Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 4-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: формирование положительной мотивации в обучении иностранному языку на начальном этапе.


  • Совершенствование речевых умений и навыков по теме "Животные".
  • Формирование положительной мотивации.
  • Формирование навыков коллективной деятельности.
  • Развитие креативных способностей учащихся.
  • Развитие логического мышления (умения обобщать по существенным признакам.

Режимы:T-P, P1-P2, T-Cl.

Оборудование: 2 маркера, 2 ватмана, экологическое панно, эмблемы для каждой команды, магнитная доска, 10 изображений животных, 10 магнитов, 2 больших конверта, 2 письма, костюм почтальона, кассета "Веселые утята", кассета "Old McDonald had a farm", бланки для жюри.

Форма проведения: КВН

План мероприятия:

Вступительное слово. Представление жюри.

Приветствие команд. "Greeting"

Конкурс-разминка."The Best Zoo Keeper"

Домашнее задание."Riddles about Animals"

Конкурс художников. "The best Painter"

Конкурс капитанов. "Where do the animals live?"

Конкурс "Кто как говорит?" "Animals' Language"

Танцевальный конкурс. "Merry Ducklings"

Конкурс "What is wrong?"

Конкурс-сюрприз "Письмо от кота Матроскина". "A Letter from Cat Matroskin"

Музыкальный конкурс. Song "Old McDonald had a farm"

Teacher: Hello, dear friends! You are welcome to our Zoo. I'm a Zoo-keeper Miss Smith. What an interesting day we are having today! Two teams of animals will compete to win the first prize. Let's see what team knows English best of all. Meet our teams! The first team is "Hippo" and the second team is "Kangaroo". And now let me introduce our jury.

Contest 1. "Greeting"

Let's start our competition. The first contest is "Greeting". Each team introduces itself.

The highest mark -5 points.

Contest 2. "The best Zoo-Keeper"

The next contest is "The Best Zoo-Keeper". Each team had a hometask to prepare five questions about the animals to the rival team. Teams, ask questions to each other!

A right answer gives your team 1 point.

Team 1

  1. Who is the biggest animal in the sea? (Whale)
  2. Who is the fastest animal on the land? (Leopard)
  3. What season is colder: autumn or winter ? (Winter)
  4. What animal is stronger: a bear or an elephant? (Elephant)
  5. What animal is more curious: a wolf or a dolphin? (Dolphin)

Team 2

  1. Who is the biggest animal in the forest? (Bear)
  2. Who is the cleverest animal? (Dolphin)
  3. What season is warmer: spring or summer? (summer)
  4. What animal is smaller: a cat or a mouse? (Mouse)
  5. What animal is more cunning: a rabbit or a fox? (Fox)

Contest 3. "Riddles about Animals" (Home task)

This contest was your home task. Each team prepared a riddle about the animal. Listen to your rival's riddle and try to guess what animal it is.

You can get 1 point for the right answer. Your riddle may give you 4 points.

Team 1

I am a wild animal. I live in the forest. I am big and strong. I am the strongest animal in my forest. I am brown. I like to sleep in winter. I can run, jump and climb the trees. I like honey very much. (Bear)

Team 2

I am a domestic animal. I live on the farm. I am neither big nor small.. I am brown. I have a long tail. I like to eat grass very much. I can run, swim and jump. I give people milk. (Cow)

Contest 4. "The best Painter"

My friends, your task is to draw an animal which gave the name to your teams. But you will do it with closed eyes. I'll give 20 seconds to each child.

The highest mark - 5 points.

Contest 5. "Where do the animals live?"

Now look at the blackboard. What a nice picture! You can see a farm, a forest, a river, a mountain in it. And here is a magic box. What is there? Oh, there are some pictures of the animals. Captains of the teams, come, take a picture and say where this animal lives.

Each right answer - 1 point.

Contest 6. "Animals' Language"

I see you know where the animals live. But do you remember how they speak? Listen to me and try to guess what animal it is. I'll ask you questions in turn.

The right answer - 1 point.

hiss-swish, hiss-swish (snake)

neigh-neigh, neigh-neigh (horse)

croack-croack, croack-croack (frog)

peck-peck, peck-peck (hen)

moo-moo, moo-moo (cow)

hoo-woo, hoo-woo (owl)

mew-mew, mew-mew (cat)

squeak-squeak, squeak-squeak (mouse)

bow-wow, bow-wow (dog)

quack-quack, quack-quack (duck)

Contest 7. "Merry Ducklings"

And now I want to see which team dances better. Listen to the song "Merry Ducklings" and dance.

The highest mark - 5 points.

Contest 8. "What is wrong?'

Listen to me and guess what word is odd.

You will get 1 point for every right answer.

Team 1

cat, dog, cock, mouse

owl, duck, hen, rabbit

elephant, dolphin, whale, fish

Team 2

penguin, wolf, fox, bear

camel, giraffe, cow, elephant

sheep, monkey, horse, pig

Contest 9. "A Letter from Cat Matroskin"

Teacher: Children, listen! Someone is knocking at the door. Who is it? Oh, it's a postman.

Postman: Hello, dear boys and girls! My friend, cat Matroskin sends you letters. This letter is for "Hippo" and this one is for "Kangaroo".

Teacher: Thank you very much. But our friend, cat Matroskin is very absent-minded. He missed some words in his letter. Read the letter and correct it.

Each right word - 1 point.

Dear friends,

I live on the ____. My farmhouse is ___. There are six ____ in it. I have a lot of ______ animals: two ___, a dog and a _____. ____ ducks and 10 hens live on my farm. There is a river ____ my house. My ducks like to ____ in the river. I ____ my farm very much.


Cat Matroskin.

Contest 10. Song "Old McDonald Had a Farm"

And now the last contest. Let us sing a song about Old McDonald and his farm. The teams will sing this song in turns.

The highest mark - 5 points.

Old McDonald Had a Farm

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on this farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O,

With a quack, quack here, and a quack, quack there

Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack, quack.

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on this farm he had some turkeys, E-I-E-I-O,

With a gobble, gobble here, and a gobble, gobble there

Here a gobble, there a gobble, everywhere a gobble, gobble.

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on this farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O,

With an oink, oink here, and an oink, oink there

Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink, oink.

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on this farm he had a cat, E-I-E-I-O,

With a mew, mew here, and a mew, mew there

Here a mew, there a mew, everywhere a mew, mew.

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Teacher: Now I want our jury to comment the results of our competition. We congratulate our winners. Thank you very much. I think you liked our competition very much. I see you enjoy English.

Список использованной литературы:

  1. Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Добрынина Н.В., Трубанева Н.Н. Enjoy English-2: Учебник английского языка для нач. шк. - Обнинск: Титул, 2003.
  2. В.П. Кузовлев , Н.П. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова и др. Английский язык: Учебник для 5 кл. общеобразоват. Учреждений. - 3-е изд. - М.: Просвещение, 1999.