Урок английского языка в 11-м классе "A job interview"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: Формирование коммуникативной компетенции.


  • Формировать у учащихся навыки коммуникации.
  • Активизировать в речи лексику по теме “Работа”.
  • Развивать умение аудирования, видеоаудирования, чтения.
  • Совершенствовать умения работы с источниками знаний; совершенствовать навыки анализа.
  • Учить вести диалог, используя специальные речевые клише.
  • Прививать уважение к людям разных профессий.
  • Способствовать воспитанию понимания у учащихся важности и необходимости реализации своих умений и способностей через выбранную профессию, направленных на самосовершенствование.


  • Лаборатория устной речи “Sanako Lab 90”.
  • Мультимедийный проектор.
  • DVD.
  • Материалы европейских учебников “Enterprise”, “Face2face”, “Exam Excellent”, “State Exam”, “Trio”, аутентичных газет.
  • Картинки по теме “Профессии”.
  • Мультимедийные приложения.
  • Интернет.
  • Ресурсы Интернета.

Форма проведения: ролевая игра.

Особенности проведения ролевой игры:

  • Стимулирует активизацию мышления.
  • Способствует созданию оптимальной информационной обстановки.
  • Организует систематический повтор материала.
  • Совершенствует умения выступать и защищать свою точку зрения.
  • Развивает творческие способности.
  • Развивает коммуникативные навыки работы в группах.
  • Развивает познавательный интерес к окружающей жизни.

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент.

Hello, today we are going to talk about some professions, about some things you should know if you want to become successful and we’ll take part in a job interview.

  1. Warm-up.

First of all, let’s read these wise quotations written on the blackboard. Can you comment them?

  • “Get happiness out of your work or you may never know what happiness is”. (Edgar Bergen)
  • “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”. (Unknown author)
  • “When work is a pleasure, life is joy. When work is duty, life is slavery.” (Maxim Gorky)
  1. Language work. (Устно)

Well, thank you. So, it is very important to find your own way in your life.

  1. When you choose your career, don’t forget about job requirements. They are: abilities skills qualities

Let’s classify the items in the list of job requirements according to the categories (a sharp mind, ambition, creativity, numeracy and literacy, artistic ability, dedication, administrative skills, individuality, initiative, ability to work to tight deadlines, physical strength, teamwork skills, leadership, ability to work under pressure, flexibility)

  1. Say which abilities skills and qualities are needed to be successful in the job of tour guide? politician? etc.

(Демонстрируется слайд-фильм с изображениями людей различных профессий < Приложение 1>)

  1. Do you know that all professions can be divided into 6 groups? They are: dangerous underpaid respected unskilled exciting unnecessary/pointless

(К доске вызываются 2 ученика и распределяют картинки с изображениями людей различных профессий в разные части таблицы, руководствуясь своими представлениями о них, готовятся объяснить свой выбор). (3 минуты).

  1. Остальные учащиеся работают с интерактивным упражнением “Профессии” [Chris Redston&Gillie Cunningham “Face2face” Cambridge University Press 2005г. +CD-ROM]

Учитель: Well, you think there are no pointless jobs. Some of them are traditional, others are strange, but all of them should be respected.

  1. Listening

Let’s listen to the text about strange jobs [Chris Redston&Gillie Cunningham “Face2face” Cambridge University Press 2005г. +CD-ROM] and tick the true sentences. Correct the false sentences. (Для опроса используется лаборатория устной речи “SANAKO Lab 90”, функция “Викторина”, результаты обрабатываются компьютером.)


Interviewer: Daniel Ash, your new book is a collection of articles about people with strange jobs.

Daniel: Yes, I collected stories about unusual jobs from all over the world.

I: So you’re not talking about actors or shop assistants.

D: No, all the people in the book have very strange jobs.

I: I see it’s organized in very different industries, like the cleaning industry. But isn’t cleaning a normal job?

