Открытый урок по английскому языку в 10-м классе по теме "Легко ли быть молодым?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Образовательная: совершенствовать навыки говорения, чтения, аудирования.


  • практиковать учащихся в нахождении соответствий;
  • тренировать учащихся в работе в парах;
  • практиковать учащихся в формулировке выводов.


  • воспитывать чувство толерантности к мнению других людей;
  • воспитывать умение находить выход из сложных жизненных ситуаций.


  • "Конвенция ООН по правам ребенка".
  • Журнал "Speak out" с письмами подростков.


I. Greeting:


Good morning, children! How are you getting on today? I hope you are OK. Let`s begin our lesson. Our theme is "Is it easy to be young?" Well, what are we going to talk about? (the students predictions) . Yes, we are going to talk about young people, their rights, their problems.

II. Oral drill:

Teacher: Everybody has rights, including you.

Can you name the international agreement which has been worked out by the United Nations?

Student1: It`s the UN Convention on the rights of child.

Teacher: Right you are. Why has the UN worked out this document? What was the reason?

S1: To give children rights, to protect children.

Teacher: Yes. Now you can see two dates: 1989 and 1991. What do they mean? (according to the convention)

S2: In 1989 Russia joined the convention. In 1991 Great Britain joined the convention.

Teacher: You are quiet right. And now let`s divide our students into two groups. The first group will read the explanations and the second group will match them with the articles.

All children have the right to non-discriminations.

It is Article 2.

All children should have the rights whatever (несмотря на) their race, sex, language, religion, disability or family background.
All children have the right to name and nationality at birth.

It is Article 7.

All children must get a name when they are born and become a citizen of a particular (определенной страны).
Сhildren have the right to privacy.

It is Article 16.

Nobody can open children`s letters and listen to their phone calls.
Сhildren have the rights to information.

It is Article 16.

Сhildren can get information, especially that would make their life better.
Сhildren have the right to protection.

It is Article 19.

The Government should protect children from harm, cruelty and dangerous drugs.
Сhildren have the right to health and health care.

It is Article 24.

The Government must give children good medical care and try to reduce the number of deaths in childhood.
Сhildren have the right to education and development.

It is Article 28.

School should help children develop their skills, teach them, and prepare for adult`s life.
Сhildren have the right to leisure.

It is Article 31.

Every child should have a chance to rest and play.

Teacher: Well done, children.

III. Being a teenager. What does it mean? Let`s brainstorm the ideas. You can work in pairs or in small groups. Share your ideas. Help your neighbours with grammar and spelling.


(on the one hand) (on the other hand)
1. great fun, exciting, wonderful time 1.very difficult, dangerous, hard time
2. falling in love 2.taking a lot of exams
3 dating 3.overcoming difficulties
4. choosing a career. 4.commiting crimes
5. important decisions 5.problems with parents, teachers,
6. having everything for the first time 6.problems with classmates, friends

(There are two posters with the following words on the blackboard)


IV. Role-play "Psychologists"

Teacher: As far as I know some of you like to read youth magazines. You can find so-called problem pages where you read teens letters, some complains, advice. Today I`ve got three teens letters from the magazine "Speak out". Pretend you are psychologists. Read the letters attentively and give your advice to these teens. You can use key-words and of course your ideas.

Don`t forget to use linking words (on the blackboard: I think, I believe, I suppose, As for me, To my mind, In my opinion, Besides, In addition to that, To sum it up, In conclusion).



Dear psychologists,

My name is Martin. I`m 15. I`ve got many problems at school. In fact, I hate school. I hate doing homework. I don`t feel comfortable with my schoolmates. They call me names (дают прозвища) because I`m too tall and pale.

What should I do ? Please, give me advice.

Bye, Martin.


Try to be tolerant

Do sports, be active

Don`t worry about your appearance (внешность)

Do your best at school

School years fly quickly

Take your problems easy

Try to help somebody else ---- you will be SPECIAL in their eyes.


Dear psychologists,

My name`s Susan. I`m 14. My parents don`t understand me. They think, my favorite music is too loud, my clothes are very strange, my make-up is too bright. No one listens to me! They only grumble (ворчат). I`m fed up with it! (сыт по горло).

What can you advise me?



Key words:

Try to be tolerant

Try to understand your parents, their point of view.

Try to behave (вести себя) like a real adult, not like a little girl.

Help your parents and other people-they will think that you are SPECIAL.

Try to bring up (воспитывать) an elegant taste in clothes.(look at fashion magazines and shows)


Dear psychologists,

My name is Sally, I`m15. My parents don`t allow me to get a part time job. But I really need more pocket money to buy new CDs, computer games and clothes. My parents think that I should take care of my little brother and do my homework. It is so boring! As for me I have enough time to work.

What should I do? Please, give me advice.



Key words:

Try to understand your parents worry about your future and want you to receive a good education first.

Try to behave yourself (вести себя) like a real grown-up person., not a little girl.

Find a compromise

Be tolerant with your parents

Try to persuade (убедить) your parents that you can work once or twice a week

V. Teacher: Remember , every difficult situation has a solution. Some ways to help yourself in troubles. Each group receives advice from real psychologists how to overcome difficulties, how to cope with problems.

Will you read them aloud and another group tries to translate it.

ADVICE 1. Remember, you are a unique. Do not compare yourself with any one else.

ADVICE 2: Do something for someone else. The people you are helping will think you are something special.

ADVICE 3: Keep notes of your problems. You can do it in code if you worry about privacy. By the end of the month , you will see how many problems you really can solve

ADVICE 4: Allow yourself to fail. We do learn from experience. Each failure teaches us something.

ADVICE 5: Work out your own motto. For example, "I am doing my best.", "I am a great person". Repeat it wherever you start feeling blue.

ADVICE 6: If we are broad-minded and tolerant , we can respect different opinions and make the world happier.***

Teacher: Which advice do you like best? Is it useful or useless?

Students answer the teacher`s questions.

VI. Create your own T-shirts with your motto. (for example,

Let`s change the world to the best

Say "no" to drugs (alcohol, cigarettes)

Say "yes" to freedom (piece, love, tolerance, friendship)

Everyone has the right to life (non-discrimination)

Put cigarettes (alcohol, drugs) out of fashion.

Being a teenager means to be happy (to have great fun).

Students create T-shirts with messages and display them on the blackboard. They can choose the best message.

Teacher: Well done, children. At the end of our lesson let us make a conclusion if being a teenager is difficult or not.

Students say their opinions and make a conclusion.

VII. The ending of the lesson.

Teacher: Thank you very much for being so active. You work hard today. And your marks are . Your home task for the next lesson is on the blackboard (p. 44 ex.7, 8). Good bye, children , and I hope your teen years bring you luck. Be happy and enjoy your teens!

*** Советы психологов взяты из открытого урока Мармылева Т. И. "Young people-old problems".