Урок по теме "Famous people". 6-й класс, УМК М.З. Биболетовой

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Тема: «Talking about the Famous» в 6-м классе по УМК М.З.  Биболетовой.

Цель: формирование умения делать сообщения об известных людях Великобритании через кодирование информации в схемы и использование подстановочных таблиц.


  • Воспитывать интерес к стране изучаемого языка, уважение к известным людям.
  • Актуализировать лексику к теме, учить делать сообщения по теме.
  • Развивать логическое мышление и память в процессе выполнения подстановочных упражнений.


I часть. Организационный момент

– Hello children. Nice to meet you.

Фонетическая зарядка. Стихотворение.

What are you going to be?
What are you going to be?
I’m going to be a scientist (a sportsman, an opera-singer, an architect, a poet, an actress, an artist, a teacher…)
That’s the life for me.

Режим работы: цепочка У1-У2
Время: 5 минут

I want you to speak about famous British people.

II часть

1. Say what these people are famous for

A. Christie

is famous for

the wonderful colours in his pictures
D. Defoe his novel « Robinson Crusoe»
C. Chaplin his films
J. Turner her detective stories
W. Shakespeare his books «The Hobbit», «the Lord of Ring»
J. Lennon his theory of evolution
M. Twain his songs
J. Tolkien his poems and plays
C. Darwin his books

Режим работы: фронтально.
Время: 5 минут

2. Fill in the gaps. There are two extra words.

are proud of, popular, was fond of, was famous for, admire,  are full of, was born, song

«The Beatles» is the most 1)…...group in rock music history. One of «The Beatles» was John Lennon. He 2)……… in Liverpool in 1940. He 3)…………music. He formed pop group«The Beatles» in 1962. John Lennon was the Beatles’ heart. He 4)………… his songs «Woman», «Imagine», «Yesterday». People 5)…………them. Most of them were about love. British people 6)………him.

Режим работы: в парах.
Время: 7 минут.

1. Speak about famous British people using the box.


J. Turner J. Tolkien C. Darwin
his pictures, in England, nature, for the wonderful colours in his pictures, master of water-colours his books, England, languages, when his books «The Hobbit» and «The Lord of the Ring» were published, an outstanding linguist and writer Scientist, at the beginning of the 19th century, minerals, birds’ eggs insects, after opening his theory of evolution, the author of a new period in the development of science

Режим работы: фронтально
Время: 10 минут

3. Tell your classmates about any famous man or woman you admire. Don’t tell then his/her name. Let your classmates guess who she/he is.

Режим работы: индивидуально.
Время: :5 минут.

Примерный ответ детей:

He is famous for his poems and plays. He was born in England. He was fond of theatre. He became popular as the author of plays «Romeo and Juliet» and «Hamlet». He was called an outstanding poet. British people are proud of him.

4. Guess the riddle.

Режим работы: У1-У2
Время: 5 минут

III часть. Рефлексия

Answer the questions: Whom do you admire? Why?

Режим работы: фронтально.
Время: 3 минуты.

Домашнее задание: Speak about any Russian man or woman whom you admire.