Урок английского языка в 7-м классе по теме: "Приветствуем победителей международного соревнования подростков"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: Обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по теме «English-speaking countries».

Задачи урока:

  1. Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком в рамках данной темы по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, устной речи, чтению и письма
  2. Повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.
  3. Способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся, воспитывать толерантность, уважение к чужой культуре.
  4. Формировать навыки коллективной деятельности.
  5. Развитие креативных способностей учащихся.
  6. Совершенствовать навыки владения и использования ИКТ.

Режимы: T-Cl, T-P1, P1 – P2


  • карты Австралии, Великобритании, Канады, Соединенных Штатов Америки.
  • Презентационный материал (проекты), выполненный в Power Point.
  • Компьютер
  • Магнитофон, кассета к учебнику “Enjoy English – 4”.
  • Текст “New Zealand”

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

Dear boys and girls. I am very glad to see you. You are the winners of our International Teenagers’Competition.

You’ve come to London to begin your exciting Round-the –World Tour. You have come from 4 English-speaking countries: Great Britain, the USA, Canada and Australia. So you have a chance to show you country and to learn more about other countries and their people. We also going to discuss the role of the English language in the world.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: I have an unusual task for you. Well, English is your native language but in different countries it is spoken with different accents. I have a small tongue-twister for you. Let us see who can pronounce it better.

Larry loved Laura and sent the latter a letter later.

3. Речевая зарядка

Teacher: Well, what good results you have, you speak English perfect. So, it will be easy for you to answer some my questions.

  1. What is the most popular language in the world?
    P1: The most popular language in the world is Chinese, but the second popular language is English.
  2. In what countries is English spoken as a first language?
    P2: English is spoken as a first language in Australia, the Bahamas, Canada, Eire, Guyana, the Caribbean Islands, New Zealand, the UK, the USA.
  3. How many counties have English as a second language?
    P3: People in 30 countries speak English as a second language.
  4. What language easily understood in any part of the world?
    P4: I think English is easily understood in any part of the world.
  5. What languages are most often used in the Internet communications?
    P5: I think English is the most used language in the Internet communications.
  6. What languages are often spoken at international conferences and seminars?
    P6: Up to my mind, English is the world scientific language.
  7. What do you think about foreigners who speak English?
    P7: I think these people don’t speak real English. They speak so called global English.
  8. What other languages do people speak in your country?
    P8: In Canada people speak both English and French.
    P9: In my country we have two official languages: English and Maori.

4. Обучение аудированию.

Teacher: You see that English is the top language of the world. There many English-speaking countries, some of them are Great Britain, Canada, the USA and Australia. I want you to listen to some information to check what you know and remember about these countries. Look at your tables and fill in the missed information.

Name of the country


Official language or languages

Full name

Short name





The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom/ the UK/Great Britain




Текст для аудирования.

  1. The full name of the country is Canada. It has no short name. The capital is Ottawa. There are two official languages in the country: English and French.
  2. The full name of the country is Australia. It has no short name. The capital is Canberra. The official language is English.
  3. The full name of the country is the United States of America. Its short names are the USA or the US. The capital is Washington. The official language is English.
  4. The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The short names are the United Kingdom, the UK, Great Britain. The capital is London. The official language is English.
  5. The full name of the country is New Zealand. The country has no short name. the capital is Wellington. The official languages are English and Maori.

Well, now answer my question to check if you are right.

  1. What is the name of the country which capital is Ottawa?
    P1: Ottawa is the capital of Canada.
  2. What is the capital of the UK?
    P2: The capital of the UK is London.
  3. Where is Wellington situated?
    P3: Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.
  4. What countries have the short names?
    P4: The United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America have short names.
  5. What are the official languages in Canada?
    P5: There are two official languages in Canada: English and French.
  6. What is the name of the country which capital is Canberra?
    P6: Canberra is the capital of Australia.
  7. What are the official languages in New Zealand?
    P7: The official languages in New Zealand are English and Maori.
  8. What is the official language in Australia?
    P8: English is the official language in Australia.

5. Совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи.

Teacher: And now I want the participants of our Round-the-World Tour introduce their countries.

Let us see in what order the countries will represent themselves.

  1. an island state (Great Britain)
  2. a real melting pot (the USA)
  3. an upside down country (Australia)
  4. the second largest country in the world (Canada)

(Защита проектов с использованием презентаций Power Point).

Great Britain

P1: Let me introduce our team. We are four :… . We are all from Great Britain from different parts of it England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

P2: (просмотр слайдов) I want you to visit my country. The official name of it is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Sometimes we call it the UK for short. The UK is the island state. The UK consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The official head of the state is Queen Elizabeth II. The capital of my country is London. There are many places of interest in Great Britain, for example Stonehenge, Lake District, Seven Sisters Rocks, Snowdonia, the Loch Ness, Giant’s Causeway. The official language is English. The people in Britain are polite and conservative.

P3: Do you have any questions?

P4: What languages except English are spoken in the UK?

P3: The official language in the UK is English. People speak Welsh in Wales, Gaelic in Scotland and Irish in Northern Ireland.

P5: What is the symbol of Great Britain?

P3: The symbol of our country is the British Lion but each country has its own symbol: England – a red rose, Wales – a yellow daffodil, Scotland – thistle and Ireland –shamrock.

P6: What is the UK famous for?

P3: It is famous for William Shakespeare and old Universities.

The United States of America.

