"Подружись с английскими идиомами"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Английский язык имеет тысячелетнюю историю. За это время в нем накопилось большое количество выражений, которые люди нашли удачными, меткими, красивыми. Так и возник особый слой языка - фразеология, совокупность устойчивых выражений, имеющих самостоятельное значение.

С помощью фразеологических выражений, которые не переводятся дословно, а воспринимаются переосмыслено, усиливается эстетический аспект языка. С помощью идиом, как с помощью различных оттенков цветов, информационный аспект языка дополняется чувственно - интуитивным описанием нашего мира, нашей жизни.

Для изучающих английский язык как иностранный этот слой языка представляет трудность при освоении, но зато после усвоения фразеологизмов вы начинаете говорить как англичане, вы понимаете их с полуслова, ваша речевая готовность резко возрастает. Вы кратко и очень точно можете выразить свою мысль, будучи уверенным в правильности её выражения. Во многих случаях знание английской фразеологии помогает избежать руссицизмов, т.е. дословных переводов предложений с русского языка на английский язык.

Лишь после овладения фразеологией можно говорить о продвинутом уровне знания иностранного языка.

В данном блоке упражнения разделены на тематические группы, для более легкого запоминания употребленных в них идиом.

В приложении представлен блок упражнений на совершенствование уровня владения фразеологизмами.

Работа состоит из девяти частей. В каждой части даны 10-12 идиом и 5 упражнений для их запоминания:

  • первое упражнение дает учащемуся возможность без глубокого знания английской фразеологии попробовать совместить английский вариант с русским эквивалентом.
  • во втором упражнении необходимо совместить разрозненные части идиом.
  • в третьем упражнении нужно вставить в идиомы пропущенные слова из списка, приведенного ниже.
  • в четвертом упражнении необходимо выбрать правильный вариант, чтобы получить фразеологизм.
  • в пятом упражнении даны предложения на русском языке, которые нужно перевести на английский язык с использованием идиом.

Логическим завершением пособия является заключительный тест, подразумевающий знание представленных в пособии идиом, ответы ко всем упражнениям и заключительному тесту, а также список литературы, использованной при составлении пособия.

Таким образом, вы можете создать свой личный фразеологический словарь, довести до актуального уровня владения, повторяя многократно отобранные вами фразы в рамках классифицированной структуры, отрабатывая навыки речевого поведения в различных коммуникативных ситуациях.

Желаем успеха!

Цель работы: подготовить учащихся к выполнению заданий Единого государственного экзамена по английскому языку.

1. Чтение,

2. Граматика и лексика,

3. Письмо,

4. Говорение

Задачи работы: в ходе выполнения заданий изучить и запомнить как можно больше идиоматических выражений.

Idioms of comparison.

  1. Underline the correct word, then try to explain the idioms.
    1. Let's put on some music. It's as silent/quiet as the grave in here.
    2. He's got food poisoning and he's been as sick as a dog/cat all week.
    3. Don't worry about Maggie; she's as tough as old shoes/boots.
    4. The Martin's children are not at all alike. They're as different as chalk and cheese/milk.
    5. I'll look after Jo anytime. Really, she's as good as silver/gold.
    6. Ben can't wait to get started on the project. He's as keen as ketchup/mustard.
  2. Match the words/phrases, then use them to complete the sentence below.
as different as authority
by from
dismissed in the clouds
have one's head chalk and cheese
leading heart
    1. You would never know they are twins. They are : .
    2. He is Britain's : on eating disorders.
    3. I heard that Tom was : his job yesterday.
    4. Jane is a daydreamer. She always : .
    5. When I was at school, we had to learn passages from Shakespeare : .

Feeling's idioms.

  1. Match the phrases in bold to the definitions.
  • criticize;
  • admire;
  • busy and active;
  • remain calm;
  • be kind;
  • become disappointed;
  • not show gratitude for;
  • not move.
  1. I really take my hat off to those eco-warriors. At least they are standing up for what they believe in.
  2. He's exhausted, he's been on the go all day.
  3. If you just hold still for a minute, I can explain everything to you.
  4. She may seem strict but underneath she has a heart of gold.
  5. I don't know why she was having a go at Steve. It wasn't his fault.
  6. Environmentalists mustn't lose heart even when it seems like some people are ignoring them.
  7. I'm happy to help her out but I don't want to be taken for granted.
  8. Martin kept his head and didn't panic despite the chaos around him.

