Открытый урок в 8-м классе по теме "Planning a trip"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. учащиеся должны иметь представление о местах отдыха, применять эти знания в монологическом высказывании;
  2. учащиеся должны понимать иноязычную речь и применять лексико-грамматический материал в разных ситуациях;
  3. продолжить развитие навыков аудирования, умений диалогического общения и социокультурного аспекта обучения;
  4. воспитывать культуру общения, познавательные интересы к стране изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: карта Великобритании, аудиокассета с записью радиопрограммы к учебнику Rising Star A Pre-First Certificate Luke Prodromou Macmillan, CD “Учите английский” (средний уровень) с игрой, презентация, раздаточный материал, билеты, карты, сувениры и др. необходимые для путешествия вещи.  

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you at the lesson devoted to our plans for the next summer holidays. I hope we’ll do our best to arrange our holidays in a proper way, that’s why it’s called “Planning a trip”. It means we’ll speak about ways of travelling, reasons of travelling and of course places of travelling.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

First of all I want you to train the sounds [t] [r] [tr] (cards with the sounds). Give some examples of the words with these sounds. ( Учитель объясняет понятие ассимиляции и дает несколько примеров)

P1: transport

P2: train

P3: try etc.

And now let’s do exercise I in your sheets of paper (Приложение 1).

3. Лексическая зарядка.

And now I want to see how many words on this topic you know (Приложение1). II. Guess the word, please. I’ll be very impressed if you write these words correctly.

4. Well done. Will you name means of transport found in the exercise, please?

P1: ship

P2: plane

P3: double-decker etc.

T: Now look at the blackboard and name some more words denoting transport (Приложение 2).

5. Основной этап урока.

T: How do you go to school, I wonder?

P1: I usually go to school by bus.

P2: I go to school on foot.

T: How do you go on holiday? Why?

P3. I go on holiday by car. It’s very comfortable.

P4: I go by plain. It’s the fastest way of travelling.

P5: I go by bicycle. It’s good for your health.

T: How do we travel to the UK?

P6: By plane, of course.

T: Right you are. Now listen to the radio programme about Concorde and decide whether the statements are true or false in exercise III (Приложение 1).

6. It’s high time to remember the most important tips for travellers. Look! I’ve got different things here: maps, travel guides, documents, souvenirs, a mobile phone, a camera. Do you think we must take them? Or maybe they are not so necessary during the trip? Who will help us?

P1: I’m sure we must take a passport, a visa, tickets, a plastic card.

P2: We should also take a first aid kit, health insurance, maps and travel guides.

P3: I think maps are not necessary. We should check the weather first.

P4: We also need a camera and Russian souvenirs.

7. I’m satisfied with your answers, thanks. And now let’s relax. Imagine that you’re already in the UK. Can you understand a foreigner? (a game)

8. Now I see you’ll find the way in any situations. And now we must choose a place where we would like to travel. By the way, why do people travel?

P1: to visit ancient towns,

P2: to practice language,

P3: to learn the history of the country,

P4: to meet interesting people,

P5: to see the castles etc.

T: Sure. You’ve got your holiday passports (приложение 3).While watching the slides write down information you need. I mean the place of travelling, the time of the trip and the reasons of your choice.

(Приложение 4)

9. Have you made up your mind where you would like to travel? Will you tell us about your plans?

P1: I’d like to travel to Brighton in July. It’s the best time for swimming.

P2: As for me I’d like to go to Longleat. I love animals.

P3: Music is my joy so I’d love to travel to Bath.

P4: For me there’s nothing like enjoying the fresh air, the beautiful countryside. I’d like to travel to Wales in August.

P5: I’m keen on the British history. I’d like to go to England.

10. Подведение итогов, рефлексия.

Thanks a lot. You’ve worked hard today. At home you should interview your classmates about their plans for summer, write down the information in your holiday passports and at the next lesson you’ll tell us about it. And now express your feelings of our lesson by drawing a corresponding face in the place where your photo should be. Show me your photos. Great! I suppose you’ve learnt much today and you’re perfectly ready to travel somewhere in summer.