Нестандартный урок по английскому языку "В королевстве глагола"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Представлен урок-обобщение грамматического материала, включающий в себя времена: Present, Past, Future(Simple) и Present Progressive.

Цель урока: обобщить грамматический материал по теме: “Времена глагола”(Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple, Future Simple)

Задачи урока:

  • контролировать усвоение языкового материала в разных видах речевой деятельности на базе вышеперечисленных времен глагола;
  • развивать коммуникативные способности учащихся;
  • развивать творческие способности учащихся.

Средства обеспечения урока: тематические картинки, карточки, таблицы, магнитофон.

Урок построен в форме сказки. Все участники – жители сказочного королевства глагола. Ведущий (Teller) выбирается из числа учащихся.

Teller: Boys and girls. Today we invite you to a magic country “The Kingdom of the verb”. The king lives with his 4 daughters in a beautiful palace. But he is not happy. Sh!... The king is coming.

King: Oh! I’m an old king. I have 4 daughters but there are not good friends.

Teller: What a pity! Let’s have a look at the princesses! What are they doing? This is a room of the 1st princess. Her name is Usually.

Usually: I often sit on my room alone. My sisters seldom visit me. I like to play with my cat. My cat is white and brown, It can’t speak. But it always jumps and runs. Sometimes we play hide-and-seek.

Teller: Boys and girl ! Why is the princess’s name “Usually”? Who knows?

Children: Because she speaks in the Present Simple tense.

Teller: Let’s go to another princess. Her name is Now. Morning, Now. What are you doing?

Now: I’m eating. Try to guess “What”?

Children: Are you eating cookies, soup, porridge, etc...sweets?

Now: You are right. I’m eating sweets.

Teller: Who can explain her name?

Children: She is doing everything in the Present Progressive tense.

Teller: This is a room of Yesterday. Listen to.


It was Sunday yesterday.
I got up at 9 o’clock.
I didn’t do my exercises.
I played with my doll,
brushed her teeth,
washed her face and hands.
Then I read her a book.
I didn’t visit my sisters.

Teller: Why is her name Yesterday?

Children: She spoke in the Past Simple tense.


I won’t make my bed.
I won’t eat my breakfast.
I won’t clean my room.
I will go to the Zoo.

Teller: You understand that the princess’s name is…

Chorus: Tomorrow.

She is a naughty girl.

King: (coming again) Oh, my God. I love my daughters but I don’t know what to do. Who can help me?

Fairy: I can help you. But you must do what I say. Pretend you are ill.

King: Oh! I’m ill! I’m dying!

Princesses: Father, Father. Can we help you?

King: Only Fairy can help me but you must do all her tasks together.

Princesses: We agree, we agree.

Fairy: This is my first task: Name the tenses. Help each other!

Один из жителей королевства зачитывает список предложений в разных временах, которые надо назвать по английски(фронтальная работа)

Fairy: Thank you. Now is the 2nd task. Choose regular and irregular verbs. Help your Princess.

2 ученика из класса из общей стопки карточек выбирают правильные и неправильные глаголы.(парная работа)

Fairy: Thank you for the work. The 3rd task. Tell me 3 forms of these verbs.

Назвать 3 формы неправильных глаголов. (фронтальная работа)

Fairy: The 4th task is more difficult. Put in the helping verbs(Do, will, am, are,did) into sentences.

В предложениях пропущены вспомогательные глаголы. Вызывается один житель королевства. После выполнения задания все вместе исправляют ошибки. (Индивидуальная работа)

  1. I…reading a book.
  2. He…get up at 7 o’clock tomorrow.
  3. …you go to school everyday?
  4. They…not writing.
  5. …she watch TV yesterday?

Fairy: Thank you. Prepare for the task 5. You must find mistakes in these sentences.

Это задание выполняют 2 ученика. Можно помогать друг другу.

  1. I am read books every day?
  2. Did he went home?
  3. He are sleeping.
  4. Who live in this house?
  5. Does he likes apples?
  6. She will write not.
  7. We can’t speak English, can’t we?
  8. When you go to school?

Fairy: Thank you. Task 6 is Crossword. Think of the verbs you can put in!

Вставить глаголы, используя определяющее слово “friends” (все желающие по очереди подходят и вписывают слова).

Fairy: Thank you. In the 7th task you must make up sentences.

  1. At, he, yesterday, school, not, was.
  2. You, the, read, will, text?
  3. Her, she, doll, is, with, playing.
  4. They, breakfast, do, at, have, home.

Fairy: Thank you. Now is the most difficult task. Task 8. Ask 5 different questions to the sentences.

На картинках, висящих на доске написаны предложения(комнаты принцесс)

Необходимо задать к ним вопросы, например:

1 картинка: I love my cat, don't I? (работа в парах)

Fairy: You did all my tasks. You Father is healthy again!

King: My dear daughters, I’m happy. You helped each other. You became friends. All tenses are important and everything is good in our kingdom.

Fairy: All is well that ends well.

Сказка завершается песней.


I don’t want you to quarrel.
You are the best in the world.


Present and Past, Future and Now
We all must them know.
2 раза

The end!