Урок по теме "Образовательные системы"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тема: Образовательные системы. Educational Systems.

Класс: 9

УМК: В.П. Кузовлев, “English 9”

Тип урока: Урок обобщения и систематизации.

Оборудование: компьютер с проектором и колонками для воспроизведения презентации, магнитофон и кассета №2  по  УМК В.П. Кузовлева, “English 9” для аудирования, учебник.


  • повторить ранее изученный лексический и лингвострановедческий материал по теме урока;
  • способствовать развитию  умения анализировать, обобщать и сравнивать понятия на основе изучаемого материала;
  • способствовать развитию общеречевых умений и навыков;
  • способствовать формированию коммуникативной и кооперативной компетенции.


УЗ.1. Постановка целей и задач

Задача: Поставить практические задачи урока. (Приложение 3. Слайды 1, 2)

Teacher: It is known that if somebody wants to have some success in his work, he or she should know why he has to do it and what he should do to be successful. Today , the topic of our lesson is “Educational Systems”. Today we are going to compare different Education Systems. We are also going to train skills of oral speaking and listening and enlarge our vocabulary.


УЗ.2. Фонетическая разминка

Задача: Разогреть речевой аппарат учащихся перед работой, повторить произношение слов, акцентируя внимание на определенных звуках. (Приложение 3. Слайд 3)

Teacher:  Read the words (pay attention to the sounds):

[t, d] study, student, kindergarten, education, education system, type of school, start school;
[r] graduate, graduate from, primary school, elementary school, secondary school, prepare;
[w] why, what, when, where, which
[z] exam, examination, national exam

УЗ.3. Речевая разминка

Задача: Проверить знание учащимися лексического материала по изучаемой теме, настроить детей на работу в коллективе на английском языке. (Приложение 3. Слайд 4)

Teacher: Answer the questions, please:

  1. Where do you go every day?
  2. What form are you in?
  3. How many lessons do you usually have?
  4. How many subjects do you have?
  5. What subjects do you prefer?
  6. What subjects are difficult for you?
  7. Do you like your school life?

УЗ.4. Актуализация прежних знаний

Задача: Повторить фактический материал по теме «Образование в Британии»; тренировать общеречевые умения и навыки. (Приложение 3. Слайды 5, 6)

Teacher: Look at the table, try to revise the previous material…

British Education System




  nursery school or kindergarten 3 – 4
1 reception class Primary School:
  1. Infant School
  2. Junior School
5 – 6
2 – 6 7 – 11
7 – 11 Secondary school 12 – 16
General Certificate of Secondary Education

Teacher: …and answer the following questions:

  1. What types of schools are there in Britain?
  2. What types of schools does primary school include?
  3. What age do children start school?
  4. How long do pupils study at primary school?
  5. How many years do pupils study at secondary school?
  6. When do pupils leave school?
  7. What document do they get when they graduate from school?

Введение нового материала

УЗ.5. Аудирование и анализ полученной информации.

Задача: Тренировать учащихся в аудировании английской речи, проверить понимание прослушиваемого текста. (Текст «Система образования в США» на кассете №2. Приложение 3. Слайды №7, 8, 9, Приложение 1)

Teacher:  Listen to the tape and try to fill in this table: Education system in the USA:

grade school age

Teacher: Listen to the tape once more and try to fill in the gaps in the text:

The school year in the United States of America begins in ___ and finishes in ___.
There are ___ semesters. They have no school on the following: ____, ____, Easter and during ____ vocation.
The compulsory subjects are ________________.
The students can also choose the “electives” in such areas as ________________________.

Teacher: Check the results of your work:

The school year in the United States of America begins in September and finishes in June.
There are three semesters. They have no school on the following: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and during summer vocation.
The compulsory subjects are English, Maths, Science, Social Studies and Physical Education.
The students can also choose the “electives” in such areas as Foreign Languages, Fine Arts, Vocational Studies.


УЗ.6. Сравнение и систематизация.

Задача: Сравнить терминологию по теме «Образование» в Британском английском и Американском английском. (Приложение 3. Слайды  11, 12, Приложение 2)

Teacher: Give the American equivalents:

British English American English
Primary school  
Secondary school  
State school  

Teacher: Check your answers.

British English American English
form grade
Primary school Elementary school
Secondary school High school
State school Public school

УЗ.7. Работа в группах

Задача: Тренировать общеречевые умения и навыки, формировать умение работать в группе. (Приложение 3. Слайды 13, 14)

Teacher: Choose one of the variants, discuss in groups and answer.

  1. Discuss British and American Education systems and try to name all the factual differences between them. Be ready to present the result of your work.
  2. Discuss British and Russian Education systems and try to name all the factual differences between them. Be ready to present the result of your work.

Teacher: Complete the word-web, discuss in groups and answer. (Приложение 3. Слад 14)

Подведение итогов урока

УЗ.8. Домашнее задание

Задача: Объяснить содержание домашнего задания. (Приложение 3. Слайд 15)

Teacher: You have three variants of your homework. Each of the variants is devoted to checking the level of your understanding the topic:

1. Make up a test to check your classmates on the topic “Education”
2. Composition: My School
3. Make up a dialogue: “British and Russian education Systems”

УЗ.9. Рефлекия

Задача: Отразить содержание урока в ассоциативной и эмоциональной форме. (Приложение 3. Слайд 16)

Teacher: Express your impressions about the lesson. Choose a picture and explain why did you choose it.