Урок в 9-м классе по теме "Crime and Punishment". Презентация трагедии "Macbeth" по учебнику "Hotline"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • Воспитание нравственных ценностей на примере трагедии Шекспира “Макбет”.
  • Учить анализировать литературное произведение, давать характеристику героев на основе изученной лексики по теме “Crime and Punishment”.
  • Совершенствование навыков аудирования и развитие устной речи.
  • Знакомство с конструкцией “have something done”.

Оборудование: портрет Шекспира, костюмы судейских, карта Великобритании.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент:

Good morning! I`m glad to see you. So, let`s begin our lesson. We begin it with a common question: Who`s absent? How are things? What`s the news? As far as I know you like to watch TV programs concerning criminal news. I would say you adore watching them. Am I right? So, would you like to tell me about what`s going on in our city and all over the world?

  1. Организация устной беседы с целью повторения лексики по теме.

- Well, yesterday “an innocent man was released from prison after serving ten years of a thirty year prison sentence for murder. The man had been found guilty on false police evidence. Before leaving the court, the man`s solicitor spoke to reporters: “Thank God we don’t have capital punishment any more”.

Учитель: Well, it`s interesting! So, what do you think about it?

  • I think this man can bring an action against those policemen and court itself who sentenced him illegally according false evidence.
  • They should compensate him moral and pecuniary damage.

Учитель: A good idea! Is there any more news?

  • May I add? There was an interesting article in Moscow Komsomolets: “A sixteen – year - old girl was seriously injured after being knocked off her motorcycle by a motorist. It is feared she may never be able to walk again. The motorist failed a breathalyzer test.”
  • Having read this text I was simply shocked. She is my age. And when I imagine I were her and couldn’t walk any more, I simply flew into a rage. Because of such drunken drivers people become disabled.

Учитель: So, your opinions, friends. Are you supporting Rosy in her anger?

  • I suppose, this motorist should pay for her treatment.
  • He must be imprisoned.
  • He must never drive.
  • He must be deprived of his driver`s license forever.

Учитель: And what about her parents and this girl herself?

  • I frankly pity her. And to tell the truth she is not the only one who zippered in road accident.
  1. Организация обсуждения литературных произведений.

Учитель: Well, thank you. Actuality listening to radio or TV news, reading criminal newspapers chronics and in magazines sometimes one can feel that the world is full of violence. People kill each other, having forgotten about the main commandment “Don’t kill!” But can we say that only nowadays people commit crimes? Would you remember some literature examples from the past?

  • “Jipses” by Pushkin.
  • “Crime & Punishment” by Dostoevsky.
  • “Taras Bulba” by Gogol.
  • “Hamlet”, “Romeo & Juliette” by Shakespeare.

Учитель: Well, good. Shakespeare! A good example. Shakespeare – the world recognized master of tragedy, the greatest writer in the English language. Have you read any of his plays?

  • Yes, Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets.
  • He wrote historical plays and they are still popular today. They have been translated into languages and many of them have been screened.
  • His plays are as relevant today as they were in XVI century.
  • They are about the great issues of life - love, hatred, jealousy, power, ambition, death.

Учитель: Yes, about love, hatred, jealousy, power, ambition, death. And the evidence of this is one of his 4 great tragedies - MACBETH, the first acquaintance with which was at home during the first listening of the tape.

So open your books on page 96. Read the exercise 1. Reading (2 pupils)

Учитель: What`s the Russian for “witch, wild, lonely hearth, a surprising prophecy”.

(Ответы учащихся)

Учитель: Now we are doing ex.2

  • Read the names of the main characters.
  • Listen to the tape.


Witch: When shall we three meet again In thunder, lightning or in rain?

Narrator: These are the first lines of a play called Macbeth. They are spoken by one of three witches, who Macbeth, the main character, meets.

Macbeth was written in the early seventeenth century by the most famous writer in the English language, William Shakespeare. The play takes place in Scotland. In the opening scenes two Scottish generals, Macbeth and Banquo, are on their way home after a battle. As they're crossing a wild and lonely heath, they meet the three witches. The witches make a surprising prophecy.

Witches: Ah hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! 'All hail, Macbeth! That shall be king hereafter.

Narrator: The witches prophesy that Macbeth will become the Thane of Cawdor (a thane is a kind of lord) and also that he will become king of Scotland.The witches also make a prophecy about Banquo. They tell him that he will not become king, but that he will be the father of a king. At first Macbeth doesn't believe the prophecy, but when he returns to his castle he learns that the king, Duncan, has had him made Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth starts to believe the prophecy. Soon afterwards Duncan comes to stay at Macbeth's castle. What do you think Macbeth does?

Macbeth's wife, Lady Macbeth, persuades her husband to murder the king. Macbeth kills Duncan, but Duncan's two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, escape to England. Macbeth has himself made king. Macbeth has made the prophecy come true. But Macbeth remembers the prophecy that one of Banquo's children will become king. What do you think he does?

