Урок-проект по теме "О вкусах не спорят"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Дидактическая база урока: иллюстрации различных блюд, учебник English-9, Student’s Book под ред. В.П. Кузовлева.

Техническое оснащение: проектор, компьютер.

Цель: систематизировать знания по теме “Meal”.


  • Учебная:
    стимулировать интерес учащихся к данной теме, активизируя использование изученного лексического материала, и через проектную деятельность, предусматривающую решение конкретно поставленной задачи, показать практическое применение полученных знаний; ознакомить учащихся с особенностями приготовления различных блюд через область кулинарии.
  • Развивающая:
    способствовать развитию памяти, воображения, процессов мыслительной деятельности, творческого мышления и подхода к выполнению поставленной задачи.
  • Воспитательная:
    воспитывать уважение к культуре других стран; учить детей работать в группах, уважая мнение соучастников проекта, проявляя интерес к выполненной работе, и воспринимать дело всей группы как личностно – ориентированную деятельность.

Ход урока

I. Введение

Good morning dear boys and girls! Good morning dear guests!

В начале урока учащийся в костюме повара рассказывают стихотворение “Come to dinner”.

Come to dinner

Come to dinner!
Come to dinner!
Soup, meat and potatoes,
Soup, meat and potatoes.

Учащиеся младших классов в стилизованных костюмах булочки с изюмом, лукового колечка, треугольника с мясом, и блинчика презентуют национальные блюда.

(Учащийся в стилизованном костюме булочки с изюмом)

1. Hello! I’m Mrs.Scone.

I contain some flour, teaspoon baking powder, some butter,
1 cup of milk, some suger and salt, 1 egg and raisins.
I’m baked 20 min. in a hot oven.
I taste wonderful. Enjoy, scones, please.

(Учащийся в стилизованном костюме лукового колечка)

2. Hi! I’m Mr. Onion ring.

I was made from onion and a mixture of 2 eggs.
You should add some milk.
Then I was put into the flour.
I’m cooked very fast in the oil.
You may salt me, if you wish.
I’m very tasty. Enjoy me, please.

(Учащийся в стилизованном костюме треугольника с мясом)

3. Good morning! I’m national Tatar echprochmak.

I contain some paste, chopped meat, some potatoes and onion.
I’m baked 40 min. in a hot oven. I’m very tasty.
You may eat me with tea and milk. Enjoy me, please.

(Учащийся в стилизованном костюме блинчика)

4. Hello! I’m Mrs. Pancake. I’m round and a ruddy cake.

My Russian name is “блинчик”.
I contain some milk, flour, 2 eggs, some salt, sugar and baking powder.
I’m cooked into the hot pan.
Russian people enjoy eating pancakes with sour cream, jam.
My toppings may be chopped meat, curd. I’m tasty.

II. Основная часть

T.: As you see, we have unusual lesson today, because we have a defense of projects. People around the world have different tastes. And there is a nice proverb to begin our lesson:

Слайд 1. Приложение

Tastes differ (О вкусах не спорят)

Some of you will show us their recipes of different dishes. I think you are ready for our lesson. And now let’s do phonetic exercise. Repeat after me the next words

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

На доске написаны наиболее трудные (с точки зрения произношения) слова. Несколько раз учащиеся произносят их хором за учителем, а затем учитель просит одного из учеников прочитать все слова, стирая по одному слову, начиная с первого. Учащиеся читают слова, произнося и то слово, которого уже нет. Таким образом, последний ученик произносит все слова по памяти.

T.: Repeat after me, please!

Слайд 2

chocolate chips
wire rack
baking tray
baking powder
baking soda
rminced beef mayonnaise
scrambled eggs
boiled eggs
fried eggs
to grease
to sift
to slit
to tilt
to heat

2. Речевая разминка.

Т.: And now answer my questions, please!

  1. We already know that Indian people do not eat beef products. Do you know why?
    (Because cows are sacred in India.)
  2. What do American kids usually like to drink?
    (They like to drink diet cola and other soft drink.)
  3. What is the first English meal?
    (The first English meal is breakfast.)
  4. Does English lunch look like our dinner?
    (English lunch doesn’t look like our dinner.Lunch is a quick meal.)
  5. When do the English have dinner in reality?
    (The English have dinner at midday.)
  6. What are the traditional Russian meals?
    ( Okroshka, pancakes, shi, borsch, pelmeni.)
  7. What the difference between English and Russian salad?
    (The English salad is a little different from our salad. You only get the clean green leaves and so-called “salad dressing”, a mixture of oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and mayonnaise, that you may take according to your taste.)

T.: Thank you for your answers. And now the first project.


Учащийся представляет свой проект: “Recipe of American cookies”.

Слайд 3 ,4, 5, 6


T.: Thank you for your project. While the second pupil is preparing and I’d like to give you “Healthy eating test”. It is your chance to take a look at your eating habits and find out weather you are on the right track.

