Урок английского языка по теме "The wonderful world of music" ("Удивительный мир музыки")

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока

  • Образовательная – совершенствование умений говорения на основе прочитанного текста, просмотренной презентации.
  • Познавательная – ознакомление учащихся с творчеством современного британского композитора Э.Л.Веббера.
  • Развивающая – развитие умения работать в группе, навыков самостоятельной работы.
  • Воспитательная – формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству, взаимопомощи и взаимоконтролю.

Развитие ключевых компетенций у обучающихся:

  • ценностно-смысловой: развитие у учеников способности понимать красоту музыки;
  • учебно-познавательной: развитие у учеников умения организации рефлексии,самооценки учебно-познавательной деятельности;
  • коммуникативной: развитие навыков работы в парах и группе, умений выразить своё мнение и аргументировать его.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Характеристика темы: преподавание ведётся по учебнику Кузовлева В.П. и др. “English” для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Изучается II раздел “Let the music begin”, урок VI .

Методическое обеспечение: раздаточный материал (отрывок из «письма» Теда, чистая открытка, текст “Music and Musicians”, текст песни АВВА с пропусками).

Техническое обеспечение: магнитофон с записью песни АВВА “ Thank you for the music”, экран, проектор, компьютер с презентацией учителя “A.L.Webber” (Приложение).

Запись на доске: таблица 8 английских идиом с русскими эквивалентами, адрес друга.

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная.

Методы работы на уроке: объяснительно-иллюстративный (при объяснении нового материала), репродуктивный (при выполнении упражнений).

Ход урока

I. Организация начала занятия. Сообщение темы и целей урока

 – Today we continue our talk about music; we are going to write a postcard, to learn more about one contemporary composer and to sing a wonderful song.

II. Фонетическая зарядка

  1. Let’s practise speaking the most important words (about music and its influence) you need to discuss this topic. Repeat after me (Student’s Book p. 40).
  2. Read these English phrases (запись на доске): 
  1. and all that jazz
  2. a song and dance
  3. for a song
  4. to be music to somebody’s ears
  5. to face the music
  6. to be all ears
  7. to sing the blues
  8. to jazz something up
  1. сделать ч-л более интересным
  2. и тому подобное, и всё такое
  3. быть хорошей новостью
  4. быть разочарованным
  5. слушать внимательно
  6. шумиха, вздор, пустая болтовня
  7. мужественно встречать критику, стоически переносить трудности
  8. за бесценок

- Can you guess their Russian equivalents?

KEY: 1-b; 2-f; 3-h; 4-c; 5-g; 6-e; 7-d; 8-a.

III. Обучение аудированию

Teacher: Let’s jazz our lesson up. You will listen to a song twice. Please, fill in the gaps and then we’ll sing it.

Thank you for the music (a song)

I’m nothing special




In fact, I’m a bit of the bore




If I tell a …




You’ve probably … it before




But I have a …




A wonderful thing




As everyone listens




When I start to …




I’m so grateful and proud




All I want is to … of love.







So, I say




Thank you for the …




The song I’m …




Thanks for all the joys




They’re bringing




… can live without it




I ask in all honesty




What would life be




Without a song or …




What I’d be?




So I say




Thank you for the …




For giving it to … !




Mother … I was a dancer




Before I could walk




She says I … to sing




Long before I could …




And I often wondered




How … it all start




Who found out that nothing




Can capture a … like




a melody …




Well, whoever it was I’m a fan.







I’ve been so …




I am the … with golden …



girl, hair

I want to sing it out to







What a joy! What a life!




… … … !



What a chance




Teacher: Does the tune impress you? What does it make you think of? Have you heard it before?

IV. Развитие навыков письма (написание открытки)

Teacher: Oh, you have received a letter from your pen friend! Let’s read the extract from it.

Student: (читает отрывок из «письма»).

… Imagine how happy I was when I learned that I had won the first prize at the International Contest of Young Pianists. This competition is very popular with young musicians. I am obliged to my teacher for bringing about my success.
I invite you to visit London in summer.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

Teacher: What will you do?

Students: We’ll write him a postcard to congratulate him on his success.

Teacher: What will you write?

Student 1: Congratulations!

