Разработка урока английского языка по теме "RSPCA organization" (6-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цели урока:

  • Образовательная: формирование лексических навыков по теме закрепление первичных знаний о времени Present Perfect.
  • Воспитательная: воспитание у учащихся сострадания к животным формирование общечеловеческого мировоззрения.
  • Развивающая: развивать внимание, память, лингвистическое мышление.

Оснащение урока: доска, учебник английского языка, картинки, карточки, магнитофон.

Ход урока

Организация начала занятия и введение детей в атмосферу англоязычного общения (2 мин).

T: Good morning children. Sit down please. How are you today? What date is it today? What day is it today? What season is it? What’s the weather like today?

Oбъявление темы и коммуникативной задачи урока (1 мин).

T: Children, today at the lesson we shall speak about RSPCA organization. We shall be volunteers. We shall take сare of lost animals and learn to write animals’ record cards.

Фонетическая зарядка (5 мин).

T: First of all we shall review the new words. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me:

(Children read after the teacher)


may stray take organization
home wrote owner
near clear volunteer
write cruel stray take care of

T: Now match the word with its translation

(Children come to the blackboard and match the words)

take care of

Речевая зарядка (5 мин).

(Children answer the questions using the phrases from the blackboard)


Work without pay
I’m taking care of…
The owner left it …
The owner was cruel to him
It is lost
It has a hurt
Its eyes are…

T: Today we are speaking about RSPCA. What organization is RSPCA?

Who works here?
Who are volunteers?

So, children, today you are volunteers. You are taking care of different animals. Have you got the pictures of your animals?

(The pupils take the pictures of the animals)

T: What animal are you taking care of?

What is its name?

Why is it here?

Do you feed it?

Do you write its record cards?

Do you help the vet?

Does your animal have any problems?

Has it visited the vet?

Do you want to adopt it?

Аудирование (5мин)

T: And now, volunteers, we shall learn to write record cards. Open your books, please on page 35. Find exercise 7a. Read the task.

Контроль выполнения задания. (The pupils read their answers)

T: OK, children. I see that you can write animals’ record cards.

Парная работа по карточкам(5 мин)

T: And now some of you will be volunteers and some will be journalists. You will take an interview and write a story about volunteers at RSPCA. These cards will help you.

(Children get the cards and work in pairs. The first pupil asks questions and fills the card. He needs to write a story about his partner)


1) Are you a volunteer?
2) What animal are you taking care of?
3) What is its name?
4) Why is it here?
5) How do you help your animal?
6) Does your animal have any problems?
7) Has it visited the vet?

-----------------is a volunteer at RSPCA. He is taking care of a ----------------. Its name is-------- .
---------------- is here because------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(name) (feeds the animal, writes record cards, helps the vet, makes injection)
------------------has-------------------------------------------(red eyes, a hurt paw). It has visited the vet -------times.

Контроль диалогической речи (2 мин).

T: I want to listen to Pupil 1 and Pupil 2

(Two pupils present their dialog)

T: And (Pupil 3) will read a story about a volunteer from RSPCA. (1 мин)

(A pupil reads his story from the card)

Контроль монологического высказывания.

T: Now I want one of the volunteers to speak about the work at RCPCA. (Pupil 4), speak about your work and your animal. (2 мин)

Проверка домашнего задания(2 мин).

T: Now let’s check your homework. Open your workbooks on page 22 (ex. 1)

(Children read their answers and correct their mistakes)

Письмо (3 мин).

T: Open your books, please on page 35. Find exercise 6. Read the task.

(Children write the exercise in their copy books)

Активизация первичных знаний о времени Present Perfect (10 мин).

T: Today, children, we were volunteers. What have you learnt to do?


I have learnt to
feed the animals
write record cards
help the vet
take care of hurt animals
make injections

(Pupils answer the question using the phrases from the blackboard)

T: What tense did you use to answer this question?

P1: Present Perfect

T: What do you know about this tense?

T: Let’s review three forms of some verbs:

(Children repeat after the teacher)



T: Ребята, вы знаете, что в каждом времени есть слова помощники. Они помогают нам догадаться, что это за время. В Present Perfect тоже есть такие слова: ever (когда-либо) и never (никогда). Сейчас найдите, пожалуйста, примеры Present Perfect в тексте, который мы читали вчера на странице 34. Помните о словах подсказках.

(Children give some examples from the text)

T: Ok, children. Now we shall see how well you can use Present Perfect. Open your books on page 35. Find ex. 5. Pupil 1, read the task.

Контроль выполнения задания

Объявление домашнего задания и оценок за урок (2 мин).

T: I see that you can use Present Perfect very well and you will easily do your home task. Open your record books and write down your home task. Work book p. 22, ex. 2,3,4.

Today ( Pupil1) gets a five.

The lesson is over. You can go. Good bye.