To stop the prophecy, Macbeth tries to have Banquo and his son, Fleance, murdered, too. Banquo is killed, but Fleance escapes to England. Macbeth is now haunted by Banquo's ghost. One night he sees the ghost sitting in his seat at the table. What would you do, if you were Macbeth?

Macbeth goes back to the heath to find the three witches. They tell Macbeth that he'll be safe until the forest called Birnam Wood comes to his castle at Dunsinane. They also tell him to beware of Macduff, the Thane of Fife.Macbeth thinks that he is safe. How can a wood move? What do you think he does now?

Macbeth decides to kill Macduff. His army attacks Macduff's castle. But Macduff isn't there. He is with Malcolm in England, but his wife and children are at the castle. Macbeth has Macduff's family killed. Macbeth returns to Dunsinane, where he finds that Lady Macbeth has gone mad. All the killing has been too much for her and she soon dies.

Now Malcolm and Macduff decide to get their revenge. Their army marches up from England to Dunsinane. As they are going through Birnam Wood, Malcolm has branches cut from the trees. When they attack the castle, the soldiers carry the branches to hide themselves. How do you think the story ends?

From Dunsinane castle it looks as if the forest is moving towards the castle. The witches' prophecy has come true again. In the battle that follows, Macduff kills Macbeth and Malcolm becomes king of Scotland.

Учитель: And now answer these questions:

  • Why did Macbeth murder Duncan?
  • Why did he have Banquo murdered?

(Ответы учащихся)

Учитель: In all of Shakespeare`s tragedies, the main hero is defeated because of a fault in his or her character. What was the fault in Macbeth`s character?

(Ответы учащихся)

- Macbeth is dreaming about claiming the throne, although he doesn’t have succession in it. On the contrary he opposes quite another right to it – the human one. He is the only here to be deserved the throne, isn’t he? And this is horrible! And this is the horror of the tragedy.

- The problem of a genius and a villain, this joinness, if there is a limit to morality for a great man? There is the question confronting Macbeth. And he knows the answer, hesitates and never the less he committed evildead.

Учитель: Which of the characters in Macbeth would you like to play? Why?

(Ответы учащихся)

Учитель: And now, my dear, imagine this happens nowadays. What must or can be done?

  • There must be an investigation.
  • There must be witnesses.
  • He must be sentenced to imprisonment.
  • There must be a criminal case opened.
  • The case must be on trial.

Учитель: Yes, there must be a trial. Imagine there is an action brought against Macbeth. So, we need a judge, a barrister, a prosecutor, the jury and accused himself (распределение ролей, занять места)

  1. Ролевая игра.

Judge: People up! You are to hear of the case of the murder of Sir Duncan, Sir Banquo. So, the royal court against Sir Macbeth! Mouser prosecutor, produce your evidence for consideration of the court.

Prosecutor: This man is guilty. He committed evil murders if innocent people. He imagined himself the Creator and decided that he could do anything he wanted. He illegally seized the power and the throne without having the right of them. He is guilty and he deserves only death according to these merits. Nobody has the right to murder another man.

Judge: Thank you. Now your turn, the Barrister.

Barrister: Your Honor! You will make a great miscarriage of justice if you convict this man. Look at him! Look at this noble man, a brilliant commander defeated the Norwegian army in dreadful battles. He comes from a Royal family; he was the brother of the king Duncan. Could he really kill him? Frankly speaking, he also had the right to heritage the throne, but he couldn’t have dreamt about it. It`s all his wife who made him to act that. Be graceful and forgive him!

Judge: And now I give the floor to the prisoner: You final word, Sir Macbeth.

Macbeth: Anyway, I`m guilty. Yes, I murdered them, but I`m greatly repenting of my evil dead. Really, I imagined myself the Creator. I was too proud and ambitious, that was the reason I seized the power. I deserve only death. Let the God and people forgive me.

Judge: Thank you. And your word, the jury.

Jury: Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.

Judge: So, you are guilty. You are sentenced to death, Sir Macbeth!

Учитель: Well, thank you, the jury, the court and take your places. That could be so. Now, tell me. Would you like to read this tragedy in Russian?

(Ответы учеников.)

Учитель: Понравился ли вам сюжет, завязка? Не хотели бы подробно прочитать на родном языке?

  1. Заключительное слово учителя:

Итак, в заключении я бы хотела сказать следующее: даже при таком поверхностном знакомстве с трагедией, прозрачна одна мысль. Какая? Очень многие классики мировой литературы (это и Булгаков, и Зайцев, и Грин, и Шекспир, и Достоевский) писали, лелеяли эту мысль: никому не дано право на человеческую жизнь. Вы даже свою жизнь не имеете права уничтожить бесцельно. Наверное, не стоит объяснять почему. Каждый человек – большая ценность, кто бы он ни был. Во имя власти, выгоды, золота, никто не имеет права совершать насилие над человеком. Никакая вера на Земле не позволяет убивать человека безнаказанно. И эта мысль вечна!

  1. Домашнее задание: интервью с Макбетом.