Наши любимцы - животные (что умеют и не умеют делать)


Цели и задачи урока:

  • тренировать учащихся в употреблении в речи структур I can… I can’t… Can you jump? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. I can climb out in the sun!
  • ознакомить учащихся с новыми словами: climb, fly, boy, girl;
  • практиковать учащихся в использовании различных структур в беседе;
  • повторить цифры;
  • освоение в речи слов: climb, fly, boy, girl.

Материалы к уроку: картинки-звери; игрушки-звери; картинки-действия; листочки бумаги.

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент. Hello! Glad to see you!

Teacher(T): Hello, Valya! Valya: Hello!
How are you? Fine, thahks. How are you?
Fine, thanks.  
T: Hi, Nikita! Nikita: Hi!
How old are you? I’m 8. How old are you?
I’m 43.  
T: Hello, Ulya! Ulya: Hello!
Can you jump? Yes, I can. Can you run?
Yes, I can. Can you run like a horse? Yes, I can.
Run, please. (she runs like a horse)

Good. Thank you very much.

2. Цель урока:

Сегодня мы будем говорить о том, что мы умеем делать и не умеем делать. Что умеют делать наши любимые звери. Также возьмём несколько новых слов.

3. There are pictures of the animals on the board. I point to the animals, one at a time, and say what they can do.

T: Please, look at the board. Listen attentively and say Yes, or No.

T: (pointing to the fish)          I can swim.          Children (Ch): Yes!
T: (pointing to the frog)   I can run.   Ch: No!
T: (pointing to the mouse)   I can dance.   Ch: No!
T: (pointing to the cat)   I can sing mew-mew!   Ch: Yes
T: (pointing to the snake)   I can jump.   Ch: No!
T: (pointing to the bird)   I can sing.   Ch: Yes!
T: (pointing to the kangaroo)   I can swim.   Ch: No!

T: Good.

4. T: Let’s remember the song “I can jump like a frog”.

(Unit 7b) Please, play the song. Sing along! (Children play and sing the song 2 times).

5. The flashcards are on the board.

The teacher points, says the words, the children repeat after her.

T: Please, look at the board. Repeat after me.

T: Climb. Fly. Boy. Girl.           Ch: Climb. Fly. Boy. Girl.

6. T: Nikita, go to the board.

Please, run! Go! Swim! Dance! Fly! Sing! Climb! Swim! Jump! Clap!

Thank you very much. Now all together do morning exercises! Stand up! Fly! Swim! Dance! Jump! Run! Play hockey! Play the drum! Climb! Fly! Go! Dance! Run like a horse! Jump like a frog! Swim like a fish! Dance like a monkey! Go like a bear! Jump like a rabbit! Thank you. Good.

7. Now open your books at page 66.

(I draw large 66 on the board). Exercise 1, please.

Look, point and repeat after me: climb; fly; boy; girl.           Ch: climb; fly; boy; girl.
T: Try to read the words too. Climb; fly; boy; girl.   Ch: climb; fly; boy; girl.
T: Now listen to the CD and repeat! Climb, fly, boy, girl.   Ch: climb, fly, boy, girl.
T: climb. Climb.   P1: climb. Climb.
T: fly. Fly.   P2: fly. Fly.
T: boy. Boy.   P3: boy. Boy.
T: girl. Girl.   P4: girl. Girl.
T: Vanya, you, please, repeat after me: climb. Fly. Boy. Girl.   V: Climb. Fly. Boy. Girl.
T: Valya, you, please, read all the words.   V: climb, fly, boy, girl.

T: Ulya, go to the board and show cards. Girl. Fly. Boy. Climb. Fly. (Ulya shows these cards). Very good.

Now ask each other to show the pictures.

Pupil 1: Fly. Girl. Climb. Boy.

Pupil 2: Boy. Fly. Climb. Girl. (pupils 3-4; pupils 5-6; pupils 7-8; pupils 9-10; pupils 11-12). (The children work in pairs).