D: Normally, yes. But did you know there’s man in America called Brad Fields and he cleans the chewing gum off the Statue of Liberty? Well, actually now he’s got a company called Gumbusters. But that’s all they do – they clean gum off the streets and famous buildings of New York.

I: Oh, what a horrible job!

D: Yes, apparently Americans chew 56 billion pieces of chewing gum of year. Then they throw most of it onto street. That’s a lot of cleaning.

I: OK, that’s job is quiet unusual. But what about the food industry?

D: Well, when the food to advertise food they sometimes need a food stylist. Their job is to make food look good in advertisement.

I: I’ve never heard of this job before.

D: Well, there are only 20 food stylists in Britain. For example, when we look at picture of strawberries and cream we’re really looking at strawberries and white paint.

I: Really?

D: Yes, they paint sausages with washing-up liquid, then coffee, to make them look natural.

I: So what’s the strangest job in your book, do you think?

D: Well, what about a vermiculturalist?

I: What’s that?

D: A vermiculturalist is a worm farmer. These people manage farms that only have worms. No other animals, only worms.

I: But why?

D: Well, worms like eating rubbish and that’s good for the environment. So companies pay a worm farmer to clean up their rubbish.

I: Fascinating, but urh not a job for me. I see there’s also a chapter about artists. What strange jobs did you find in…


  1. The jobs in the book are from different countries.
  2. Brad Field’s company only cleans gum from the Statue of Liberty.
  3. Americans chew 56 billion pieces of gum a year.
  4. Food stylists take photos of food.
  5. They paint sausages with washing-up liquid and coffee.
  6. Worm farmers use worms to eat rubbish.
  1. Speaking

Well, there are a lot of different professions. If you want to apply, first of all you should send your CV and only then you have a job interview. Do you know any useful tips?

Dos and Don’ts (предполагаемые ответы)

  • Relax, be yourself.
  • Be polite and friendly.
  • Smile occasionally, it helps.
  • Be positive. Showing you’re keen on the job is the most important thing to remember.
  • Don’t smoke or chew gum.
  • Ask if there’s something you don/t understand.
  • Don’t tell lies! No one expects you to be a superman/woman.
  1. Listening (video)

Watch this short piece of the job interview and answer the questions: [DVD к УМК “Enterprise-4”]

  • Which candidate gives more details?
  • Which candidate gives slightly irrelevant information?
  • Why didn’t the girl like the previous boss?
  • What had happened with her CV?
  • Who will get the job? Why do you think so?
  1. Role-play.

1. You are going to hold an interview for a job. Your home task was to read the job advertisement, decide if you are the applicant or the interviewing board and get ready for the interview.

[Задание, ролевые карты и карты самооценки см. УМК “New Millennium English-11”, стр. 54-55]

Ролевая игра.

2. Pair work. Read any job advertisement and ask 6 or 7 questions, answer them.

(Используются материалы аутентичных газет, журналов. На данном этапе применяется ЛУР “SANAKO 90”, функция “Разговор по телефону”.)

  1. Virtual job interview.

Работа в Интернете. Игра “Виртуальное интервью о приеме на работу”


  1. Заключительный этап урока, итоги.

Well, our time is over. I think we’ve done all the tasks and you’ve got a lot of interesting information.

Thank you. Good-bye.

Использованные ресурсы

  1. О.Л. Гроза УМК “New Millennium English”, 11 класс British Council 2004г.
  2. Е.Н. Соловова “State Exam. Maximiser” Pearson Longman 2007г.
  3. “Exam Excellence” Oxford University Press 2007г. +Smart Audio CD
  4. Chris Redston&Gillie Cunningham “Face2face” Cambridge University Press 2005г. +CD-ROM
  5. Paul Radley “Trio 3” Heinemann 1996г.
  6. DVD “Enterprise 4” Express Publishing
  7. Аутентичные газеты
  8. Ресурсы Интернета: www.mes-English.com. Flash cards
  9. Интернет сайты www.bbc.co.uk. http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/schools/11_16/gogetit/getthatjob/interviewgame.shtml
  10. “Методическая мозаика”