Открытый урок по теме "Мир увлечений"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

дидактическая: семантизация новых лексических единиц на уровне слова, предложения и высказывания по теме “Хобби”.

развивающая: развитие способностей к речевому общению на английском языке.

воспитательная: воспитывать учащихся с пользой проводить свободное время.


  • формирование лексических навыков по теме;
  • формирование употребления в речи речевых образцов to be fond of, to be interested in, to be good at;
  • формирование навыков говорения (составление монологического высказывания по опорам).

1. Организационный.момент.

Hello, my dear friends. Good morning my smiling faces, good morning our guests. I’m so happy to see you, and you? Are you happy to see me? Yes? So, and if you are happy to see me and I am happy to see you, let’s say it together “Nice to meet you”

Now let’s start our English lesson and take your seats. At first I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Tatiana Alexandrovna and I’m your English teacher today.

And today we are having an unusuall and a very interesting lesson, because we are having a trip to the planet of free time. We are going to visit 4 stations on this planet.( the station of Mr. Tongue, the station of Mr. Word, the station of the Queen of Grammar and the station of Mrs. Chatterbox)

And the theme of our lesson is “Hobby” But what is it “a hobby”? Please, look at the screen and let’s find the answer to this question. (Слайд 1. Презентация)

Today we are talking about our free time and about our hobbies. And I’d like to know what hobbies you have and what you like doing in your free time. But at first I want to tell you some words about my free time. Please, look at the screen. (Слайд 2)

2. Фонетическая разминка.

And now we start our trip with the station of Mr. Tongue. Let’s make our tongues English. Today we are reading a poem according to our theme, but at first let’s pronounce the most difficult sounds and words from it (слайд 3). Now, repeat the poem after me. I liked your reading and you can get your first magic star. (Слайд 4)

3. Введение лексического материала.

Different people have different hobbies. But what hobbies do they usually have? I am sure you would like to know the names of some of them. Now let’s visit our Mr. Word’s station and learn some new words. Look at the pictures, repeat the words after me, look at their spelling and try to remember them. (Слайд 5–14)

And now Mr. Word wants to check your memory. Let’s play a little. Look at the pictures and find the right word. If you are right you will get the magic stars. (Слайд 15-21)

Now it’s time to turn to the other task. You can see some cards on your desks, please take the first one and try to find the second parts of the words. I’ll show you the example. Look at the screen. And don’t forget about your magic stars. Try to do it as quickly as you can. I’ll give you only 1 minute to do it. When you are ready, please say “Bingo”. Well done! Now let’s check your answers, change your cards with each other and look at the correct words. (Cлайд 22)

I think the next task will be very easy for you. Please, take the second card and find the right definitions of the following words and word combinations. And don’t forget about your magic stars. If you are right you will get them. (Слайд 23)

And now let’s work all together and name these hobbies. (Слайд 24)

Let’s learn to use the new words in sentences. Look at the pictures. What can you tell about these people? Complete the following sentences. Please say what hobbies these people have. (Cлайд 25)

4. Физкультминутка. (Cлайд 26)

    1, 2 - 1, 2, 3 I like boxing look at me.

    1, 2 - 1, 2, 3 I like jumping in the street

    1, 2 - 1, 2, 3 I like dancing look at me

    1, 2 - 1, 2, 3 I like swimming in the sea

Let’return to our theme. All the hobbies can be devided into 4 main categories. (Слайд 27)

Working with computers, watching TV, going to the theatre help us to learn a lot of new things. Collecting things is also a very interesting hobby. People can collect everything they want. Doing things make our life more interesting. But why do people like doing these things? Now I’d like you to answer this question.Take the next card. Choose 3 hobbies you like and make your own sentences with them. Work in pairs please. (Cлайд 28)

5. Введение грамматического материала урока.

Now it’s time to visit the station of the Queen of Grammar. You know we can tell about people’s hobbies in different ways using different structures. Try to remember the ways to do it. (Слайд 29)

To remember these structures better let’s play with the ball.

T: I am fond of sport, and you? What are you fond of?

P: I am fond of....

T: She is fond of.... and what are you interested in? Etc.

And now guys look at the screen and complete the following sentences. (Слайд 30-34)

6. Говорение.

At last it’s time to visit our last station. The station of Mrs.Chatterbox. You know the names of different hobbies, the ways to tell about people’s hobbies and now I want you to tell about your free time using the plan. Listen to the example. (Слайд 35)

Well, now you can tell about your free time and can you tell about your friend’s hobbies? Let’s try to do it. (Слайд 36)

Please, take the next card and ask your friends what they like doing, what they are interested in, what they are fond of. And after that tell us everything you know about your friend’s hobbies.

There are a lot of proverbs about hobbies and work. Proverbs make the language more beautiful.And I want you to work with some of them. (Cлайд 37)

7. Hometask.

To remember the spelling of the new words try to guess this crossword at home. (Слайд 38)

Now our lesson is going to the end and I want to thank everybody. Did you like our lesson? Now you know the names of different hobbies, different grammar structures, you can tell about your hobbies and about your friend’s hobbies. And I enjoyed your work very much and that’s why I’d like to give you these certificates for your excellent work. They may be useful for your portfolios.

Now our lesson is over, good bye.