Урок "Республика Коми" (английский язык)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Главная дидактическая цель: обобщение и закрепление знаний учащихся по теме "The Komi Republic".

Сопутствующая цель:

– развитие способности к догадке, к формированию выводов на основе прочитанного, к сравнению и сопоставлению, развитие познавательного интереса обучающихся.

Задачи урока:

– формирование навыков изучающего, ознакомительного и поискового видов чтения;
– совершенствование речевых навыков, выход в монологическую речь;
– развитие навыков перевода.
– развитие навыков употребления пассивного залога


– карта и герб Республики Коми

Ход урока

1. Answer the questions

Ответьте на вопросы о республике:

  1. What republic do you live in?
  2. Where is your republic situated?
  3. What is the centre of your republic?
  4. What rivers flow in the republic?
  5. Does any ocean wash it?
  6. What mountains are there in it?
  7. What kind of climate has this part of the country?
  8. Are the winters long & severe in this republic?

Read the following words, try to learn them.

  1. total area – общая территория
  2. stretch – протягиваться
  3. TIMAN mountain ridge – Тиманский кряж
  4. fir– tree – хвойное дерево
  5. bird–cherry tree – черёмуха
  6. rowan tree – рябина
  7. alder – ольха
  8. birch – берёза
  9. poplar – тополь
  10. acacia – акация
  11. lilac – сирень
  12. give place – уступать место
  13. extensive – обширная
  14. marshland – болотистая местность
  15. severe – суровая
  16. relatively mild – относительно мягкий
  17. temperature range – температурный диапазон
  18. mamma1 –млекопитающее
  19. polar fox – песец
  20. silver fox – черно-бурая лиса
  21. marten – куница
  22. elk – лось
  23. lynx– рысь
  24. mammalia – млекопитающие
  25. squirrel – белка
  26. species – биологический вид
  27. black–cock – тетерев
  28. hazel hen – рябчик
  29. cuckoo – кукушка
  30. drake – селезень
  31. wood grouse – глухарь
  32. partridge – куропатка
  33. resident – неперелётная птица
  34. perch – окунь
  35. bream – лещ
  36. pike – щука
  37. sterlet –стерлядь
  38. b u r b o t – налим
  39. gray ling – хариус
  40. ruff – ёрш
  41. to be mined – добывать
  42. a large scale – в большом масштабе
  43. through– через
  44. pipelines – трубопровод
  45. beet– свёкла
  46. onion – лук
  47. garlic – чеснок
  48. oats – овёс
  49. cucumber – огурец
  50. lettuce – салат
  51. pea – горох
  52. cabbage – капуста
  53. settle down – обосноваться, поселиться

Read the text & translate it using the words from page number 1 orally.

Прочитайте и переведите текст “А” устно опираясь на слова стр. 1.



The total area* of the republic is 416.8 thousand [?auz?nd] square kilometers [kil??mi:t?z]. The Urals form is the highest part of the Republic. They stretch* from the South to the North. The TIMAN mountain ridge* runs from the Southeast to the North-West of our republic. No hills go higher here than 500 m.

Forests cover much of the Republic. The fir– tree*, the bird–cherry tree*, the rowan tree*, the alder*, the birch*, the poplar*, the acacia*, the lilac* are characteristic trees of our land. Then forests give place* to extensive* forest-tundra & marshlands.* They occupy 3 million hectares of our land.

The climate [klaim?t] is severe* in the North & relatively mild* in the South– West & in the South of our Republic. The temperature range* is from +1 (one degree above zero) in the South to-6 (six degrees below zero) in the North. The chief rivers are the PECHORA, the VYCHEGDA & the MEZEN. They are well supplied with water.

The fauna of the Republic is much similar to that of NORTH-WESTERN EUROPE [ju?r?p]. There are some 20 species* of mammalia [m?'meilj?]* including the fox, the polar fox*, the silver fox*, the bear, the marten*, the elk*, the lynx* & others, smaller animals include squirrels*, hares & so on. There are more than 200 species of birds such as blackcock*, hazel hen*, cuckoo*, drake*, wood grouse*, partridge*. Some of them are resident*. The rest are regular visitors to our places. Rivers & lakes fish include salmon, white salmon, s i g, perch, bream*, pike*, sterlet*, b u r b o t*, gray ling*, ruff *& others.

