Сценарий праздника английского языка, посвященного подведению итогов учебного года во 2-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа


  • повторение пройденной лексики по темам "Давайте познакомимся",
  • "Семья", "Игрушки", "Игры", счета, названий цветов;
  • формирование диалогической речи;
  • формирование языковых навыков.

Воспитательная цель: формирование интереса и положительного отношения к изучаемому языку, понимания себя как личности, принадлежащей к определенному языковому сообществу.

Образовательная цель: расширение кругозора учащихся; формирование страноведческой мотивации, в основе которой лежит интерес к жизни сверстников за рубежом.

Развивающая цель: формирование коммуникативных навыков у учащихся, развитие актерских способностей у детей.


  • доска;
  • зеленый и белый мел;
  • мишка и лошадь;
  • плюшевый медведь;
  • самокат;
  • костюм Медведя и Обезьянки;
  • два телефона.


  • атмосфера праздника,
  • разноцветные шары,
  • на стенах буквы английского алфавита,
  • праздничная одежда на участниках,
  • легкая музыка.

На протяжении всего праздника звучит легкая музыка, затихающая во время диалогов.


Pupil 1: - Hello! I'm Rita. I'm eight. I'm from Russia, from Moscow. I have got many friends.

P.2: - (стук в дверь) May I come in? Hello,Rita!

P.1: - Hi, Sasha! How are you?

P.2: - Fine, thanks. And you? Glad to see you.

P.1: - Glad to see you, too. (обращаясь к зрителям) Sasha is my friend. She is a nice girl. She is clever.

P.3: - (стук в дверь) May I come in? Hello, Rita! Hello, Sasha! How are you, girls?

P.2: - Who is he? Is he a boy from your class?

P.1: - I don't know:M-m.. Oh! Yes! He`s Kirill.

Вместе - Hi, Kirill!

P.3: -Hello! How are you? Nice to see you.

P.2: -Nice to see you, too. (обращаясь к зрителям) Kirill is our friend. It's fun to play with him.

P.1 и P.2 садятся на стулья, расставленные полукругом.

Situation 2:

P.3: -We have got many friends. And we like to play games. Nastja, what games do you like to play?

P.4 (Nastja): -I like to play in the park. I like to play hide-and-seek. (Выходит P.5). And I don't know, where my teddy-bear is?(оглядывается) Where is my horse?

P.5 (Egor): -Here is your bear. And this is a funny horse.

P.4: - Oh, my lovely bear and horse! I'm so happy!

 P.5: -And I like to play leapfrog, because I like to run and jump.


- Hide-and-seek we like to play.
Oh, it's fun. Oh, it's fun.


- Leapfrog is a funny game.
Oh, it's fun. Oh, it's fun.

P.6: -You, Egor, like to play hide-and-seek. And I like to run and jump. I like to go to the park with my friend. (берет P.7 за руку и выводит к зрителям) She is my friend. Her name is Lisa.

P.7 (Lisa): -And Ksenja is my friend. We like to play together.

(вместе) - Let's play.

Let's run.
Let's jump.
It's fun.

Situation 3:

P.8 (Ksenja): -(выходит) How old are you, Lisa?

P.7: -I'm eight. And you, Ksenja? How old are you?

P.8: - I'm eight, too. And my sister Kate is one. She is a little girl. And how old are you?

P.9 (Kate): -I'm eight, too. But I have got a brother. He is ten. He likes to play with Lego toys.

Situation 4:

P.10: -(выходит) And I like to count. Listen! (считает сидящих детей) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, (указывает на P.11) ten!

P.11 (Dan):

- I'm ten. OK. Listen!
Two and four and six and eight.
What's your name?


- My name is Kate.
One, three, five, seven, nine and ten.
What's your name?

P.11: - My name is Dan.

(выходят P.12 и P.13)

P.12: - Have you got a telephone, Polly?

P.13 (Polly): - Yes, I have got a telephone. (показывает) It's my telephone. It's little but nice. I like to play with my telephone.

P.12: - What is your telephone number?

P.13: - My telephone number is *** ** **. And you? Have you got a telephone and what is your telephone number?

P.12: - Oh, yes. I have got a telephone. (показывает) It's nice, too. It's black. I like it very much. My telephone number is *** ** **.

Situation 5:

P.14 (Ivan): - And I have got a computer. My father and I like to play with my computer. I have got many computer games. (далее обращается к P.15) Have you got a computer?

