

Наглядные пособия и раздаточный материал: карта Великобритании (на экране), карточки с активной лексикой урока.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор для демонстрации слайдов в программе Power Point, компьютер, CD-R диск с фильмом о Лондоне на английском языке.

Ход занятия

1. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, gays!
Students: Good morning, teacher! (Студенты стоя приветствуют преподавателя).
T: Take your seats, please.
A talk with the monitor:
T: Tell me, please, who is on duty today?
M: I’m on duty today.
T: Tell us, please, what day is it today?
M: Today is the …
T: And who is absent today?
M: Today all are present.
T: Thank you. Sit down, please.
So, gays, tell me how are you? How are you getting on? (обращение к нескольким студентам; отработка речевых конструкций)
S: I’m OK.
I’m all right.
T: So, as you are in a good mood, I suggest you making a trip to London. During this trip you’ll get acquainted with the capital of the UK and Northern Ireland, have a look at the main sights and learn some facts about different places of interest in London. (Перевести цель занятия на русский язык).

Приложение 1

Open your copy-books and write down the date and the theme of our lesson “Welcome to London”

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

But before we start on journey, we should revise our active vocabulary. And at first let’s train our tongues and recollect how we pronounce the following words and their meanings. Please, look at the screen and repeat after me:
capital – столица
palace – дворец
Trafalgar Square – Трафальгарская площадь
Admiral Nelson – адмирал Нельсон
country – страна
London – Лондон
Buckingham Palace – Букингемский дворец
industrial – промышленный
Tower Bridge – Тауэрский мост
the Tower of London – Лондонский Тауэр
the Houses of Parliament – здание английского парламента
Westminster – Вестминстер
centre – центр
the West End – Вест Энд
the East End – Ист Энд
the Thames – Темза
Now read these words one by one.

Приложение 2

3. Проверка домашнего задания.

3a (этап) – T: So, it’s high time now to check your home task. By the way, what were you to do for this day?
S: We were to answer the questions to the text which is called “Great Britain”.
T: Very nice, thanks. Well, I need two persons for checking it. Let it be …
take these sheets of papers and write down here the answers to the questions and the two of you, let it be … will check your works and give their own marks. (развитие навыков взаимоконтроля).
3b (этап) – And when you are busy with this task, the rest of you will try to refresh the main facts about Great Britain which you got from the text.
Well, take these cards; look at them, the task is “Finish the sentences and show to us where this place we are talking about is”.)

  1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated …
  2. Great Britain consists of four parts: ...................................................................................
  3. The capital of the Unit­ed Kingdom is................................................................................
  4. The most im­portant rivers in the United Kingdom are.......................................................
  5. The most famous educational centres are...........................................................................
  6. The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is.......................................................
  7. The British Parliament consists of two chambers:.............................................................

Приложение 3

T: OK, it will be enough. You were so active, thank you. Please, give me back the cards and the sheets of papers those who had individual tasks.

4. Основная часть урока.

4a (этап) – развитие навыков аудирования (введение нового материала)
T: By the way, recently I’ve received a video-letter from my former group mate. After graduating from the university she went to the Great Britain and now she has been living in London for a year. Sometimes
she writes or phones me. And I’d like to present for you a piece of this video-letter. Look at the screen, please, and try to remember the main places of interest in London which are mentioned in the film.

4b (этап) – обсуждение увиденного и развитие навыков монологической речи в презентации достопримечательностей
T: Well, gays, did you like it?
S 1: Oh, I liked it very much. London is a very beautiful city.
S 2: As for me, I enjoyed it greatly. It was very interesting.
T: So, let’s remember what your task was.
S: We were to remember the main places of interest in London which were mentioned in the film.
T: Good! Let’s name them.
S 1: the Thames, Tower Bridge.
S 2: Big Ben, the East End.
T: Yes, you are quite right. Well, let’s continue our trip and learn a little more about these sights.
Some of you had an individual home task. They were to act as guides and present a piece of information about several sights of London. But remember that you should finish your presentation with the question concerning the sight you present. Let’s listen to the first speaker.
S 1: The River Thames is a large river in England. It goes through London the capital city of the United Kingdom. The Thames divides London into two parts. The Thames is 346 kilometers long, and its source is near the village of Kemble in the Cotswolds. At London, the water is slightly salty with sea salt. London is proud of its bridges across the Thames. There are more than 15 of them, such as Tower Bridge, London Bridge and Westminster Bridge.
How many parts does the Thames divide London into?

