Методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме "Spotlights of sports"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Обучающие - обучение чтению с общим обхватом содержания, чтению с детальным пониманием прочитанного; а также чтению вслух и про себя; обучение лексическим единицам I’m not sure (might be), I’m a little bit more sure (may be), I’m sure (is); рецептивного усвоения: hiking, pony-trekking; cricket; horse racing; Relay, hurdles, caber tossing; обучение аудированию; обучение как монологической так и диалогической речи по теме урока.

Развивающие - развитие речевых способностей учащихся, способности к догадке, логически излагать, обобщать и самостоятельно сравнивать, анализировать.

Воспитательные - воспитание положительного, уважительного и толерантного отношения к британскому спорту, более глубокое осознание своего родного спорта, интерес к Спортсменам своей страны, республики, чувство гордости за них, воспитание осознания важности ведения здорового образа жизни для каждого человека.

Оснащение урока: картины “Виды спорта”, ТСО: аудио и видео магнитофоны, телевизор; карточки со словами “виды спорта”, пословица над доской: “В здоровом теле - здоровый дух”.


  1. Оргмомент.
  2. Говорение по картинкам.
  3. Чтение с детальным пониманием прочитанного.
  4. Аудирование.
  5. Поисковое чтение.
  6. Письмо.
  7. Физическая пауза.
  8. Чтение с детальным пониманием прочитанного.
  9. Говорение.
  10. Видео “Спорт”.
  11. Вывод.

The lesson.

I. 1) Greeting. Asking the date, the day of the week, the absentees. 2) About the lesson. The theme. The proverb. "A healthy mind in a healthy body." The aims of the lesson.

II. 1) T: You know, boys, that the UK is the motherland of different sports. What sports are they? Look at the pictures on page 116 and, please, name the sports there! (Cycling, football, horse racing, tennis, horse riding)

T: Do you know what sports were invented in the UK? (Football, cricket, and tennis)

T: What are the most popular sports in the UK? (Сricket, darts, football horse racing and rugby)

T: What are the most popular teenagers1 sports in the UK? (Cycling, pony - trekking and gymnastics)

T: Who are the most outstanding sportsmemwomen in the UK? (Linford Christie, Jeremy Bates, Jacqui Agyepong, Colin Jackson, Adrian Moorhouse, Nick Gillinham, Karen Pickering, Jayne Torvill, Christopher Dean)

2) T: There are sports in Britain which are most popular among young people.

Look, please through the texts (ex 3, 7(3), 8) and pictures on pages 117–118 and say which of them are about sports with a long history.

You have 2 minutes. (Reading for the main idea). (Modem are: hiking and pony trekking, old are: the 100 - meters racing, hurdles, relay race; caber tossing).

III. Ex 3. What sport is the text about? (hiking). Let's read it! (A pupil is reading)

Ex 4. There is an advertisement that invites people to spend their free time outdoors. Look at this ad and answer the questions.

  1. What does it invite people to do?
  2. What kind of sport is pony - trekking?
  3. Who is it popular with? (Young people)
  4. Where do they go pony - trekking?
  5. What do they do it for?

Ex 5. Which of these sports - hiking and pony - trekking - is more popular? Why?

I’m not sure I’m a little bit more sure I’m sure


... might be

More popular because...

What similar sports are there in Russia?

T: We also have hiking. The similar sport to pony - trekking is horse riding.

IV. 1) Ex 7. (2). Listen to the information about the Barcelona Olympic Games, which were very successful for Britain!

V. Now, please read it! (A pupil is reading).

VI. Fill in the table, please, on the blackboard! (The rest are writing in their exercise - books)

Name of a woman Age Distance Medal Time record
Name of a woman        

VII. Let's have a rest!

VIII. Ex 8. p. 119. Read the text yourselves, please! Then answer the questions, please!

- How long have the Highland Games been held in Scotland?

- Why are the Highland Games popular?

- What equipment is necessary for these competitions?

IX. What new facts have you learnt about sports and athletes in Britain? Work in pairs, please! Use the phrases: I’m not sure I’m a little bit more I'm sure might be

X. Ex 10. In our culture.

What competitions were popular in Russia in the past? (Tug of war, pole climbing, sack - running, fisticuffs)

XI. Listening and watching audio Click on 3. "About sport", (lesson 9). Conclussion. Marks. Homework.