P1: Let me introduce my team: …. . We are from the USA. We live in different states.

P2: My country is a very large one. It stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific coast in the west and from Canada in the north to Mexico in the south. The capital of the USA is Washington D.C. The USA is a real melting pot, people of different nationalities lives here. Our flag is called Stars and Stripes. It is red, white and blue. The symbol of my country is the bald eagle. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. the Native Americans are Indians. The nature of the USA is wonderful: Great Lakes, Grand Canyon, the Mississippi River. You must visit them. The Americans are very optimistic and hospitable people.

P3: Now I can answer some of your questions:

P4: How many states are there in the USA?

P3: There are 50 states in my country.

P4: What national American holidays do people celebrate in your country?

P3: The main American holiday is Thanksgiving Day. It is celebrated in November.

P5: What are the main cities in the USA?

P5: The largest cities in my country are New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, San Francisco.


Canada is the second largest country in the world. The official emblem of Canada is a maple leaf. It is on the Canadian flag. In Canada there are people of different nationalities. The Indians are the native Canadians. There are two official languages in my country, English and French. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. There are many big cities in my country such as Quebec, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Vancouver. Hockey is very popular in Canada. Now it is a national sport. My country shares with the USA seven of the world’s largest lakes and has three of the world’s 20 longest rivers. The wild life of Canada is rich.

P3: Do you want to know more about my country? Ask me some questions.

P4: Are there any Olympic Games held in Canada?

P3: Yes, they are. In 1988 the Olympic Games were held in Calgary and in 1976 – in Montreal.

P5: What are the national Canadian dishes?

P3: Rolls and maple syrup. Canada is also famous for its apples.

P6: Are there any National Parks in Canada?

P3: Yes, there are some. For example, Riding Mountain National Park which is situated not far from Winnipeg.


Sometimes my country is called “the upside down world” because it lies in the Southern Hemisphere. Australia is the biggest island and the smallest continent in the world. Australia lies between the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. It is a large country but the population is only 18 million people. The capital of Australia is Canberra. The main towns are Sydney, Brisbane, Portland, Perth, Melbourne and Queenstown. The official language in my country is English. Many years ago on the territory of the present day Australia lived Aborigines. Australia is a home of many exotic animals – the duckbill, the anteater, the kangaroo and koala, the emu and the dingo. There are many interesting places to explore in Australia.

P3: Do you have any questions?

P4: Why is Australia called “The Upside Down World”?

P3: it is called so because winter in Australia comes in July and summer begins in December.

P5: Who discovered Australia?

P3: Captain James Cook did.

P5: What place in Australia do you advice to visit?

P3: As for me, I like Sydney very much. It is a modern city with a famous Opera House and Olympic Stadium.

6. Физминутка

Let’s have a rest. Look through the window! What’s the weather like today?

Is it sunny? (скрещиваем ладошки и двигаем пальчиками – лучиками)

Is it rainy? (постукиваем кончиками пальцев по парте)

Is it cloudy? (показываем облако)

Is it windy? (размахиваем руками)

Is it wet? (стряхиваем воду с рук)

7. Развитие навыков чтения

Teacher: How funny it was to dance together. But the delegation from New Zealand is not here. They are very sorry to miss our festival but they have sent us a letter. Here it is! Let’s read it.

Text “New Zealand”

New Zealand is a quiet country located southeast of Australia in the South Pacific. It consists of two islands, the North Island and the South Island, and several smaller islands, for example Antipodes, Chatham and Kermadec Islands. If you look at the map you can see New Zealand looks like Italy upside down.

The biggest cities are Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington. Wellington is the capital of the country and is situated on the North Island. It was founded by the British in the 19th century and is a very important cultural and political centre.

The Maoris were the first people who came to New Zealand from the eastern Pacific in the 14th century. The first European to explore the coast was the British captain James Cook. As a result, the British settled here in 1840. In 1907 New Zealand became independent and is now a member of the Commonwealth. This means that Queen Elizabeth II is officially head of state and represented by the governor.

New Zealand is sometimes called “The World’s Biggest Farm”. It is famous for its products: butter, cheese, meat. New Zealand is a country of beautiful and exotic nature. Many kinds of animals and birds can be found here. But the symbol of New Zealand is a bird – kiwi. It lives only here. New Zealand is a dream of a tourist. You can have a unforgettable rest in the Southern Alps, the Rain forests and the Tongariro National Park.

  1. New Zealand is located in the
    1) Southern Hemisphere
    2) southeast of Britain
    3) the South Island
  2. New Zealand consists of:
    1) a several small islands
    2)two islands
    3) two big and several small islands
  3. The capital of the country is …
    1) Auckland
    2) Wellington
    3) Christchurch
  4. The first people to live in New Zealand were …
    1) Aborigines
    2) British
    3) Maori
  5. New Zealand became an independent state in …
    1) 1907
    2) 1840
    3) 14th century.
  6. The symbol of New Zealand is …
    1) a koala
    2) a kiwi
    3) a kangaroo

8. Подведение итогов.

Teacher: Well done. Now I think you know a lot about English-speaking countries. And I think you will make friends with children from other countries.

9. Домашнее задание.

Teacher: Your home task will be to write a letter about our festival to your pen-friends from New Zealand. And I think we must remember that the more we are together the happier we are.

(Поют песню The more we are together the happier we are).

The more we are together,
Together, together
The more we are together
He happier we are.
For your friend is my friend
And my friend is your friend.
The more we are together
The happier we are.