Animal idioms.

  1. Match the phrases in bold to the definitions.
  • birds;
  • butterflies;
  • bull;
  • lion;
  • crocodile.
  1. Ben was so nervous he had : in his stomach before he gave his speech.
  2. If I go into town to visit Mark, I might as well kill two : with one stone and do some shopping on the way home.
  3. I don't want to tell Liz the truth but I suppose it's time to take the : by the horns and get it over with.
  4. I'm sure Jean wasn't really upset; those were just : tears.
  5. Peter has done most of the work, so he should get the :'s share of the money.
  1. Match the words/phrases, then use them to complete the sentence below.
the lion's off to
have butterflies in her stomach
take the bull heart
take my hat share
lose by the horns
  1. John decided to : and ask his boss for a pay rise.
  2. I really : Cathy. She has made the garden look beautiful.
  3. The explorers didn't :, even when their food supplies ran out.
  4. Sarah was so nervous that she : before her interview.
  5. Ann worked very hard on the project so she should get : of the bonus money.

Idioms with "and".

  1. Match the pairs of words joined with and, then use the phrases to complete the sentences.
safe alive clean hit law right

: and :

run order tidy wrong sound well
  1. The missing climber was found two days later, : .
  2. Children have to be taught the difference between : at your age.
  3. She was knocked over in a(n) : accident.
  4. A policeman's job is to maintain : .
  5. I have not seen him since he went to America twenty years ago, but I know he's : .
  6. She spends a lot of time doing housework. Her flat is always : .

Food's idioms.

  1. Fill in the gaps with correct word from the list below and then explain the meaning of each expression.
  • Beans, cake, soup, potato, nutshell, tea.
    1. I thought it would be really difficult to cook that Thai recipe, but in the end it was a piece of : . (=easy)
    2. The children had a nap this afternoon so now they are full of : . ( =energetic)
    3. I didn't go to see the film with Alex because it didn't sound like my cup of : . (= to one's taste)
    4. It is very simple. It a :, all have to do is call them and see what they want. (=simply put)
    5. A labour relation is a bit of a hot : in our office at the moment. (=controversial)
    6. Whenever she opens her mouth, she seems to land right in the : .(= in trouble)

Body's idioms.

  1. Fill in eye(s), ear(s), nose and then explain the meaning of each expression.
    1. We have not planned what we're going to do, we'll just play it by : .
    2. Shall we get the bill? I'll try and catch the waiter's : .
    3. Apparently Mark offered to lend her his old car but she turned her : up at the idea.
    4. Kate's house is beautifully decorated; she has a really good : for colour.
    5. It felt like Pete was looking down his : at us because he thinks he's more intelligent.
    6. When I told her how I might be able it get her a ticket to the concert, she was all : .
    7. I don't know exactly what happened but I think there's more to it than meets the...
    8. It's Neil's first real job and he's still a bit wet behind the : .
    9. He's thinking about moving, he has a great flat but he's paying through the : for it.
    10. I looked everywhere for my glasses only to find they were under my : all the time.


Ex. 1.

  1. quiet;
  2. dog;
  3. boots;
  4. cheese;
  5. gold;
  6. mustard.


  1. as different as chalk and cheese;
  2. leading authority;
  3. dismissed from;
  4. has her head in the clouds;
  5. by heart.


  1. take my hat off to;
  2. on the go;
  3. hold still;
  4. has a heart of gold;
  5. was having a go at;
  6. lose heart;
  7. be taken for granted;
  8. kept his head.


  1. butterflies;
  2. birds;
  3. bull;
  4. crocodile;
  5. lion.


  1. take the bull by the horns;
  2. take my hat off to;
  3. lose heart;
  4. had butterflies in her stomach;
  5. the lion's share.


  1. safe and sound;
  2. right and wrong;
  3. hit and run;
  4. law and order;
  5. alive and well;
  6. clean and tidy.


  1. to make matters worse;
  2. once in a blue moon;
  3. safe and sound;
  4. keeping mind;
  5. clean and tidy.


  1. cake;
  2. beans;
  3. tea;
  4. nutshell;
  5. potato;
  6. soup.


  1. ear;
  2. eye;
  3. nose;
  4. eye;
  5. nose;
  6. ears;
  7. eye;
  8. ears;
  9. nose;
  10. nose.
