I Know and I can


p>Aims: Consolidation of Module 1 (ABC, family members, colours, furniture, parts of the house)

Target language: run, jump, fly, climb, walk, sleep, dance, live

Teacher language: Like this, guess a word, go shopping

Extra material: toys, small things and food for the shop, poster ABC, flashcards with letters, coloured pencils, and photocopies of the clown Pif .

Beginning the lesson

A Game: Guess a word. (Hang man) I can guess.

A teacher thinks of a word and pupils try to guess it naming letters, if a letter is wrong the teacher draws one line from "hang man"


Sing a song. I can sing.

ABC song (Ex.3 p.17) (Spotlight 2 Virginia Evans..)


I can sing the alphabet,
Can you do the same?
I can sing the alphabet?
I've got it in my head!


Funny questions with ABC. Guess a letter and write it. I can write.

Какая буква любит чай? (T- tea)

Какая буква считает себя самой главной?(I)

Какая буква видит море?(C- see, sea)

Какая буква все время удивляется?(O-Oh)

Какая буква умеет летать?(B-bee)

Какая буква любит горох?(P-pea)

Какая буква означает слово "победа"?(V)

Какая буква любит задавать вопросы?(Y-why)

Musical chairs (Go to music, sit on a chair and name a letter)

Pupils go around the circle with chairs to music. When the music stops they sit on chairs and name a letter.

Stand in a line. I know ABC.

One, two, three Four, five, six Seven, eight, nine

Play with me Pick up this Stand in a line!

Pupils take a flashcard with a letter, after the rhyme they have to stand in alphabetic order as quickly as possible.

A Game "Time to go shopping" I can go shopping. I can read.

Pupils in turn take slips of paper with words (ant, bed, cat, dog, egg, flag, glass, horse, ink, jug, kangaroo, lamp, mouse, nest, orange, pin, queen, rabbit, snake, tree, umbrella, vest, window, box, yacht, zip) from the bag then they "go shopping" and choose a toy with the same word.

A Game "Like This!" (With movements) I can do.

How do you walk? - Like this!
How do you run? - Like this!
How do you jump? - Like this!
How do you sleep?- Like this!
How do you fly? - Like this!
How do you climb? - Like this!
How do you dance? - Like this!
How do you sing? - Like this!
How do you draw? - Like this!
How do you live? - Like this!

Listen and do.

Clowns can be tall or very small,
Clowns can be thin or fat.
My favourite clown walks upside down
And wears a floppy hat.

Colour the picture. I can read. I can colour.

Prepare photocopies of uncoloured pictures of the clown Pif. The winner is the first to finish the drawing correctly.

Show Time "The Frog Family" (story-telling and acting) an idea from Sarah Phillips' book. Listen and act out. I can act out.


Daddy frog

Mummy frog

Sister frog

Brother frog

Baby frog

Story Actions
This is a story about Daddy frog, Mummy frog, Choose pupils who will play these
Sister frog, Brother frog, and Baby frog. characters.
It is hot - very, very hot. Wipe your forehead, and make 'hot' gesters.
And Daddy frog Point to the pupil with a picture of Daddy
goes jump, jump, jump and sits on a leaf in the The pupil jumps three times and sits on
pond. the leaf on the flour.
Mummy frog is hot - very, very hot. Point to "Mummy frog", who makes "hot"
So Daddy frog says 'Come here!' Daddy frog calls Mummy frog.
Mummy frog goes jump, jump, jump, and 'Mummy frog' jumps three times and sits on
sits on the leaf in the pond. the leaf by 'Daddy frog'.
Sister frog is hot- very, very hot. 'Sister frog' makes 'hot' gesters.
So Mummy frog says "Come here!' 'Mummy frog' calls 'Sister frog'.
Sister frog goes jump, jump, jump, and sits on 'Sister frog' jumps three times and sits on
the leaf in the pond. the leaf by 'Mummy frog'.
Brother frog is hot-very, very hot. 'Brother frog' makes 'hot' gesters.
So Sister frog says 'Come here!' 'Sister frog' calls 'Brother frog'.
Brother frog goes jump, jump, jump and sits on 'Brother frog' jumps three times and sits on
the leaf in the pond. the leaf by 'Sister frog'.
Baby frog is hot- very, very hot 'Baby frog' makes 'hot' gesters.
So Brother frog says 'Come here!' 'Brother frog' calls 'Baby frog'.
Baby frog goes jump, jump, jump and sits on 'Baby frog' jumps three times and sits by the
leaf in the pond. 'Brother frog'.
And then - SPLASH - they all fall into the 'The frog family' move backwards and
water! forwards, pretend to lose control and fall.

Ending the lesson

A Game 'Crosses - Noughts' (Крестики - нолики) Furniture and parts of the house

Devide pupils into two groups. The first group names parts of the house and puts crosses into squares, the second group names furniture and draws noughts.

Listen and repeat.

I can read, I can write,
I can speak English too.
I love learning English!
And what about you?