Урок английского языка "Обсуждая биографии"


Цели урока:

  • практическая: познакомить учащихся с речевыми и грамматическими конструкциями, которые употребляются при обсуждении жизни людей;
  • образовательная: знакомить учащихся с литературным творчеством писателей Англии, прививать хороший вкус в искусстве;
  • развивающая: развивать воображение, фантазию, умение логически излагать собственные мысли, а также сопоставлять и анализировать;
  • воспитательная: учить учащихся с уважением относиться к достижениям великих людей, показывать примеры достойно прожитой жизни, формировать моральные ценности и приоритеты в жизни.

Оборудование: компьютер, аудиосистемы, мультимедийный проектор.

УМК: A Reader for Spotlight 7. Peter Pan.

См. Фото

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

  1. Приветствие

Hello, dear friends! Today we are going to discuss human life. I believe all of you understand that it is very important for us to know about famous people who lived before us. There are a lot of achievements that have been done since the most ancient times, and one of them is our culture. People who created paintings, poems and novels – all of them are worthy of admiration, common love and respect.

  1. Речевая зарядка

First of all, there is a need for me to know your opinions about human achievements. I have got a few questions for you.

  • Is it necessary for modern youth to know about our origin?

Students think and answer.

II. Дискуссия

  1. Предварительная дискуссия.

Ok, I see this question is really controversial for you. Some think it is better to live your own life, some prefer to know about mistakes of past. Now please pay your attention to the blackboard. Look there. You can see some more questions. Now your task is to think a bit and then answer. Consult with each other in pairs, choose a question and tell me and the whole class your opinion. You have got some minutes to think.

  • What is the point to study lives of other people?
  • What do you want to know most of all about famous people?
  • What are the people you are interested in by profession?
  • Do you like to read?
  • Are you interested in why people lived that or other way?

Students think and answer

Ok, thanks. And what about reading? Why did I ask about this? You can guess that today we are going to discuss a writer – to tell you the truth, rather famous writer! First, let’s look at the blackboard – there you can see his portrait. Guess what exactly this man wrote! In spite of sad face expression <Рисунок1>, he wrote magic tales about amazing creatures – parentsless (I mean their parents forgot their children at all) boys, crocodiles, the Indians and pirates. Do you know him? Of course, it’s James Barrie with his famous hero Peter Pan!

  1. Работа с текстом.

So, now it’s high time to know more about his biography. Now our task is to read the text, to translate, to take down in short and to discuss! The extract of that information you can see at the blackboard.

James Matthew Barrie was born on 9th May, 1860, in Scotland. He was one of ten brothers and sisters. Barrie’s mother loved his older brother David most of all. Sadly, David died in a skating accident when Barrie was six. His mother fell into depression and young Jamie was deeply affected by it.

Barrie became a writer when he left university. He worked for a newspaper called the Nottingham Journal, but his true love was the theatre. Barrie moved to London and started to write plays and books. In 1904, he wrote a play called Peter Pan, The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up. Later on, Barrie decided to turn the play into a book and changed the title to Peter Pan.

The book was full of magic and was a huge success with people of all ages. His books were very popular, but none were ever quite as successful as Peter pan. Barrie became a baronet in 1913. He died in 1937 at the age of 77. People remember him as one of the greatest children’s writers of all time.

Ok, that was the text. Of course, you can find here some unknown phrases and words, let’s discuss them. Look at the blackboard.

most of all – больше всего
accident – несчастный случай, авария
to fall into depression – впадать в депрессию
to be affected – подвергаться влиянию
to leave university – заканчивать университет
to turn the play into a book – переделать пьесу в книгу
to be a huge success – иметь огромный успех
at the age – в возрасте
of all time – всех времен

Of course, these phrases and word expressions are not that easy to understand. Nevertheless, one should try to get it.

  1. Обсуждение текста с использованием готовых речевых конструкций.

Now we are turning to our main task – to discuss one’s biography. For this we should pay our attention to word combinations and words that are usually used when speaking about people lives:

to be born – быть рожденным
to be at age of – быть в возрасте
to become – становиться
to work – работать
to move – переехать
to start – начинать
to die – умирать
to remember – помнить

Now, when you have read this text you are to answer some questions. Please be careful and consult the text where it is necessary. Questions are at the blackboard.

  • Where was J.M. Barrie born?
  • What was his full name?
  • What was the name of his older brother?
  • How many brothers and sisters did he have?
  • What happened to his elder brother?
  • Which newspaper did he work for?
  • Where did he move to?
  • What was the title of the play?
  • What was the title of the book?
  • When did he die?

Please work in groups. Consult with each other and then one by answer a question and ask your classmate.

Students think and answer.

III. Подведение итогов, рефлексия учащихся, заключение

My friends, our lesson is practically over, now I would like to sum up in a way. First of all, I am interested in your opinions. Do you like this lesson? Why or why not? Was it interesting to know about Barrie? Is it interesting to discuss people?

Students think and answer.

Ok, thank you. I am happy that most of you are so fond of thinking.

Now please open your diaries and take down your assignment. The task is to describe your own life using a lot of new words given today. You will do it in your writing-books and next lesson you will tell us your stories.

Ok, thank you for the lesson, have a nice day!