Открытый урок английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока

  1. Учебный аспект: совершенствование речевых навыков  по теме «Must a Politician Be Kind?»
  2. Развивающий аспект: развитие способностей к сравнению, формулированию выводов из прочитанного, сказанного, услышанного.
  3. Воспитательный аспект: урок затрагивает актуальную проблему нравственности в политике, учит размышлять над темой «Какой политик достоин уважения?».

Ход урока

I. Teacher:

Dear Friends! We’ll  discuss today the problems:

What kind of people can succeed in politics?

What traits of character should they have?

What kind of person can be an ideal politician in your opinion?

Answer my question, please!

1. Are you interested in politics?

Возможные варианты ответов учеников:

P1: I don’t  take any great interested in politics. It is boring for me.

P2: I am interested in politics life of my country and in the world. It is important for me.

2. What popular names of politicians do you know?

Возможные варианты ответов учеников:

D. Medvedev – the president of Russian Federation.

V. Zhirknovsky - the leader of  Liberal Democrative Party.

V. Putin - the leader of  our Government

Teacher: Thank you. You are right. These politician are well known and loved by many people.

II. Answer, please.

- How do you call a person who is known and loved by many people?

P1: He is popular.

- How do you call a person who has a strong will?

P2: He is strong - willed.

- How do you call a person who works hard?

P3: He is hard  - working.

- How do you call a person who always tells the truth?

P4: He is honest.

- How do you call a person who likes to communicate with other people?

P5: He is sociable.

- How do you call a person who devoted to his country?

P6: He is patriotic.

- How do you call a person who likes to give commands?

P7: He is bossy.

- How do you call a person who likes to order?

P8: He is power – loving.

- How do you call a person who is talented?

P9: He is gifted.


III. In fact, different people can succeed in politics.

Which traits are positive and Which traits are negative for a politician  in your opinion. Choose the  worlds from the box and write them in the columns.

Positive traits

Negative  traits



And now control yourself, please.  (Это упражнение выполняется с помощью компьютера).

IV. Teacher:

Last lesson we read an opinion of a modern expert about the problem:

What traits of character should a good politician have? (English 10 – 11 p. 54, ex. 1).

Which ideas of the expert do you agree or disagree with? (Hometask -  поверяется домашнее задание по учебнику).

V. Teacher:

It was an opinion of a modern expert and your own understanding of the problem. And now read the point of  view of the medieval (средневековый) author Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527). N. Machiavelli was an Italian politician and writer who was blamed for being cunning (коварный) and deceitful in politics. He wrote political essays, plays and books. The Prince is his most famous book (1513).

1. Here are some ideas expressed by the author in his book.

Do you think the point of view of the medieval author differs from that of the modern one?

Read, please, again. (Учащиеся читают текст дважды и после второго раза отвечают на вопрос). Ex.2,p.54

2. Which traits of character necessary for a politician mentioned in exercise 1 on page 54 correspond to the ideas of Niccolo Machiavelli.

And now, have a rest, please. (Gymnastics for eyes).

VI. In fact, different people can succeed in politics.

I would like to introduce you some characters of the Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club (Посмертные записки пиквенского клуба) by Charles Dickens. The action takes place in Eatanswill during parliamentary election compain. The election campaign was in full swing. Two political parties in the town are the Blues and the Buffs. Mr. Samual Slumkey is the candidate to Parliament support by Blues. M. Parker is his helper, a committeeman, his advisor. The election  began the next day.

And now our friends will help us to answer the question. (Подготовленное домашние задание).

What did Mr. Slumkey do to win the election? (инсценировка отрывка из книги R. ex.5.4) p.25. Unit 2.

После диалога учитель продолжает: The honorable Samual Slumkey was elected. What did he do to win the election? Why did he do to win the election.

Возможные варианты ответов учеников: Mr. Slumkey is sly and prudent person. He understands that it is unnecessary for a politician to have all the good qualities but it is very necessary to appear ho have them. He is hypocritical. Mr. Slumkey has the clever advisor.

VII. Teacher:

Look at the screens, please.

Do you know what kind of people are they?  What are their main traits of character? How do you think?

(На экране фотографии  известных политических деятелей)

V. Putin 

D. Medvedev

V. Zhirknovsky

N. Shaklein

Возможные ответы учеников



Hard working



Well- balanced

Well – educated

Hard working






Popular (in our region)


VIII. Teacher:

Our classmates have prepared an opinion poll. This is their project. They asked to different respected people from our school.

The questions were:

1. What kind of person can be an ideal politician in your opinion? (What traits of character should he/she have?)

2. What are the respected Russian politicians (can you name) in your opinion?

Then, our girls translated all the opinions.

IX. Teacher:

Very soon you’ll be 18 and have the right to vote. Do you care what kind of people will represent you and your region in the Federal Assembly.

И.Г. Юферева – учитель английского языка.

1. Идеальный политик - это человек своего времени; тот, который делает нужное дело в нужное время и в нужном месте. «Политическая интуиция», особое чутье на социальную обстановку, на требование времени – это то, без чего не может быть политика. Это человек с мировым кругозором, осознающий свое место в истории. Его будут судить потомки. Итак, главное - ответственность перед людьми, миром и Богом.

2. Политики, достойные уважения: В.Путин, Д. Медведев.

В.А. Шибанова - учитель русского языка и литературы.

1. Хороший политик должен быть прежде всего честным. Он должен быть близок к народу, почаще бывать среди народа, как Петр I; умный, хорошо образованный. Настоящий политик должен быть гражданином своей страны, должен доводить все начатое до конца, строго следить за исполнением своего приказа.

2. Политики, достойные уважения: Петр I, В.Путин, С. Иванов.

Е.А. Микрюкова – учитель физики.

1. Идеальный политик, по мнению большинства политологов, должен быть честным, грамотным, интелегентным. Должен понимать нужды граждан своего государства.

2. Политик, достойный уважения: В.Путин.

IX. Возможны ответы учеников

In my opinion it’s very important what kind of person will represent me and my region in the Federal Assembly. A good politician I believe should be honest, well – educated. He/ she should use power not for his/her own needs, but for improving the situation in the country. He/ she should be an example for us.

X. Подведение итогов

XI. Рефлексия

What do you feel at the end of the lesson and why?

XII. Домашние задание