8. T: Let’s do Ex. 2.

Look at the pictures and repeat after me:

Can you jump? Yes, I can.          Ch: Can you jump? Yes, I can.
Can you fly? No, I can’t.   Can you fly? No, I can’t.
T: Jump. Climb. Run. Fly. Sing.   Ch: Jump. Climb. Run. Fly. Sing.
T: Veronika, repeat. Can you jump? Yes, I can.   V: Can you jump? Yes, I can.
T: Ulya, repeat. Can you fly? No, I can’t.   U: Can you fly? No, I can’t.
T: Gleb, repeat: jump.   G: Jump.
T: Rodion, repeat: climb.   R: Climb.
T: Roma. Can you run?   R: Can you run?
T: Sasha, you, please, repeat after me: sing.   S: Sing.
T: Valya, you, please, name all the pictures.   V: Jump. Climb. Run. Fly. Sing.
T: Now, please. Nikita, stand up. Can you climb?   N: Yes. I can. Can you climb?

T: Yes, I can. Valya and Ulya, act out on exchange these situations using the model as an example. Валя и Юля задают друг другу вопросы и отвечают на них.

V: Can you jump?          U: Yes, I can. Can you climb?
V: Yes, I can. Can you run?   U: Yes, I can. Can you fly?
V: No, I can’t. Can you sing?   U: Yes. I can.

T: Thanks. Well done.

9. Ex. 3. Look at the picture.

Сейчас внимательно посмотрите на картинку. Где это происходит? Что делают мальчики и девочки? Girl or boy? Ch: Boy!

T: Boy or girl?         Ch: Girl!
T: Girl or boy?   Ch: Boy!
T: Boy or girl?   Ch: Boy!
T: Count, please, how many girls and boys are in the picture.   P: one girl.
P: three boys.

T: Listen to the tape and look at the illustration. (Слушают запись). Now repeat after me:

T: I can jump,          Ch: I can jump,
T: I can run,   Ch: I can run,
T: I can climb out in the sun.   Ch: I can swim out in the sun!

(the children repeat after me without the CD).

T: Please, complete the phrase. I can …          P: I can run.
T: I can climb…   P: I can climb out in the sun!
T: I can swim…   P: I can swim out in the sun!
T: Complete the sentence. I can jump, …   P: I can jump, I can run, I can climb out in the sun!

T: Listen to CD and sing along. (Слушают и поют все 2 раза).

10. Let’s play.

Guess what kind of animal is it? Угадайте про какого зверя я рассказываю.

T: I can jump. I can swim. I can’t run. I can’t climb. I am green.          P: A frog.
T: I can run. I can jump. I can fly. I can’t swim.   P: A bird.
T: I can climb. I can run. I can jump. I’m brown. I’m big.   P: A bear.

11. Now we are going to draw animals.

Take, please a piece of paper. Draw your favourite animal and write down what it can do. Name, please, this animal. For example, my favourite animal is a kangaroo. Its name is Kanga. I write here jump, dance. Listen, please: Kanga can jump. Kanga can dance. Draw. (some minutes later). Who wants to tell us about the animal? Ulya, please.

Ulya: Mursik can run. Mursik can climb. T: Who else? Nikita, please.
Nikita: Crocodile Gena can swim. Gena can run.  
Roma: Stepashka can run. Stepashka can jump. Stepashka can’t fly. Stepashka can dance.  

T: Good. I like your bird, Sasha. I like your dog, Roma. And your elephant, Gleb. (Несколько учеников рассказывают о своих животных. Картинки приклеиваем в портфолио).

12. Let’s speak about ourselves.

Сейчас будем рассказывать о себе. Сначала на листочках нарисуем, что умеем мы делать, а потом расскажем. First of all draw what can you do and then tell us. For example, look at this picture. I can run. I can jump. I can climb. I can go. I can sing. I can dance.

Pupils speak about themselves. Gleb: I can go. I can run. I can jump. I can’t fly.

Ulya: I can run. I can jump. I can sing. I can dance.

13. Ваше домашнее задание

упражнение 1 на странице 36. (рабочая тетрадь) Объяснение домашнего задания.

14. Thank you for your pictures.

I like them. Please listen your marks.

  • Valya very good today, 5.
  • Ulya also fine, excellent, 5.
  • Nikita - 5.
  • Gleb - 5.
  • Rodion - 5.
  • Roma, Sasha, Veronika - 5,
  • Vanya - 4.

T: The lesson is over. Bye. Bye-bye. Good bye.

*дополнительная игра со словами boyandgirl. Учитель называет имена мальчиков и девочек, учащиеся по-английски говорят boy, girl. Например: Lulu, Aleksandra, Evgeniya, Dima, Larry, Tom, Jack, Mary, Valentin, Valentina, Sveta.