Учащиеся выполняют тест.

Healthy Eating Test

1. How often can you eat at McDonald’s without damaging your health?

a) Once a week
b) Once a month
c) Never.

2. Are all McDonald’s salads low in fat?

a) Yes
b) No.

3. Which is the most important meal of the day?

a) Breakfast
b) Dinner
c) Supper.

4. According to experts, how much water should we drink each day?

a) 1 litre
b) 2 litres
c) 3 litres.

5. Is snacking (eating between meals) good for health?

a) Yes, always
b) No, never
c) It depends upon what you eat.

6. According to doctors, how often should we eat fish?

a) Once a week
b) Twice a week
c) Every day

7. Are only fresh (uncooked) vegetables good for health?

a) Yes
b) No.

8. Is it bad to have bread and pasta for dinner?

a) Yes
b) No

9. What is the key factor in a healthy diet?

a) Variety
b) Moderation
c) Balance
d) All of the above.

10. If you are trying to lose weight, what should you do?

a) Eliminate all fat from your diet
b) Reduce the calories you consume and exercise regularly
c) Skip meals
d) All of the above.

Слайд 7


  1. The correct answer is b. Once a month (sometimes twice) should be okay. A lot of food restaurants offer healthier choices. Try a fruit juice instead of a burger.
  2. The correct answer is a. All salad leaves and vegetables themselves are low in fat but some salad dressing can be high in calories.
  3. The correct answer is a. Do you remember the Russian proverb “Eat your breakfast alone…”? Eating breakfast is the perfect way to start your day. Without breakfast you’ll feel tired and sleepy.
  4. The correct answer is b. But it doesn’t have to be just water. Fruit juice, milk and tea count, too. So do fizzy drinks- but make sure you don’t drink these too often.
  5. The correct answer is c. Healthy snacks such as fresh fruit or vegetables are good for you. Besides, such snacks can also help to prevent you from over eating at your next meal.
  6. The correct answer is b. Doctors say that we should eat fish twice a week.
  7. The correct answer is b. It has been proven that all vegetables – whether they are fresh, frozen or even canned – are good for you.
  8. The correct answer is b. It’s a myth that eating search foods like pasta and bread is bad.
  9. All above (d) is the correct answer!
  10. The correct answer is b.

T.: Thank you for your work. Now the second pupil will tell us his/her recipe.


Второй учащийся представляет свой проект: “Recipe of Hamburger”.

Слайд 8, 9, 10, 11


T.: Thank you very much! So, look at the blackboard, please. There are some proverbs on the blackboard. Read and translate them.

Слайд 12

Учащиеся читают и переводят пословицы:

  • Hear much, speak little. (Ешь пирог с грибами, а язык держи за зубами).
  • The first pancake is always lumpy. (Первый блин комом).
  • Porridge and cabbage soup is but our native food, as the saying goes. (Щи да каша- пища наша).
  • No song, no supper. (Под лежачий камень и вода не течет).
  • First come, first served. (Кто первый встает, тому бог подает)
  • An apple a day keeps a doctor away. (По яблоку в день и доктор не нужен).

T.: Do you know other ones?

Учащиеся называют пословицы о еде:

  • Cheek brings success. (Кто смел, тот и съел).
  • The last piece of meat is especially sweet. (Остатки сладки).
  • Appetite comes with eating. (Аппетит приходит во время еды).
  • Every day brings its bread. (Будет день, будет пища).
  • Еverything is good in its season. (Каждому овощу своё время).
  • Hunger breaks stone wall. (Голод не тетка).
  • A spoon is dear when lunch is near. (Хороша ложка к обеду).

T.: English people like to eat eggs for breakfast 9boiled, fried or scrambled). And now the recipe of scrambled eggs.

P3 …

Учащийся представляет проект: “Recipe of Scrambled eggs”.

Слайд 13, 14, 15, 16


T.: Try and guess the recipe.

Toasts. (Гренки)

  1. Cut a slice of bread.
  2. Put it in the toaster.
  3. Wait a minute. It’s ready
  4. Put the toast on your plate. Put some butter on it. Enjoy it.

Слайд 17

Cereal. (Хлопья)

  1. Open the box.
  2. Put some cereal in your bowl .
  3. Pour on some milk (cold or warm).
  4. Add some sugar. It’s great. Enjoy it.

Слайд 18

Tea. (Чай)

  1. Fill the kettle with the cold water and boil it.
  2. Warm the pot.
  3. Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot.
  4. Pour hot water into the pot. Enjoy it.

T.: Thank you! So the last recipe. The last project.


Учащийся представляет свой проект: “Recipe of Birthday cake”.

Слайд 19, 20, 21. Приложение

T.: Thank you for your job. You are good and talented. Now let us find out who is the best project maker.

III. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание.