"Спорт и увлечения". Открытый урок английского языка в 7-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи урока: развитие устной речи учащихся; формирование грамматических навыков говорения; совершенствование навыков монологической речи; формирование умения косвенной передачи слов другого человека; воспитание здорового образа жизни.

Оснащение урока: технические средства обучения (компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска и магнитофон); наглядные пособия, рабочая тетрадь.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент:

Teacher: Good morning, children!

Pupils: Good morning!

Teacher: How are you?

Pupils: I’m fine. And you?

Teacher: Fine, thanks. Let’s begin our lesson. Who is on a duty today?

Pupil: I’m on a duty today. Today is the third of December. Today is Wednesday. All are present.

2. Речевая зарядка.

Учащиеся задают свои вопросы дежурному.

Teacher: Have you got any questions?

Pupils: Do you go in for sports?

What kind of sports do you go in for?

What winter game do you play?

Can you play tennis?

Are you member of a sport club?

Do you take part in any competitions?

Are you a sports fan?

What is your favorite kind of sport?

What is your typical day in school?

How are you doing?

How do you think sport is useful?

3. Lexical drill:

Teacher: Please, say me what is the theme of our lesson today?

Pupils: Sports and hobbies.

На экране зажигается тема урока.

Teacher: Yes, that’s right. That’s why let us speak about sports. Look at the screen and name kinds of sports and say some words about each of them.

На экране появляются изображения видов спорта, учащиеся называют вид спорта и пишут название на интерактивной доске и сообщают информацию об этом виде спорта.

Hockey: This game is played on the ice ground with puck. I like to play hockey, because it helps me to make a lot of friends.

Football: This ball game is very popular not only in Great Britain, but all over the world. Each team has 11 players: backs, halfbacks, outside, inside, centre forwards and one goalkeeper. It is usually played by boys.

Skiing: Skiing is very popular in Russia. I like skiing I usually take part in ski races of our school.

Swimming: It is very spectator sport. I like to watch swimming competitions on TV. We have a swimming-pool here in Aktanysh where we held swimming competitions too. I go in for swimming

Speed skating: This kind of sport is less popular than figure skating, but it is interesting too.

Chess: This game is for intelligent people. We have chess school in Aktanysh. Kasparov is a champion by chess.

Basketball: Basketball is played on a court with a large orange ball. There are 5 players on each team. Each team moves the ball across the court by bouncing it.

Athletics: Athletics includes many kinds of sport, I think it’s hard to win in these competitions.

Figure skating: It is very popular in Russia. Our Russian sportsmen always take the first places in championships or Olympic games. I like to watch figure skating on TV.

Lawn tennis: This is a ball game too. It is usually played by two or four players. They hit a ball with a racket across a net. It is very popular. This game is an outdoor game.

Gymnastics: On my mind, it is the most spectator kind of sport. I usually watch gymnastics on TV. Alina Kabaeva became a champion in gymnastics.

Cycling: I like to ride my bicycle, but I seldom watch cycling on TV. I think it’s interesting kind of sport.

Horse racing: It is the chief spectator sport in Britain. A lot of people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse which they think will win.

Running: This sport need long training and good fit. When I watch it on TV.I usually wonder how they can run so quickly.

Car racing: Great Britain is famous for car racing. It becomes popular in Tatarstan too.

Volleyball: This game is very popular in our school. I like to play volleyball. We often play volleyball on the lessons of Physical Education.

Long jumping: I think you must have long legs to jump well.

Diving: It is one of the most spectator sports. It’s beautiful to watch jumping into water (diving).

Teacher: I see you know much about sports. Now say me how do you think sport is useful for us?

Pupil: I think sport makes people strong healthy and happy.

Teacher: Yes, of course. You are right. If you want to keep fit you must go in for sport or… do exercises. Stand up and let’s have rest.

4. Sport minute

1 p – 1 –

Nod your head
Bend your knees
Stamp your feet
Now say “please”

5. Grammar Drill

Teacher: We have learned direct and reported speech. Now look at the screen and say in Russian what sentences they are.

На экране (схема)

Учащиеся называют типы предложений по данным схемам-формулам

Teacher: Now let’s do some grammar exercises on computer. But remember the rule!

Учащиеся выполняют первую часть тестирования на компьютере (когда глагол в главном предложении в настоящем времени)

6. Sport minute

1 p-1-

Now please sit back on your chair
Stretch your neck
Brush your hair
Straighten your shoulders
Look everywhere

7. Let’s have fun

  1. The national American sport
  2. Table tennis in other way
  3. The famous Englich game
  4. American football
  5. The national Tatar sport

Учащиеся отгадывают задания кроссворда..

8. Grammar Drill

Объяснение новой темы

Ввод согласования времен

На экране

Sequence of tenses

Согласование времен

Say – said Past Simple
Speak – spoke
Say – said
Ask – asked
Talk – talked
Tell – told

Reported speech

Гл.предл. согласование Придат.предл.
Present – Past
Present Simple – Past Simple
Present Progressive – Past Perfect
Present Perfect – Past Perfect
Present Perfect Progressive – Past Perfect Progressive
Past Simple – Past Perfect
Past Progressive – Past Perfect Progressive
Past Perfect – Past Perfect

will – would

can – could

9. Home task:

Ex. 1, p. 58

Teacher: Thank you. Goodbye!

Презентация – Приложение 1.