Приложение 4

S 2: Tower Bridge is a bridge in London. It crosses the River Thames near the Tower of London. If large boats need to sail under Tower Bridge, the two halves of the bridge lift up to let it under. Many people come to London to see the Tower Bridge. The Tower Bridge is the world's most famous and recognizable bascule bridge (подъёмный мост).
Which is the only London Bridge that can be raised?

Приложение 5

S 3: Big Ben is the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster also known as the Houses of Parliament. The present Clock came into service in 1859. The clock bell is called Big Ben after Sir Benjamin Hall. Sir Benjamin was a big man. It is the world’s largest four-faced chiming clock. The bell weights about 13 tons. Big Ben is one of London's best-known landmarks.
How much does the bell of Big Ben weight?

Приложение 6

S 4: The East End is an industrial and the poorest district of London. There are no parks or gardens in the East End and you can’t see many fine houses there. There are a lot of factories, workshops and docks there. The streets are narrow, the buildings are unimpressive. The East End is densely populated by working class families.
Сергеева Е. В. 218-169-602
The citizens of the East End proudly call themselves “cockney” that means “a true Londoner”.
How do the citizens of the East End proudly call themselves?

Приложение 7

5. Активизация и закрепление лексических навыков по теме.

5a (этап) – pair work
T: There is no doubt it’s very nice to travel somewhere and visit different countries. But nevertheless while traveling we miss our home. That’s why let’s recollect some English proverbs about the house. You‘ll do it in pairs. You get an envelope with the pieces of paper where the words from a certain proverb
are written. Make a sentence from these pieces and find the Russian equivalent to this proverb. (2 пары студентов получают индивидуальное задание)

Приложение 8

5b (этап) – развитие навыков чтения и перевода текста
T: While they are busy with their task, I offer you to read and translate a text which is called “London” and then name the sights which were not mentioned in the film.
Please, read the first part:

Part 1
London is the capital of Great Britain. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. Its pop­ulation is about 8 million.
London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old. Tra­ditionally it is divided into several parts, the City, West­minster, the West End and the East End.

T: Thanks. Look at the screen now and get acquainted with these sights.

Приложение 9

T: Then the second part:

S 2: Part 2
The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. There are two places of inter­est in the City: St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London. The Tower of London was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison. Now it's a museum.
Westminster is the aristocratic official part of Lon­don. There are Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives and the Houses of Parliament.
The clock tower of the Houses of Parliament is famous for its big hour bell known as «Big Ben».

Приложение 10

T: the third part:

S 3: Part 3
The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London.
Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of Lon­don; it was named in the memory of Admiral Nelson's victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
The East End is an industrial district of London. There are many factories there.
Сергеева Е. В. 218-169-602
Приложение 11
T: Well, now let’s check what proverbs you have. (Проверяем пословицы)

  • East or West – home is best. (В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше).
  • There is no place like home. (Нет места лучше дома родного).
  • The house shows the owner. (Каков дом, таков и хозяин).
  • My house is my castle. (Мой дом – моя крепость).
  • Home is where the heart is. (Дом там, где сердце).
  • When a man tired of London, he is tired of life (Samuel Johnson). (Если человек устал от Лондона, он устал от жизни).

6. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Now, please, write down your home task, because at the second part of our lesson we are going to make up a project “Symbols of Great Britain”.
So, you are to learn the words and answer the questions to the text, p. 129.

7. Подведение итогов и комментарии оценок.

So, it’s a pity to say that our journey is coming to the end, but nevertheless it was marvelous and great. I’m very pleased with your work. Everyone who answered gets good marks. Thank you so much.
The lesson is over. See you later.

Приложение 12