"My family" (4-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 4

Цель: систематизация знаний учащихся по теме: “Семья”.


практическая – активизация навыков монологической речи учащихся;

образовательная – совершенствование навыков произносительной речи;

развивающая – развитие самостоятельности, логики мышления, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия;

воспитательная – воспитание чувства гордости за свою семью, положительного, уважительного и толерантного отношения к окружающим.


  • звуковое приложение;
  • “Family Tree”;
  • “Happy Garden”;
  • яблоко;
  • рисунки детей с портретами членов семьи;
  • игрушки;
  • волшебный сундучок с подарками.

Тип урока: обобщающий.


I. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

T: Good morning, smiling face! I am glad to see you here. Feeling friendly? You are welcome! We shall have a wonderful time together!

II. Введение в сюжет.

Стук в дверь. Входит почтальон.

Postman: I am sorry, Galina Ivanovna. Here is a letter for your pupils! Will you sign here, please! Good-bye!

T: A letter? Whom is it from? We have a lot of friends.

T - P1: Zhenya, will you read the letter to the pupils and may be they`ll guess whom it is from?

(Ученик читает письмо). Hello, friends!

My name is Hobbit. I am from Britain. I live in the fairy forest. I am neither small nor tall.

I am neither fat nor thin. I am kind.

I have got a family. My family is big. We are: Mummy, Daddy, my brother and a small sister.

It would be very interesting to know about your families. I have many pets: cats, dogs. I like pony too. What about you? Have you got any pets?

Dear friends! Welcome to my fairy forest!

I`m sure we`ll make good friends!

See you. Hobbit.

T - Cl: Can you understand anything? Who can it be?

P1: Hobbit.

T-Cl: Where is he from? P1:

Where does he live? P2:

Is his family big or small? P3:

T: You see, children, Hobbit welcomes us to his place. He thinks it would be very interesting for him to know about your families. Would you like to tell about it?

P1, P2: Yes, with great pleasure.

III. Well, at our lesson we`ll prepare for our trip to Hobbit`s place. But first of all: let`s recite some poems about a family. What poems do you know? (Учащиеся рассказывают стихи о семье)

P1: Mother is the dearest
Of all the friends I know.
She helps me work and helps me play
That`s why I love her so.

P2: Father is the kindest
Of all the friends I know.
He likes to take me out with him.
That`s why I love him so.

P3: Mother, father, sister, brother.
Hand in hand with one another.

P4: Everybody says.
I look like my mother.
Everybody says.
I look like Aunt Bee.
Everybody says I look
Like my father.
But I want to look like me.

P5: Good night, Father!
Good night, Mother!
Kiss you little son!
Good night, sister!
Good night, brother!
Good night, everyone!

P6: Dear Mommy! Dear Daddy!
I love you.
Dear Mommy! Dear Daddy!
Do you love me too?

P7: Do you know Mary?
Mary who?
Mary McDonald.
Of course, I do.
Do you know her parents?
Yes, of course, I do.
I know her father and her mother too.
Do you know her grandparents?
Yes, of course, I do.
I know her Grandpa and her Granny too.
Do you know her cousins?
Yes, of course, I do.
I know her nieces and nephews too.
P8: Who said “Good-night”
When I was a child?
My mother.
Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay
And showed me often how to play?
My mother.
Who ran to help me when I fell?
And who could funny stories tell?
My mother.
Who is so nice, who is so kind?
Another so dear you`ll never find?
My mother.

IV. Речевая зарядка по теме:

Т: So, Hobbit has got one brother and one sister. What about you? (дети отвечают на вопросы в режиме Т-Р1 Р2 Р3…)

Ksenia, imagine you are the English teacher. Ask some questions about the family to your classmates.

Ksenia - Р1 Р2 Р3…(Дети отвечают на вопросы)

V. Развитие монологического высказывания.

Let`s do our “Family Tree”.

Take this “magic” apple – a symbol of many important things, a symbol of a united family.