Our Republic is rich in mineral resources such as oil, natural gas, coal, bauxite, iron, gold, timber, manganese. Industry plays a very important part in the economy of our Republic Coal has been mined* on a large scale*. The chief coalfields are in VORKUTA & INTA. Timber industry is the largest sector in the economy. Oil is exported to many parts of our country through* the pipelines* Usa – Uhta-YAROSLAVL. Most of the natural gas deposits are located in VUKTYL is the main producing area.

The chief root crops of our place are potatoes, green vegetables, carrots, beets*, onions*, and garlic*. Our crops include wheat & oats*, tomatoes, cucumbers*, lettuce*, peas*, cabbages*.

The first hunters & fishermen came to our land in the Vth-Vlth centuries & they settled down* along the PECHORA, the VYCHEGDA & the lakes. Now more than one million people live here.

Read the text & translate it with a dictionary.

Прочитай те текст “В” со словарём и выпишите незнакомые слова в транскрипции:



The Komi Republic is situated in the European part of Russia. The territory of the republic is equal to that of several European states put together. The total area is 416,8 thousand sq. km.

The population is 1 ml 247 thousand people. In the North, it is bounded by the cold Arctic Ocean, in the East there are the Ural mountains, while in the South and West the K.R. is bounded by the Kirov, Perm and Archangelsk regions. The climate here is continental with long and rather severe winter and short cool summer. In the Northern part, the climate is very severe and relatively mild in the South-West. The lowest temperature in winter may fall to 50° degrees below zero and in summer, it rises to 34° degrees above zero. Winter lasts for 5 months in the South and in the North it may last even for 7 months.

Two thirds of the Republic are occupied by Parma “ taiga'' in Komi, coniferous forests, such as pine-trees, fir-trees, aspen, birch, rowan-tree, bird cherry and willow also occur in a coniferous forest. The second climatic zone is the tundra. In spring wild geese, swans, ducks and other birds arrive. In summer there are millions of mosquitoes, black-flies and gad-flies. Great collective-farm herd of reindeer can be met in the vast territory.

The Northern part of the republic lies in the tundra zone with permanently frozen ground. Vegetation consists mainly of mosses, lichens and marsh weeds.

The territory of the republic is plane. Only the Timan range is stretching through it from north-west to southeast, its highest point is 465 meters. In the Urals the highest mountain Narodnaya is, 1895 meters.

The fauna is much similar to that of North-Western Europe. There are 20 species of fur-bearing animals: squirrel, hare, fox, bear, marten, wolf & others. Of the large plant-eating animals, the elk is most common. There are 200 species of forest-birds. Among them are black grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouse, ducks, geese, willow grouse. some of them are resident, the rest are regular visitors of our places.

The rivers in the republic are rich in fish: salmon, omul, Siberia whitefish, sturgeon, sterlet.

The main rivers are the Pechora, the Vychegda, the Mezen, which are navigable in summer and play an important role in the republic economy.

The Komi Republic is rich in timber and mineral resources, which include all elements of Mendeleyev’s Periodic table. Coal, oil, natural gas, rock salt and other ores created a highly developed industry in the Republic. It is difficult to say when man first began to develop this severe but wonderful land.

2. Read & translate the following international word combinations without using your dictionary.

Прочитайте следующие интернациональные слова и переведите их на русский язык без словаря:

republic, characteristic, tundra, hectares, temperature, fauna, Europe, sig, omul, sterlet, continental climate, economy, industry, exported.

3. Give synonyms to the following.

Соедините слова из списков (а) и (б) в пары синонимов:

а) 1. to lie, 2. numerous, 3. total, 4. temperate (умеренный о климате)
b) 1. to be situated 2. many, 3. whole 4. mild

4. Find in the texts the answers to the following questions.

Ответьте на вопросы.

1) Where is the Komi Republic situated?
2) What regions does it border on?
3) What is the territory & the population of the republic?
4) What are the largest towns in the republic?
5) The climate in the republic is severe in the North & relatively mild in the south, isn’t it?
6) What can you say about the industry (the agriculture) in the Komi Republic?
7) What industrial towns are there in the republic?
8) What is the fauna of our republic?
9) Are there any big rivers & lakes?
10) What is the capital of our republic?
11) What outstanding (выдающиеся) people of the republic do you know?