(выходит P.15)

P.15 (Lisa): - No, I haven't got a computer. (P.14 разочарованно разводит руками и направляется к своему месту) But I have got many toys.

P.14(останавливаясь, как-бы передразнивая) Dolls and kittens, puppies and balls:(торжественно) My computer is the best game!

P.15: -But Ivan, I think that my doll Marusja is the best toy!(тараторя,перечисляет) My toys are dogs and puppies, cats and kittens, dolls and balls, bears and frogs, horses and cows, dolphins and penguins.. (P.14 берется за голову и садится, обращаясь к сидящей рядом P.16)

P.14: -How many toys she's got!

P.16(выходит): - Lisa, how many toys have you got?

P.15 (продолжая тараторить, загибает пальцы): - I've got one big black dog, two little green frogs, five big brown bears, two grey dolphins and one brown penguin:

P.16 (Ann): - Stop, stop, stop, Lisa!

P.15: -OK. And you, Ann? Have you got toys at home?

P.16: - Of course. Many. But most of all I like my horse.

Situation 6:

P.17 (Dana): (выходит)- I like horses, too. And what colour is your horse?

P.16: - Oh, it's white.

P.17: - White colour is nice. I like white. Is it big or little?

P.16: - It's such little.(показывает)

P.17: - And what is its name?

P.16: - It is Peggy. And I love it very much! What toy do you like, Dana?

P.17: - I like to play with my Teddy bear. It's big. It's brown. Listen!

Teddy Bear.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear!
Oh, where are you? Oh, where?
I love you, Teddy bear!
Oh, where are you? Oh, where?!

(P.18 встает с места и что-то ищет)

P.18: - Oh, where is my little green frog?

(поет запись 97)

Oh, where, oh, where
is my little green frog?
Oh, where, oh, where
is he?

Situation 7:

P.19: - Let's draw a green frog! It's fun to draw! (рисуют на доске)

P.18: - A very big frog. It's green. I like green. And you?

P.19: - I like white. I have got a white ship. It's nice. And I like my grey hare. It's nice and funny.

I've got a hare.
I've got a bear.
My toys are here.
My toys are there.


- My horses are white.
My kittens are grey.
I've got many toys.
Let's play.

P.20 (выходит и разворачивает рисунок)- My friend has got 9 cars, 7 planes, 8 trains.

P.21(считая)- One, two, three: Has your friend got dolls?

P.20: - No, he hasn't. He hasn't got dolls and balls. But I have got 5 balls! And I like to play with them.

P.21: - And what colour are your balls?

P.20- They are red, blue, green, yellow and brown.

(выходят P.22, P.23, P.24, P.25, P.26)

(поют вместе)

Red and yellow,
blue and green,
pink and green,
blue and green.
Red and yellow,
blue and grey,
black and white,
and brown.

(выходят P.22 и P.23)

Situation 8:

P.22: - Let's play zoo!

P.23: - OK!

P.22: - I want to be a monkey. I like to jump.

P.23: - And I want to be a bear.

P.22: - A white bear?

P.23: - No. I want to be a big brown bear. (одевает костюм мишки) I want to run.

P.22: - Now I am a monkey.(одевает костюм обезьянки) Аnd you are a bear. Then run like a bear! Oh, you are a big funny bear!

P.23: - And you, monkey, jump. Oh, you are a funny little monkey!

P.22: - It's fun to be a monkey!

P.23: - It's fun to be a bear!

(вместе)- It's fun to play zoo.

Situation 9:

(Р.24 въезжает на самокате)

- And I like to ride my scooter. And I want to sing a song.

"I want to ride my bike"
I want to ride my bicycle,
I want to ride my bike,
I want to ride my bicycle,
I want to ride my bike.

Р.25: - And I: like to go to the park.

We like to ride on a swing, too!

P.24: - And I like to ride on a swing, too. Let's sing a song "Swinging"

Swinging, swinging high and low,
High and low, high and low.
Swinging, swinging to and fro,
To and fro, to and fro.

P.23: -And I like to ride on a big wheel!

Все дети встают и говорят: "We all like to play when we are together!"

В конце поется заключительная песня: "The more we are together"

The more we are together,
Together, together.
The more we are together,
The merrier we'll be.

For your friends
Are my friends.
And my friends
Are your friends.

The more we are together,
Together, together.
The more we are together
The merrier we'll be.