Pass it is to your friend after you`ve finished your story. (Учащиеся рассказывают о членах своей семьи, прикрепляют рисунки своей семьи на “Дерево семьи” и передают яблоко другому)

P1 - tells about the mother

P2 - father

P3 - sister

P4 - sister

P5 - brother

P6 - brother

P7 - grandmother

P8 - grandfather

P9 - aunt

P10- uncle

Artyom, Dima, would you like to say some words about your family? (Учащиеся описывают свою семью)

VI. Children, Hobbit likes pony.

And what about you? Would you tell us about your pets? (Учащиеся рассказывают о животных)

Thank you, children.

VII. I see you have many toys today. I`m sure you like to play with your toys very much. (Учащиеся рассказывают о своих животных)

VIII. Сhildren, what about puzzles? (Учащиеся разгадывают загадки)

1. I am brown.
I can jump and run.
I live in Africa.
I like bananas.
Who am I? (a monkey)

2. I am white.
I can jump.
I can not swim.
I can run.
What am I? (a hare)

3. I am yellow.
I can jump, run, climb, walk.
I live in Africa.
What am I? (a lion)

4. I am green.
I am long.
I live in Africa.
I can swim.
I can not run and fly.
Who am I? (a crocodile)

5. I am red.
I can run.
I can not swim.
I can jump and run.
Who am I? (a fox)

IX. Children how do animals talk? (Учащиеся изображают звуки, которые передают животные)

Croak – croak – frog

Bow – wow – dog

Cluck – cluck – hen

Quack – quack – duck

Cock – a – doodle – doo (cock)

Tweet – tweet – bird

Meow – meow - cat

Children, imagine you are in the forest. Let`s talk the sounds all together. (Все вместе учащиеся называют звуки, которые передают животные)

X. Ребята, я думаю, настало время отдохнуть (звучит спокойная музыка).

Сядьте поудобней. Закройте глаза. Сделайте глубокий вдох. Сделайте глубокий выход. Представьте себе лето. Вы лежите на берегу моря. Погода прекрасная. Вы чувствуете легкое дуновение ветерка. Вы чувствуете прикосновение ласковых лучиков солнышка. Вас ничего не беспокоит. Ваша семья находится рядом с вами. Все предстает перед вами в ярких радужных красках. Вас переполняет чувство любви ко всему миру. Вы счастливы. Вам кажется, что счастье рядом. Какого цвета счастье вам представляется? Откройте свои глаза. Как вы себя чувствуете? (учащиеся делятся своими эмоциями, рассказывают о цвете, который ассоциируется у них с ощущением счастья).

XI. Children, look at the “Happy Garden”. You see some words:

Love – любовь

Peace – мир

Respect – уважение

Mercy – милосердие

Tolerance – терпение

Let`s try to understand them.

T: Эти слова являются магическими и удивительными. Чем больше хороших слов мы говорим друг другу, тем больше света будет в мире.

Не держите обиду в душе долго.

Будьте искренними.

Не бойтесь любить.

Отдайте людям все лучшее, что есть в вас.

Учитесь быть добрыми, милосердными, терпеливыми друг к другу, великодушными и внимательными.

XII. Children, do you know how to be happy?

American psychologists do.

They know seven rules.

What are they?

  1. Love your family.
  2. Be friendly.
  3. Be fair.
  4. Smile.
  5. Help other people.
  6. Don`t sneak on others.
  7. More run, dance, sing and play.

XIII. Let`s sing song “I am happy”.

I am happy.
You are happy.
She is happy
He is happy
We are happy
You are happy
They are happy too.

XIV. Children, today we`re prepared for out visiting to Hobbit`s place.

T: I am pleased with your work.

Here is a “magic box” with presents for you.

Take it, please. (Дети по очереди получают подарки с пожеланиями)

Children, your marks are excellent today (выставление оценок).

XV. The lesson is over .

Your homework:

1) to recite the poem “My family”.

Grandparents, parents, sister, brothers.
Their wives, husband, children and others.
Uncle and aunt, their daughter and son –
My cousins loved by everyone.

My parents' niece and nephew. Clever?
And me myself in the centre, here.
Between my Granny and my brother.
We all love dearly one another.

2) to draw the picture of this family.

Good - bye, children.

I`ll be looking forward to seeing you next time.