Открытый урок в 7-м классе по теме "Место, где мы живем. Дома и квартиры"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • Развивающая: развивать память, воображение учащихся, развивать умение применять полученные знания в новых ситуациях.
  • Воспитательная: развивать инициативу, самостоятельность, развивать навыки работы в парах и группах, прививать интерес к традициям Великобритании.
  • Образовательная: совершенствовать умения и навыки учащихся в устной речи, аудировании, чтении с извлечением нужной информации.

Оборудование: учебник И.Н. Верещагиной и О.В. Афанасьевой English IV, картинки, карточки с опорными словами, магнитофон.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие, определение темы урока.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to see you. I think you are ready for the lesson. Look at the tables. If you guess the words, you'll learn the subject of our lesson.

So the subject of our lesson is "The Place We Live In. Flats And Houses"

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: I want you to begin our lesson with the poem "Pussy's Flat"

Ученики хором читают стихотворение:

Our Pussy-cat has got a nice flat.
It has a yellow door
And a brown floor.
The walls are white,
All the flat is bright.

3. Повторение лексики по теме.

Teacher: Let's play the game. Imagine what things, what pieces of furniture can be in Pussy's flat and name them. If you call the word which was already mentioned you are out of the game.

4. Речевые упражнения.

1) Описание комнаты.

Teacher: Please, look at this nice picture. This is Pussy's living-room. You can see only the part of the room in the picture. Use your imagination and describe the whole room. Work in groups.

Ученики работают в группах, затем представители каждой группы описывают комнату.

2) Диалоги "My House. My Flat".

Teacher: Pussy lives in a flat. And where do you live? Let's speak about it. Now you are to work in pairs and speak about the places you live in.

Учитель раздаёт учащимся карточки с опорными словами.

In a house or in a flat?


House (flat) comfortable?

Like you house (flat)?

Карточки для слабых учащихся другие:

Do you live in a house or in a flat?

Where is it?

Is your flat (house) comfortable or not?

Do you like your house (flat)?

Ученики работают в парах, затем каждая пара отвечает.

5. Релаксация. Зарядка с использованием движений.

Teacher: Let's relax. Please, stand up. Do exercises.

Hands up, hands aside.
Turn left, turn right.
Hands up, hands down.
Hands on hips, hands down.
Sit down.

6. Аудирование "The House For Sale"

На доске записаны слова с транскрипцией и переводом:

to sell продавать
a reason причина
to need нуждаться
to find находить
a job работа
the toilet туалет
a garage гараж
a cupboard кладовая

Teacher: English people live in flats and in houses. They often sell and buy houses. There are different reasons for it. When families get larger, they need more place. Sometimes people find a new job in other town. Then they sell the old house and buy a new one.

Listen to the dialogue "The House For Sale" and name the rooms of the house.

A. Oh, hello! Are you here about the house?

B. Yes.

A. Come in.Well, this is the hall.

B. It's big.

A. There are 3 rooms downstairs. Oh, and there is a toilet too. This is the living-room. This is the dining room. And this is the kitchen.

B. Very nice.

A. And now we can go upstairs.

B. Excuse me, where is the downstairs toilet?

A. Oh, sorry. The loo is under the stairs.

B. Thank you. And what's this door? It is a cellar?

A. There isn't a cellar here, it's a cupboard. Here we are upstairs. There are 3 bedrooms. This is our son's bedroom. This is our bedroom. And this is our daughter's bedroom.

B. This is nice.

A. This is a bathroom. And we've got a garage and a garden.

B. Thank you. Sorry, I must go now. Good- bye.

После прослушивания диалога ученики называют комнаты, которые есть в доме.

7. Ролевая игра.

На доске картинка, где изображен дом.

Teacher: Look at this picture. This is the house for sale. Let's do the role play. One person wants to sell the house, the other person wants to buy it. Ask and answer the questions.

Учащиеся пользуются карточками с опорными словами.

How many rooms / upstairs?

How many rooms / downstairs?

a garage?

a cellar?

a garden?

a cupboard?

Карточки для слабых учащихся другие:

How many rooms are there upstairs?

How many rooms are there downstairs?

Is there a garage?

a cellar?

a garden?

a cupboard?

Учащиеся работают в парах, затем отвечают.

8. Работа с текстом "English Homes"

Teacher: Open your books at page 124. You read the text at home. Look through the text and answer my questions.

Do English people like their homes?

What do they often say about their homes?

Ученики выполняют задание, затем читают пословицы на плакатах и дают их русские эквиваленты.

9. Подведение итогов работы на уроке. Задание на дом.

English people like their homes and you like your homes too. At our lesson today we spoke about your homes and English homes. We've done a lot of work at the lesson. Your marks are:

At home you must do exercises 13 and 14.

At our next lesson we are going to speak about English homes. Thank you. The lesson is ovег.