Classical music and musicians

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи: проверить уровень сформированности навыков и умений в монологической и диалогической речи, а также навыки и умения аудирования с извлечением необходимой информации, повторить грамматический материал (употребление правильных неправильных глаголов простом прошедшем времени).


  • Магнитофон;
  • запись музыкального отрывка из рок-оперы "The Phantom of the Opera";
  • запись песни: "Вдоль по улице метелица метет" в исполнении Дмитрия Хворостовского; мультимедийный проектор;
  • раздаточный материал (тексты и упражнения по аудированию);
  • фотография А.Л. Уэббер

План урока

1. Организационный момент

Тема, цель, задачи урока

T: The theme of our lesson is "Let's the music begin". Today we'll speak about classical music and musicians. We'll learn much new about the great British composer A.L. Webber and the Russian singer Dmitry Khvorostovsky.

2. Речевая разминка

T: Let's revise lexics on the topic (new words and expressions)

Учебник: ex 1, p 40.

T: Repeat after me all together

3. Ответы на вопросы в режиме T-> P1 P2

Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? What music irritates you?

What Russian composers do you know?

What Italian composers do you know?

What British musicians do you know?

Have you ever heard the name of A.L. Webber?

Yes, he is a great modern composer and musician. Look at the photo of this person and listen to the biography of him.

4. Рассказ о биографии британского композитора и музыканта A.L. Webber.

T: A.L Webber wrote many musicals but the best are "J.Christ - Superstar", "Cats", and "The Phantom of the opera".

I want you to listen to your classmates, they will speak about his biography and his great musical "Cats".

5. Рассказ о рок опере "Cats"

T: In 1988 A.L. Webber composed his new musical "The Phantom of the Opera". It has been successfully playing in London and New York since it was opened many years ago. Look at the pictures and try to guess what kind of people they are.

6. Высказывания по фотографиям и картинкам. Описание главных героев рок- оперы "The Phantom of the Opera"

работа по иллюстрациям учебника стр. 56, упр.3

Приложение 2

T: It this a love story?

Who is in love with whom?

Now I want you to listen to the piece of music from the opera and answer some questions.

7. Прослушивание мелодии из мюзикла "Призрак Оперы".

8. Ответы на вопросы по музыкальному отрывку

What characters sing this song?

How does the song characterize the main heroes?

What are your feelings of the song?

9. Express your emotions. Выражение эмоций.

Amazing! Fascinating! Sensational! Fantastic! What a sweet melody! What a wonderful song! What magnificent music! What an appealing melody! Etc

10. Выполнение грамматического задания в Activity books ex 1, p25

Let's pass on to the grammar. Open your AB p25. First of all revise irregular verbs in Past Simple and full in the gaps.

11. Чтение текста и вопросы по тексту упражнения.

Do you like the end of the story?

Is it a happy end? Is it a tragedy of a man? Are you sorry for the Phantom?

12. Диалоги о классической музыке. (Приложение 3)

Some people like to go the concerts of classical music. Others like to listen to the operas and symphonies.

Let's listen to some dialogues. What will they talk about?

The girls are discussing plans for this evening. They are speaking about Dm. Hvorostovsky. OK Let's go to the concert of Dm. Hvorostovsky and listen to his songs.

13. Прослушивание песни Дм. Хворостовского "Вдоль по улице метелица метёт".

14. Аудирование текста о Дм. Хворостовском. Listen to the story. (см. Рабочую тетрадь)

15. Выполнение упражнения по тексту.

A.B. - Ex. 12, p.27.

Mark the true sentences.

16. Домашнее задание. A.B. Ex.13, p.28.

17. Подведение итогов урока.

Today we have learned a lot.

We talked about the great British composer A.L. Webber and Russian singer Dm. Khvorostovsky.

You have done exercises and told dialogues.

You have listened to the story about him and worked with the texts.

You were industrious and worked hard. I am satisfied with you and your work.

I give you the following marks.

18. Выставление отметок за урок.

The lesson is over.
