Открытый урок "Мой дом - моя крепость"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Образовательные: активизировать в речи учащихся лексику, разговорные образцы по теме “Квартира”; совершенствовать навыки диалогической и монологической речи, тренировать употребление оборотов “There is”, “There are”, предлогов.
  • Развивающие: развивать самостоятельное мышление и речь, произвольное внимание и память, умение воспринимать и сравнивать.
  • Воспитательные: усилить мотивацию изучения английского языка; формировать навыки физического, нравственного и социального здоровья; показать практические методы общения между людьми, научить принимать решения, ориентированные на укрепление здоровья; прививать эстетический вкус.

Тип урока: повторение, совершенствование знаний, умений и навыков.

Методы и приемы: иллюстративно-репродуктивный, частично - поисковый, работа в группах, игровые элементы, показ, поощрение.

Пособия и оборудование: наборы игрушечной мебели, мяч, магнитофон с аутентичными записями, грамматическая таблица.

Ход урока

I. Начало урока

Good morning boys and girls.

I am glad to see you.

1) How are you?
2) What season is it now?
3) What date is it today?
4) What day is it today?

Now, let us speak about your favourite things.

Work one by one.

– What is your favourite girl's (boy's) name?
– Who is your favourite friend?
– Which is your favourite pet?
– What is your favourite sport (colour)?
– Which is your favourite fruit (season, month)?

II. The theme of our lesson is “My flat”

Now, let’s sing our song “Home”.

Home is the nicest place to be
With father and mother and baby and me
With sniper our dog and smokey our cat
Oh? No place could ever be nicer than that.

Today we have a competition of designers. We have 2 groups. Name your groups:

Cinderella, Winnie- the - Pooh

Now, let’s repeat our words. Listen and repeat. Open your books on page 20, Ex. 1

1. home
2. hall
3. iving - room
4. kitchen
5. wall
6. door
7. floor
8. window
9. bedroom
10. pantry
11. chair
12. table
13. bathroom
14. armchair
15. room

III. Now, what rhymes about flat do you know? Please, who is the first?

Our Rhymes

This is a ceiling
This is a door
This is a window
This is a floor.

The kitchen

A kitchen is the nicest place
In all the house to me
For that’s where Mummy bakes the pies
And fruity cakes for tea.

Our pussy - cat
Has a small flat
But a brown floor
The house is nice.

Little mouse (2) where is your house
Little cat (2) have no flat
I am a poor man, I have no flat
Little mouse (2) come to my house
Little cat (2) I can not do that, you want to eat me.

IV. Look at the blackboard. Put missing letters. Guess the words.

Работа на доске (вставляют буквы).

Read and translate the word.

1. t_ble
2. ba__room
3. ch__r
4. k_tch_n
5. s_fa
1. bedr__m
2. win__w
3. h_ll
4. fr_d_e
5. s_nk

– Is that’s right?
– Yes, that’s right.
– No, that’s not right.

V. Let’s play abra-cadabra-game.

  1. floor ( r, f, l, o, o) 1. room (o, r, o, m)
  2. bedroom (m, b, r, o, e, o, d) 2. kitchen (n, k, e, t, i, c, h)
  3. armchair (r, a, r, c, m, h, a, i) 3.window (w, o, i, n, d, w)

(Выходят к доске.)

– Are there any mistake?
– There are no mistakes.

VI. Now, let’s describe the picture.

Look at the blackboard and make up the sentences. There is, there are.

  • in the middle of the room
  • on the floor
  • on the left
  • on the right
  • on the wall
  • in the kitchen
  • in the corner of the room
  • in the bedroom
  • in the study
  • in the living-room

VII. Let’s have a rest (физкультминутка)

“If you are happy and you know it”.

VIII. Аудирование

Now, take these sheets of papers and listen to me. Put the numbers of the text in your cards.

Now change the cards with your neighbors look at the blackboard and compare your works with the model. Put up the works to you friends.

1 mistake - the work is 4
2 mistakes - the work is 3
3 mistakes- in 2
who has no mistakes?
who has 1 mistake?
who has 2 mistakes?


№ 1. This is room is neither large, no small. There is no TV set in this room. On the walls you can see some beautiful pictures. There are two beds and a wardrobe in this room. There is a carpet on the floor.

№ 2. This room is large. There is a table in the middle of the room. We can see 2 armchairs and a sofa in this room. The TV set in the corner of the room. There is a carpet on the floor and on the wall.

№.3. This room is small. There is no bed, no sofa, no TV set in this room. There is a table on the left. A refrigerator is in the corner. You can see a cupboard, 4 stools, a stove and a sink.

№ 4. The room is not large. There is a bookcase in the room. In the bookcase you can see Russian and English books. There is a desk, a wardrobe and two beds in this room. We can see some toys on the floor. 

Kitchen Living - room Bed - room Children - room
NO.3 NO.2 NO.1 NO.4

 IX. Now we have a competition of designers. Every group has furniture and sentences. Match the first part and the second part of the sentences. Put the furniture according to these sentences.

Who is the captain of the group? Read please your descriptions.

(Работа с карточками и мебелью.)

X. Well good. Now our task is to choose an announcer for tatar television. We must choose one girl and boy. This is the first round. So children, who is the best: whose reading do you like?

Among girls

Among boys

Our congratulations to you. These are our recommendation. We wish you good luck. I like your reading very much.

Piglet has a small house. He has a hall, a kitchen and a room. You see his room. It's small but nice. There are two windows in the room. One window is big. There -bed, a table, two armchairs, a TV and a mirror in the room. There are no pictures on the walls, but there clock there. There is a blue carpet on the floor. The walls are yellow. Piglet likes to read. He has very interesting books. There are 10 books on the shelf.

XI. I think that you worked very well today. Thank you for the lesson.