Урок английского языка в 9-м классе "We Are in a Global Village"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи:

  • Практиковать учащихся в аудировании с опорой на наглядность.
  • Развивать речевые способности школьников, а также навыки письма.
  • Подготовить учащихся к защите обзорного проекта по теме “Countries” с опорой на информационный лист.


  • Расширение страноведческих знаний о Великобритании, Америке, России, о странах Европы.


  • Прививать уважение и толерантное отношение к культуре, традициям, обычаям других народов.
  • Развивать речевую культуру учащихся.


  • Расширение общего кругозора и компетенции подростков.
  • Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование и наглядность: компьютер, проектор, экран, магнитофон, аудиозапись диалога, глобус, распечатанные задания для учащихся, карточки со словами.

На доске: тема, эпиграф: “To cooperate and to live in peace in today’s multicultural Global Village, we have to learn and understand each other to escape culture conflicts and shocks when meeting”.

Ход урока

1. Вступительное слово учителя

Good morning. I’m glad to see you today. Imagine, we are in Paris. It’s raining. The O’Flaherty family is sitting in a tent. Mark and Katy are trying to do something. What are they talking about? Listen to their conversation.

Ученики прослушивают диалог с опорой на наглядность. На экране картинка и диалог.

Teacher: So, what is the weather like in Paris?

– Where are they sitting?

– What are Mark and Katy doing?

– What game are they playing?

– What countries do they mention?

– What languages do people speak in these countries?

3. And now you will do a very interesting task. Take the papers on your desks. Look at the map of Europe and write the names of the countries in English. We’ll see how you know Geography.

(Учащиеся заполняют карту – в клетки вписывают названия стран по-английски.)

Look at the map and write the names of the countries in English.

4. Homework:

Unfortunately we don’t have much time to check your papers. So, you’ll do it at home. And one more task for you. Take the lists of countries. You should write the languages spoken in the countries. So write down your Homework.

Countries Language spoken
Austria Australia
New Zealand

 5. So our topic for discussion today is “We Are in a Global Village”.

– Can you guess what we are going to speak about today?

– Let’s read the motto.

– Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

– Do you understand the word “multicultural”? What does in mean?

6. На экране список географических названий.

Read the new geographical words in the following chart. Tell your partner which of them are countries, cities, rivers, lakes and mountains. Take turns giving your answers.

Example: “ Mongolia is a country, isn’t it?”

“Yes, you are right. Cardiff is a city, isn’t it?”

  • Mongolia
  • Cardiff
  • Los Angeles
  • Omsk
  • Kazakhstan
  • Baikal
  • China
  • Boston
  • Norway
  • Liverpool
  • Mexico
  • The Mississippi
  • Korea
  • Belgium
  • Edinburgh
  • Elbrus
  • The Thames
  • The Nile

7. Физминутка.

8. Защита обзорного проекта по теме “Countries” с опорой на информационный лист. Работа в группах.

а) Take your information lists. Find the answers to the questions:

– What is the capital of the USA?

– What is the population of the Russian Federation?

– Which country is the biggest in size?

– What country has the longest river?

b) We’ll work in 3 groups. Choose one of the countries (the UK, the USA, Russia) and learn more about it. Speak about the country’s capitals, major cities, highest mountains, longest rivers and largest lakes.

c) Present a description of the country you have chosen. Use the tips. You can see them on the screen.

  1. The total area of the country is…
  2. It borders on…
  3. The capital of the country is…
  4. The largest cities are…
  5. The highest peak is…
  6. The longest river is…
  7. The largest lake is…
  8. It consists of…

(Ребята выступают с презентацией. Выставляются оценки.)

9. Дискуссия по теме:

а) Consult the information lists again.

– Tell me please, what nations make up the Russian Federation?

– Can we call the USA and the UK multinational countries?

– So do you agree with the motto of our lesson?

b) Ученикам предлагаются карточки со словами: “Racism”, “Antisemitism”, “Friendship”, “Intolerance”, “Understanding”, “Tolerance”, “Respect”, “Kindness”, “Xenophobia”.

Teacher: Read these worlds. I think you know quite well what they mean. Divide the cards into 2 groups: positive and negative.

c) And now I would like you to discuss some situations:

– A good friend of yours tells a racist joke to a group of friends. What do you say?

– On the wall of the youth club somebody writes racist graffiti. What is your response?

– It is very popular between your friends to use racist namecallings such as Chukcha, Zhid, Gypsies, Blacks, Hachiks. How do you react?

– What is racism?

– What does it mean when you stereotype people?

После обсуждения задаю вопрос: Is it easy for you to answer these questions?

So in your life try to be positive, not negative,

10. Подведение итогов урока.

Complete the sentence: To avoid culture conflicts people should…

(Ребята дают ответы.)

Teacher: Your class is a community. You are pupils of different nationalities, cultures and so on. I wish you to be friendly to each other in the communities to which we naturally belong: the family, the class, the school, the city, the village, the Republic, the country, the world. Love people around you, respect them. Learn to live together in the “global village”.

Thank you for the lesson. Good luck!