Урок английского языка по теме "Животные"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: Формирование коммуникативных навыков по теме «Животные».


  • активизировать изученную и ввести новую лексику;
  • развивать умения обобщать и систематизировать;
  • воспитывать любовь к животным.

Обеспечение урока: УМК «Английский язык», 2-й год обучения, И. Н. Верещагина Т. А. Притыкина Москва «Просвещение» 2006; CD «Правильный английский без скучных правил» (базовый интерактивный учебник) AURALOG S.A.; мультимедийный проектор.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Т: Good morning ,children.

P: Good morning, good morning
Good morning to you.
Good morning, our teacher
We are glad to see you.

T: I’m glad to see you, too.

2. Речевая зарядка.

Давайте познакомимся! Следуя методике Щурковой, учитель подходит к каждому ученику и своей ладошкой касается ладошки ученика.

T: My name is Galina Alekseevna. And this is my dog which can talk. His name is Compic. He wants to make friends with you. He likes to give his paw. He is very friendly.

– What is you name?

T: How are you today?

– I’m fine, thanks.

– I’m O’K.

T: I’m glad to meet you. Give me your hand, please.

– Nice to meet you. Are you so so? I hope, it’ll be O’K. Don’t worry.

3. Целеполагание.

We have an unusual lesson
And also have the computer
Let’s travel to animals square
And I’ll be your teacher and tutor.

Compic has lost his mother and family. Let’s help him. Do all tasks and the funny dogs will come to everybody for your right answer. It helps you to give only excellent marks. It helps us to make friends with a lot of animals. Do you agree with me?

– Yes, we do
We are going today
To read and to write
To speak and to play

4. Презентация лексики.

При помощи мультимедийной установки на доску проецируется изображение животного и его название. Дети повторяют за диктором хором.

I have a friend. Do you have friends among animals? What are they?

Дети называют животных, которых знают.

Compic has a lot of friends. Do you want to know their names? Look at the black-board.

There are a lot of animals. Some of them you have already known and some of them are unknown to you. Let’s play together. Our computer will help us. Will you listen to it carefully and repeat in chorus, please.

(Bear, bird, butterfly, cow, duck, frog, grasshopper, hedgehog, hen, horse, mouse, pig, rabbit, sheep, snail, spider, swan, camel, crocodile, elephant, giraffe, lion, monkey, snake, tiger, zebra, hamster)

Компик предлагает вам запомнить имена его друзей которых вы ещё не знаете.

Я тоже хочу знать имена друзей Компика. Давайте меня проверим. Я правильно читаю. Поддержите меня. Я первая, а вы за мной (на магнитную доску вывешиваются слова)

T: Well done?

– Who are they?

P: They are animals:

T: Who can help me to write this word on the black-board.

– Sasha, go to the blackboard.

(Ребёнок собирает из разбросанных букв слово “animals” и прикрепляет его на магнитную доску).

T: This is the topic of our lesson. That’s very good, Sasha. This is your dog, take it, please.

– Well done, children. You’ve already found one dog. Let’s go on.

Диктор читает. Дети повторяют за ним громко, затем тихо.

5. Игра “Фехтование”.

На доске при помощи мультимедийной установки изображены животные. Выходят два ученика, берут указки. Они оба должны указать слово, которое читает третий ученик.

6. Игра “Перейди реку”.

Ученики должны прочитать столбик слов на магнитной доске.

7. Игра “Переводчики”.

Дети ещё раз читают слово из столбика на магнитной доске, а учитель переворачивает слово, и наоборот.

8. Игра “Найди дом”.

Children, will you help me, please. Our animals have lost the way to their homes. Work in pairs, please. Classify the words.

– Ready! Fine!

Учитель раздает на каждую парту конверты, в которых карточки с названиями животных. Учащиеся должны разложить карточки по двум категориям: 1) домашние животные; 2) дикие животные. Каждый ученик выстраивает свою цепочку по двум категориям. Учитель проверяет соответствие названий по категориям.

