Урок английского языка в 10-м классе "Yound People - Old Problems"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • познавательный аспект - знакомство с социальными проблемами в подростковой среде в странах изучаемого языка;
  • развивающий аспект - развитие способности к переключению внимания в упражнениях комплексного характера, к логическому изложению, догадке;
  • воспитательный аспект - формирование правовой культуры личности, развитие умения анализировать окружающую действительность с правовой точки зрения, предупреждение правонарушений, осознание ответственности за совершение действий, запрещенных моралью и правом;
  • учебный аспект - формирование лексических навыков говорения;
  • сопутствующие задачи - развитие умения читать с разной стратегией, интерпретировать статистические таблицы и графическую наглядность.

Речевой материал:

Продуктивный: лексический -violence, addiction, drugs, alcohol, commit suicide, to arrest.

Ход урока

Организационный момент, приветствие.

Teacher(T) - Morning, students. Glad to see you. Today we go on talking about teenagers and their problems. We'll discuss them and try to find the ways to solve them. We also discuss some family issues concerning teenagers and adults.

Речевая зарядка - Brainstorming ("Мозговой штурм")

T: -But at first let's remember your rights. What rights do you have? (учащиеся заполняют схему- модель ответа ученика: We have the right to leisure. Etc.)

T.- And now you should answer the questions.

1) What right means that every child should have a chance to rest and play? (It is the right to leasure.)

2) What right means that nobody can open children's letters and listen to their phone calls? ( It is the right to privacy.)

3) What right means that children should have a chance to develop their abilities? (It is the right to development.)

4) What right means that children should have a chance to live in a safe and unpolluted environment with good food and clean drinking water. ( It is the right to health care.)

5) What right means that the Government should protect children from harm, cruelty, abuse and dangerous drugs? ( It is the right to life.)

T.- OK. You know your rights well.

You are future doctors, businessmen and businesswomen, may be teachers, managers and there is no doubt some of you will become famous and glorify our Khabarobsk Krai but all of you are interested in our discussion because in some years you'll have your own families.

Sharing opinions.

T. - Now let's start our discussion. To begin with, let's give a definition for "family"

SS. - A family is a group of people who live together, help each other in troubles, understand each other.

T. - Do you know what the approximate number of members is in a modern Russian family? What about Khabarovsk krai?

SS. - In general there are 3 or 4 members in a family in Russia.

T. - Why do people need a family? It is lovely to have the family round you. Do you agree?

(Students give their own answers.)

T. - What family values are present in a happy family? What is an ideal family as you see it? What is your family for you? (Students share opinions.)

T. - Our classmates have asked you about your families and now we'll listen to the results.

(Учащиеся анализируют анкеты "Are your parents friends or enemies for you?)

Sharing ideas.

T. - I dare say that almost all families - happy and unhappy - have the same problems. It has been known since Turgenev's time. In his novel "Fathers and Sons" he came to the conclusion that the problem really exists. What do we call this problem?

SS. - Generation gap.

T. - How can you explain the term "generation gap"?

SS. - It is a problem of children and parents.

T. - What problems worry you and your classmates? (учащиеся заполняют Word Web)

T. - A lot of magazines and newspapers write about teenagers' life. What do you think about information given in the charts? ( Student's Book English 10-11 В.П. Кузовлев и др. Ex. 5) p.115) Также учащиеся высказываются по информации о нашей стране.

SS.- It's awful to learn that/ about :; I was surprised to know that/about:; I was shocked to read that/about : 

T. - What children's rights do you consider to be ignored in all these cases?

SS. - I think the rights to :are ignored in these cases.

Working in groups. Writing.

T. - Today we've spoken about relationships between teenagers and their parents. But how do you think teenagers can cope with their problems? How do you solve your problems? What should adults (parents, teachers, government) do to solve or eliminate problems? Use different ways of forbidding and permitting:

1 group - make an appeal to your parents

2 group - write a set of basic rules for teens (as if you were parents) Don't forget to use Language Support.

(Учащиеся на листах составляют правила). (The teacher put students' posters on the chalkboard and asks them to agree or disagree with the opinion expressed).

Commenting on the quotation.

"Children today are tyrants
They contradict their parents,
Gobble their job,
And tyrannize their teachers."
Socrates (420 BC)

T. - Do you agree with Socrates? What's the difference between children in ancient time and nowadays?

Drawing conclusion.

T. - If we compare teenagers of the past and teenagers today, we'll find that they face almost the same problems, and still they different in many ways. The similarity lies in the psychology of human beings, the difference of economical and political situations bring new problems. If you have them you can ask the help in special centers and organizations. I hope you won't have serious problems in your future. But if you have them your parents will help you. Thank you for your good work. Our lesson is over. Good-buy.

Используемая литература:

  1. Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М. Книга для учителя к учебнику английского языка для 10-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений.-М.: Просвещение, 2005.
  2. Газета "Английский язык". Приложение к газете "Первое сентября" №44, 45-2004.