5. Ask your friend if he knows .., Спросите своего друга:

– знает ли он коми язык (Do you know the Komi Language?), историю своей республики (Do you know the history of your republic?), известных людей своей республики (Do you know outstanding people of the republic?);

– когда была образована Коми Республика (When was the republic formed?);

– какая общая площадь республики (What is the total area of the republic?);

– сколько гектаров занимают лесотундра и болота (How many hectares do marshland & forest tundra occupy?);

6. Study the following words or word combinations from the texts & use them in sentences of your own. Say a few words about your settlement & regions using these words:

Составьте предложения, употребив данные слова и выражения. Скажите несколько слов о вашем поселке и районе:

1) is situated
2) is bounded by
3) stretches from …to
4) сover
5) take place
6) the chief rivers
7) the temperature range
8) the fauna
9) more than … species of
10) include
11) mineral recourses
12) the chief root crops
13) crops

7. Complete these sentences using the texts ‘A’ & ‘B’

Закончите следующие предложения:

1) The Komi Republic is situated …
2) It borders on …
3) The territory of the Komi Republic …
4) The climate is …..
5) The fauna of the Komi Republic …
6) There are more than 200 species of …
7) Some of them are resident …
8) Our republic is rich in …
9) The chief root crops …

8. Find English equivalents for:

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов:

1. расположена на …; 2. общая территория ..; 3. протягивается от… до; 4. обширная лесотундра; 5. климат относительно мягкий; 6. температурный диапазон; 7. уголь добывается; 8. через трубопровод

9. Translate the following sentences using the words from the texts.

Переведите предложения на английский язык:

  1. Общая территория республики около 416,8 т. кв. километров.
  2. Нет возвышенностей выше, чем 500 метров.
  3. Лес покрывает большую часть республики.
  4. Хвойные деревья, рябина, черёмуха, тополь, акация, сирень, ольха характерные деревья для нашей земли.
  5. Затем лес уступает место обширной лесотундре и болотам.
  6. Климат суровый на севере и относительно мягкий на юге и юго – западе нашей республики.
  7. Температурный диапазон от +1 на юге до – 6 на севере.
  8. Около 20 видов крупных млекопитающих лось, куница, песец, черно-бурая лисица, рысь, медведь, волк и т. д.
  9. Около 200 видов птиц глухарь, рябчик, тетерев, кукушка, утка и т. д.
  10. Реки и озёра полны рыбой щукой, окунём, налимом, хариусом и т. д.
  11. Наша республика богата природными ресурсами золото, природный газ, нефть, соль, бокситы и т. д.
  12. Лесная промышленность самый большой сектор экономики нашей республики.
  13. Нефть экспортируется через нефтепровод Уса – Ухта – Ярославль.

10. Complete the chart.

Complete the missing information on the table with words from the texts. Заполните таблицу:

Characteristic trees of our republic are The chief rivers are Mammals Birds Fish Mineral resources The chief root crops

11. Agree or disagree with me. Work in pairs. Are these sentences true or false? Use that’s right/that false …

Выразите согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями:

  1. The total area of the Komi Republic is 416, 8 thousand square kilometers.
  2. The Timan mountain ridge runs from the South to the North.
  3. The climate of the republic is much milder than that of Russia.
  4. The fauna is much similar to that of North Western Europe.
  5. Industry doesn’t play an important part in the economy of our republic.
  6. The first hunters & fishermen came to our republic in the 5th – 6th centuries & settled down along the rivers & lakes.

12. Look at the texts again. Find examples of the Passive Voice & write them down. What tenses are used in them?

Выпишите из текста глаголы – сказуемые в страдательном залоге. Определите время глаголов – сказуемых, переведите их:

13. Make up sentences with the following word combinations. Use the Passive Voice.

Составьте предложения, правильно употребив формы инфинитива страдательного залога:

to be situated, to be mind, to be exported, to be located, to be grown.

14. Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

Вставьте нужные предлоги

by, from …to, to, in, through, of:

  1. 1. The Komi Republic is situated … the European part of Russia.
  2. 2. The total area … the republic is 416,8 th. sq. km.
  3. 3. … the North it is bounded … the Artic Ocean.
  4. 4. The Timan mountain ridge runs … the South … the North.
  5. 5. The temperature range is …. +1 … the South …. –6 … the North.
  6. 6. Oil is exported … many parts of our country … the pipelines Usa – Uhta – Yaroslavl.

15. Say a few words about the K.R.

Describe your republic using this plan.

Опишите, свою республику используя следующий план:

  1. The geographical position of the Komi Republic.
  2. The mountains, rivers & lakes in the Komi Republic.
  3. The climate.
  4. The agriculture of the Komi Republic.
  5. The main industries.
  6. The fauna.

16. Retell the text ‘A’.

Перескажите текст.