Открытый урок английского языка в 7-м классе по теме "Наши близкие люди"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • Развитие языковых способностей учащихся, готовности к коммуникации, умения делать выводы из прочитанного, развитие способности выбора языковых средств, адекватных ситуации общения;
  • Обучение детей доброму, внимательному отношению друг к другу в семье, толерантному отношению к окружающим.

Задачи урока:

  • Совершенствовать навыки чтения, употребления видовременных форм глаголов, развивать умение монологической и диалогической речи;
  • Формировать творческое и критическое мышление учащихся через дискуссию и презентацию собственного мнения.

Оснащение урока:

  • компьютер,
  • видеопроектор,
  • экран для мультимедийной презентации
  • материала урока,
  • аудиозапись песни “Friends”,
  • классная доска,
  • постер для создания мини проекта.

Ход урока

I. Определение учащимися темы урока. (слайд). Учащиеся смотрят на экран, читают высказывания великих людей и пословицы о семье и дружбе и сами определяют тему урока.

Речь учителя

Предполагаемая речь учащихся

-Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. Look at the screen. You can see some sayings of famous people and proverbs. Read them, please. Can you guess what they are about? -Family and friends
- Yes, you are right. Today we are going to speak about families and friends. What kind of people are parents, grandparents, other relatives and friends? - учащиеся могут дать следующие характеристики:

Important, loving, friendly, caring, kind, nearest and dearest…

- Yes, these are the qualities of our close people .And this is the subject of our lesson today. (сайд с названием темы урока) By the way do you know how the year 2008 was declared by the President of our country?  - The Family Year. (слайд.)

II. Речевая зарядка. Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя.

I’d like you to answer some questions now.

  • What does the word family mean?
  • Can you live without a family?
  • What does the expression “one-parent family” mean?
  • Why do children sometimes argue with their parents?
  • What is wrong in their relationships?
  • What are the parents’ responsibilities?
  • What are the children’s duties?

III. Определение понятия “идеальная семья”

Now look at the screen again. You can see a table with different types of families. Read it. (слайд)

Речь учителя

Предполагаемая речь учащихся

- Can you tell me what an ideal family is? - I think an ideal family is:

When all the members of the family understand and respect each other;

When parents never punish their children, they just tell them what is right and what is wrong;

When parents and children do a lot of things together;

When parents always have time for their children etc.

- Do you think your family is an ideal one? - Дети дают характеристики своим семьям.
- I think everyone should agree that family life is not always calm and easy. People often have problems, they quarrel, offend each other. But if they love each other they overcome all the difficulties.  

IV. Работа с тематическим текстом

There are texts on your desks. Let’s start working with them.

  1. Look at the screen. Here you can see some words and expressions which are new for you. (слайд) First repeat after me. Say it in English now.
  2. Now let’s start reading the text “No Place Like Home”. It’s Vicky’s story, which all teenagers and their parents should read. Учащиеся читают текст по абзацам по цепочке.
  3. Look at the screen again. (слайд)This is a task for you .What part did each person play in the story? Match the parts of the sentences.
  4. Answer the questions:
    1. Why did Vicky run away from home?
    2. How did she do it?
    3. How did she feel when she first arrived in London?
    4. What made her want to go home?
    5. When did she get home?
    6. How has her life changed since then?
  5. Express your opinion now. While speaking use these expressions please. (слайд)
      1. Was Vicky right to run away?
      2. What did her parents think when she disappeared?
      3. Did the Robinsons do the fight thing?
      4. What would you do if you quarrelled with your parents?

V. Обсуждение темы “Дружба”.

    1. What Mr. Robinson’s qualities do you respect?
    2. Do you think the Robinsons became real friends to Vicky and her family?
    3. What English proverb matches this situation?
    4. What other proverbs about friends and friendship do you know?

VI. Физкультминутка. It’s time to relax now. Let’s sing the song “Friends” and dance a little.

VII. Презентация собственного мнения учащихся о друзьях и дружбе.

Речь учителя

Предполагаемая речь учащихся

Now tell me please what is important for you in friendship and friends. While speaking use the following expressions. (слайд). - It is important to have a good friend;

- I think a friend should always stand by you.

- I think a friend shouldn’t let you down;

- It doesn’t matter if your friend hasn’t got cool clothes etc.

VIII. На примере разыгрываемой сценки ребята делают вывод чем настоящий друг отличается от ложного друга.

Now watch our pupils’ dramatizing of a short dialogue about friendship.

Pupil 1 Once upon a time there lived two girls Evelyn and Rosy. They had been best friends before they came to a new school. Rosy made a lot of new friends but Evelyn didn’t.

Why? Just see.

Rosy Girls, why don’t you like Evelyn?

Pupil 2 She isn’t good at school.

Pupil 3 She doesn’t wear cool clothes.

Pupil 4 She doesn’t do any sports. She is sick.

Rosy Yes, I know. She has really bad asthma but…

Pupil 1 Evelyn appears. She is pale and she is coughing.

Evelyn Rosy, help me.

Pupil 2 Rosy, are you with us?

Pupil 3 We’re going to the sports ground to play cricket.

Pupil 4 Let’s leave her here. Somebody will find and help her.

Rosy OK, let’s. Oh, no! How can I do this? She is my friend. I can’t leave her here. She may die. I’ll call the doctor. I’m not going with you.

Pupil 1 Three days later. Rosy and Evelyn are among the girls.

Rosy She is my friend. I’ll always stay by her.

Evelyn And I will never let you down.

Pupil 1 What do you think about Rosy?

Is she a real friend or a fair-weather friend?

What are the qualities of a real friend?

What are the qualities of a fair-weather friend?

IX. Заключительная часть урока.

Now, children, divide into four groups of two and one group of four. Let’s make two mini projects “Our Close People” and “Our Guests’ Families”. Each small group has a file with a task. The task is to collect papers with definitions of:

  1. your close people;
  2. an ideal family;
  3. a real friend;
  4. a fair-weather friend.

and put them on the poster. Please explain your choice. The big group of pupils, please, go to our guests and ask them questions according to the chart on the screen. (слайд) Then complete the chart with the information you’ve collected and comment on it.

X. Итог урока.

So, my dear students, today we’ve spoken about the most important things for all the people: family and friendship. You know a lot and I’m very pleased with it. Thank you very much for your excellent work. I hope you will only be real friends and loving and caring sons and daughters for your parents.

Your home-task is to write a mini essay about one of your close people.

В заключении презентации даны фотографии с проведённого урока.

Приложение 1

Приложение 2