План-конспект открытого урока английского языка в 9-м классе. Тема: "Здоровый образ жизни"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи:

Учебный аспект: систематизировать изученный лексический и грамматический материал (видовременные формы глагола, модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты, условные предложения) в общении; развитие навыков неподготовленной речи; развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции.

Развивающий аспект: повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка; развитие коммуникабельности и познавательной активности; развитие памяти, внимания, логики, цельности высказывания.

Воспитательный аспект: разъяснение учащимся недопустимости курения, употребления алкогольных напитков и принятия наркотиков; дать установку на необходимость ведения здорового образа жизни, его преимуществах по отношению к вредным привычкам.

Оснащение урока:

1. Постеры с изображением антирекламы вредных привычек, влекущих за собой пагубные последствия.

2. Экипировка учащихся.

1. Greeting.

Teacher:Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our TV programme “ Let people speak.” We are so happy to meet you here in our studio.Well, I’m not Mr. Malakhov with his perfect English and tremendous knowledge but I’ll do my best to help the participants of our programme to discuss some important issues cocerning healthy way of living.No doubt, all of them are deeply interested in today’s discussion as they are sure it’s health that comes first. Only healthy people can live and enjoy life, be happy and make others happy.

2. Discussion.

Teacher: So, we are starting the first part of our discussion. What does it mean to be healthy? What should we do to be healthy? To begin with , let’s answer these questions.What is a healthy person as you see it? What is your attitude to having bad habbits? Is it possible to avoid and give up them. Have you ever thought about consequences bad habbits can lead to? Do you agree it is lovely to be healthy?

Students express their points of view.

3. Listening comprehension.

Teacher: I think it’s time to apply to our guests.

Students: Having a rich life experience what can you say about healthy way of living? Which is your point of view? What do you think about it?

Guests exchange their ideas on the problem.

4. Speaking.

Teacher: And now we have a guest in our studio who came with his poblem. He is quite at a loss what to do. His situation is rather serious.He needs our help and asks for a piece of advice.I suppose we can give him some advice and help him to cope with his problem.So, listen to his story.

Student: I’m an extremely rich man’s son. When I was a little boy I was very naughty. I was allowed to do anything I liked. I had everything I wanted to have. My father gave me money without controlling it spending. At first they were expensive toys then beautiful girls and expensive cars.So I got used to wasting money. Nevertheless pretty soon I fed up with everything. I was interested in nothing. The money corrupted me. I was bored. Soon I began smoking. I found it pleasant. Some time later I decided to try beer, then there were stronger drinks. I was often seen in pubs smoking and drinking alcohol. Soon I fed up with it too. I began taking drugs.It was a new feeling to me.I liked it very much.

A few months later I felt that something had gone wrong with my health. I often had head-aches, heart-aches, I began losing my memory i.e. I began forget ing things. One day I looked in the mirror and saw a reflection I was shocked. Instead of a seventeen-year-old boy a guy of forty was looking at me. I was ugly fat and panted. I couldn’t believe my eyes, however it was me. I realized it was the payment for the bad habbits I had. It was only my fault. Now you can see everything with your own eyes. I even can hardly walk.

Teacher: So, ladies and gentlemen? What is the way out of the situation? Any ideas? Any pieces of advice?


Student 1:Well, it’s up to you. You will be healthy again if you have a great desire. Only you yourself will be able to do it. No doubt it will take you a lot of time, it won’t be easy. However if you are strong and enthusiastic about living, you will cope.

Student 2: Well, first of all you should give up taking drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking. They are the most dangerous bad habits people can have. They cause different diseases of brain, heart, blood, lungs. They cause cancer and other incurable diseases. Now you see it from your own sad experience. Your health leaves much to be desired.

Student 3: Well obesity is also a result of a bad habit. It is a result of overeating. You should eat the right food and have meals regularly stop skipping breakfast. Avoid eating high fat food, sweets, cakes, cookies. This food contains too many carbohydrates and their excessive over-use is not good for our health. On the contrary! Try eating the food which is rich in vitamins. Whole-meal bread is also of great use.

Student 4: And one more thing. You should make friends with sport. Take up jogging or swimming to begin with.Sport plays a very important part in our life.It goes without saying it makes us healthy and keeps fit, more organized and better disciplined. So I’m sure, sport must become an essential part of your life.

Student: It seems to me I understood everything. Giving up bad habits, eating the right food, healthy food which is rich in vitamins having the meals regularly, not snacking, not skipping breakfast, sleeping 7 or 8 hours a day, going in for sports. These instructions are so easy to follow.

Teacher: Right you are. So we wish you good luck. We do believe in you, your strong will and remember that it is impossible to buy health for money. One should take care of his health being young and healthy. And do remember! Good health is above wealth.

Student: Don’t forget. You cn’t buy health. It’s the most expensive thing we have. Take care of it. Do follow the simple rules and you won’t have any problems. You’ll be healthy and happy. You”ll have many friends and a good job. Don’t depend on bad habits and their circumstances.Don’t be their slaves.

All together:

Do not smoke!

Don’t drink alcohol!

Never take drugs!

Teacher: Now I’m sure everybody has understood that healthy way of life is important for everybody in order to be healthy and succesful.