Domestic animals: Wild animals:
1. cat
2. chicken
3. cow
4. dog
5. duck
6. hen
7. horse
8. kitten
9. parrot
10. puppy
11. sheep
12. turtle
1. bear
2. crocodile
3. elephant
4. fox
5. frog
6. giraffe
7. hare
8. lion
9. monkey
10. owl
11. snake
12. zebra

9. Компьютерная игра парке).

– Who can help us to find another dogs? It may be the computer?

– Let’s have a computer game! Let’s begin. The rule is the following: everybody of you must feed the frog.

Вы должны в сканворде найти слово и при помощи мышки выделить его по буквам, нажимая на левую клавишу.

– Where does a cow live? Is it a domestic or wild animal?

10. Физкультминутка.

Let’s have a break. Let’s have a rest for our eyes, for our hands.

I’m afraid that your eyes are tired.

Wink, wink, wink your eyes,
Wink your eyes together.
Wink, wink, wink your eyes,
Wink your eyes together.

Wash, wash, wash your face,
Wash your face together.
Wash, wash, wash your face,
Wash your face together.

T: I think the animals are always very active. Let’s move a little bit. Please, stand up.

Do the actions:

Jump like a hare!
Climb like a monkey!
Go like a bear!
Swim like a frog!
Fly like a bird!
Thank you. Sit down.

11. Письмо.

Ученикам раздаются карточки с фразами. Ставится задача составить предложение, угадав о каком животном идет речь. Каждый ученик должен составить две фразы.

And now it’s time for the next task. Can you write? I hope you can. I’ll give you a very difficult task. Make up the sentences.


A cat
A dog
A hen
A bear
A cow
A monkey
A giraffe
A bear
A fox
A hare
A snake
A frog
A zebra
An owl
A horse
A grasshopper
A snail
A butterfly
A hedgehog
              likes milk.
likes bones.
is a domestic bird.
sleeps in winter.
gives milk.
can jump.
has a long neck.
is brown or white.
is red.
has long ears.
hasn’t got legs.
is green.
has black and white stripes.
doesn’t sleep at night.
can run very fast.
jumps in the grass.
carries its house.
sits on flowers.
can transform into a ball.

12. Игра “Кто больше”.

Дети по очереди выходят к доске и мелками разного цвета пишут слова.

Work in groups. You must write the names of animals.

13. Загадки.

  • It can jump. It can run. It is funny. It lives in a house. What is it? (a cat)
  • It may be black or white. It lives in the forest. It likes berries. What is it? (a bear)
  • It can run very fast. It has black and white stripes. What is it? (a zebra)
  • It lives in Africa. It has a long neck. What is it? (a giraffe)
  • It likes milk. It is cat’s baby. What is it? (a kitten)
  • It likes bones. It is dog’s baby. What is it? (a puppy)
  • It likes seeds. It is hen’s baby. What is it? (a chicken)
  • It lives in the river. It is green. What is it? (a crocodile)
  • It is pink and dirty. It is very fat. It has a nose-button. What is it? (a pig)
  • It has a bell on the neck. It gives milk. What is it? (a cow)

14. Домашнее задание.

At home, you must write the names of animals into your copy-books and learn it by heart.

15. Подведение итогов.  

– It’s time to count your “dogs”. How many dogs have you got? Who has got more than five dogs?

– Your marks are excellent.

– You’ve found a lot of dogs and helped to connect the family. Put all the dogs into this basket (на доске изображена корзина в которую дети по очереди кладут собачек).

T: Dear children! I’m glad to work with you. I’m happy to make friends with you today. Thank you! (учитель подходит к детям и протягивает ладошку).

– Thank you, Nata.

– Nice to work with you!

– Glad to work with you!

T: Our lesson is over. Stand up. Clap your hands. (Дети апплодируют своей работе на уроке)

Иллюстрации и таблички – Приложение.