Student 2: Congratulations on winning the first prize at the International Contest of Young Pianists.
Teacher: Will you write about your feelings? In what way?

Student 1: I was really happy to hear the good news.

Student 2: I believe in you.

Student 3: I hope you will win a scholarship to study at a special music school.

Teacher: Please, write Ted a postcard to congratulate him on his success. Your friend, Ted Brown, lives in Old Park Street, London, England, house number 15, his postal code is FT989GB (запись на доске).

Ключ (предполагаемое написание открытки)

Dear Ted,
Con Congratulations on winning the first prize at
the I the International Contest of Young Pianists. I
was really happy to hear the good news. I believe in you and hope you will win a scholarship to study at a special music school.

With best wishes,

Ted Brown
15 Old ParkStreet
London FT989GB

Teacher: Read what you have written.

Students: (читают свои поздравления Теду и/или сдают учителю на проверку).

V. Развитие навыков чтения

Teacher: So, Ted is keen on music. He invites you to visit London in summer. Do you know anything about music, composers and musicians of Great Britain?

Student 1, 2: Yes, I do. (вспоминают об английских композиторах, о которых читали на с. 43 учебника:Henry Purcell, Benjamin Britten)

Teacher: This text will help you to know more. Read the text and fill in letters A, B, C or D.

Students: (читают текст по цепочке, предлагая свои варианты).

Music and Musicians.

The people (1) _____ in Britain are very (2) ______of music, and it is (3) _____natural that concerts of leading symphony orchestras, numerous folk groups and pop music are very (4) ____ .

Folk music is (5) ____ very much alive. There are a lot of folk groups. Their harmonious singing and good humour win them friends everywhere.

Rock and pop music is extremely popular, (6) ____ among young people. The Beatles, with their new and exciting singing style, their wonderful sense of humour, became the most successful pop group the world (7) ____ ever known.

British groups often set new (8) ____ in music. New stars and styles (9) ____ to appear. One of the most popular contemporary musicians and composers is Andrew Lloyd Webber. His musicals and rock operas have been a great success both in Britain and overseas.

  1. A. lived; B. living; C. are living; D. have been living
  2. A. keen; B. obsessed; C. fond; D. loving
  3. A. still; B. yet; C. even; D. quite
  4. A. common; B. popular; C. known; D. excited
  5. A. still; B. already; C. yet; D. however
  6. A. especially; B. though; C. because; D. moreover
  7. A. that; B. which; C. has; D. had
  8. A. events; B. trends; C. shows; D. performances
  9. A. continue; B. manage; C. keep; D. succeed

KEY: 1-B; 2-C; 3-D; 4-B; 5-A; 6-A; 7-C; 8-B; 9-A.

VI. Развитие речевых способностей

Teacher: Discuss in groups what new facts about music and musicians in Britain you have just learned.

Students: (обсуждают).

Teacher: (ходит по классу, слушает, помогает).

VII. Введение страноведческих знаний

Teacher: Would you like to know more about Andrew Lloyd Webber? Let’s watch the presentation (Приложение)

Teacher: This is a quiz for you.

  1. Who is considered to be the king of the musical? (Andrew Lloyd Webber)
  2. Can you name his musicals and rock operas? (Jesus Christ Superstar, Evita, Starlight Express, Cats, Joseph, The Phantom of the Opera, The Beautiful Game)
  3. How many Tony Awards did “Cats” win? (seven)

– What do you know about Andrew Lloyd Webber?

– Would you like to watch his musical? Why?/Why not?

VIII. Ролевая игра: a radio program “My world of music”.

IX. Домашнее задание

  1. Text 3, p.56 (about “The Phantom of the Opera”) – to read and answer the questions;
  2. Work with Internet sites to get additional information about folk, pop or classical music of Great Britain OR write a report “My world of music” for the school newspaper. 
    X. Подведение итогов урока

So, we have done a lot of things today.

  1. What have we done today?
  2. Was it difficult to understand the song in tape?
  3. Which of the today’s activities did you like most?

That is all for today. The lesson is over, good-bye. See you later.

Использованные материалы:

  1. Английский язык: Учебник для 9 класса/ Кузовлев В.П. и др. – М.: Просвещение, 2006.
  2. Материалы газеты «Первое сентября».
  3. Журнал для изучающих английский язык “Speak out”.