Урок по английскому языку на тему "Одежда"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Topic: Clothes for different occasions

Level: grade 8


1. T: Morning, glad to see you. You look so smart today and it's quite natural. Every young person wants to look more attractive. Some people change their hairstyle, others try to follow fashion in wear. Today we'll speak about clothes. To be exact about clothes for different occasions.

2. T: Young people wear different clothes for different occasions. What occasions young people may occur in?

b/b (brainstorming)

school occasions evening wear
sport parties

3. T: To speak on the problem it's necessary to repeat vocabulary. You'll work in groups. Each group will get an envelope with a set of words. You have to choose the words matching to the occasion written on the envelope.


a bow tie a white shirt a waistcoat
a sweatshirt a checked shirt a pinstripe suit
baggy jeans a tie tight trousers
classic trousers blue jeans a brief dress of bright colour
black jeans a white blouse a thick warm sweater
a long not too loud dress a blouse made of lace and frills
a striped blouse sweatpants a flowered dress
a school uniform a tracksuit a skirt and a waistcoat of dark colour

T: Read and translate. If you may add words or if you disagree you may correct the classmates using the pattern:

b/b: It seems to me that ":" doesn't (don't) match to the occasion because it is a (an) ":" style.

Repeat after me.

What is English for "галстук "бабочка" не подходит, так как это официальный стиль"?

4. T: The choice of clothes depends not only upon the occasion but on your personality. It was Sunday yesterday. I wonder what did you put on for walking and why?

H: I put on : because it was (up with fashion, the height of fashion, not expensive but of good quality, cute, cool, super, fabulous, smart, comfortable for any activity, would never go out of fashion, made my enemies wild with jealousy, my friend said I was dressed to kill).

5. T: What can clothes say about a person? Make up sentences using these words.

CARDS: tell his owner clothes about

if a person show clothes has taste

the level of culture clothes of its owner show

Read and translate. Do you agree?

6. T: So, we have come to the conclusion: for different occasions people dress differently. If you don't know the rules of etiquette you may have problems in some situations like in the text.

Read the text to yourselves and say what the problem was?

7. T: Imagine yourselves in the same situation and express your opinion. But at first let's review grammar rule which we have learned before.

Мы с вами изучили условные предложения. Что вы знаете о таких предложениях?

Р: Если после if используется Past Simple, то во второй части предложения употребляется would + V1.

T: Look at the blackboard and make up sentences, read and translate.

If the weather was fine I would put on jeans

I was invited to the cinema
the weather was cool
I was invited to the theatre
I went to the forest
I went to the market
I was invited for a walk

8. T: And now give the advice for a person. All the rest listen and cross out if you have such ideas. Then add.

9. A person who must know everything about clothes is a shop-assistant. Let's imagine you are shop-assistants. You have to help a customer to choose clothes for different occasions. Advertise it.

10. H/T T: You see, I am invited to the party (it is my friend's birthday) but there will be many VIPs. What should I put on? Give me the advice in a written form.