Обучение английскому языку в учреждениях дополнительного образования. Методическая разработка открытого занятия: Extreme Sports

Разделы: Иностранные языки

План занятия:

I. Орг. момент.

II. Речевая зарядка. Постановка проблемной ситуации.

III. Фонетическая зарядка( отработка звуков, интонационных моделей).

IV. Развитие аудитивных навыков.

V. Развитие коммуникативных навыков.

VI. Заключительный этап занятия.

Ход урока

I. Оргмомент.

- Good afternoon, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Sit down , please.

II. Речевая зарядка.

T: Look at the pictures and guess the topic of our classes today. What are we going to speak about?

P1: We are going to speak about sport .

T: Yes, the topic of our classes is "Sport". Do you go in for any sport ?

P2: Yes, I go in for sport.

T: What sport do you go in for? P2: I go in for basketball.

T: Is basketball a team or individual sport? P3: It is a team sport.

T: Is it competitive or non-competitive? P4: Basketball is a competitive sport .

T: Is it interesting to go in for your sport? P5: Yes, it is interesting and useful to go in for sport.

T: So it is impossible to imagine our life without sport . But is it always useful for us ? Can we live longer if we go in for sport? Let's answer the questions a bit later after discussing some points.

III. Фонетическая зарядка.

Task 1.Look at these words and repeat the bold ones after me using the intonation with which I will pronounce the words.(Up and down tone).

Basketball, baseball, boxing, bungee jumping, golf, body building, cycling, chess, car racing, fencing, football, hockey, horse riding, judo, ice diving, karate, sailing, swimming, skiing, skating, snorkelling, snowboarding, snowrafting, white-water rafting, sky surfing, rock climbing.


Task 2. Find the names of sports which have the same sound as the bold vowels in the following words:

1. Sailing



3.Read the words with the intonation shown next to them. Keys : 1. Baseball, car racing, skating. 2. Ice diving, white-water rafting, sky surfing, rock climbing. 3. Judo, snowrafting.

IV. Развитие речевых навыков.

Task 1.Which of the names of sport can be used with the verb PLAY and which ones with the verb GO ? (KEY) PLAY: chess, table tennis, tennis, football, hockey, baseball, golf, basketball, rugby GO: climbing, swimming, skating, sailing, horse riding, skiing, cycling, water skiing, snorkelling.

Task 2. T: Why do we pay much attention to intonation ? What role does it play in our speech ?

P: It helps us express our feelings and emotions, it makes our speech more beautiful and understandable.

T: Show your surprise on my saying.

Ann, do you know that Sergey goes in for snowboarding?


Yes, snowboarding.

Marina, my son enjoys bungee jumping.

Bungee jumping?

Yes, bungee jumping.

Liza, my daughter is fond of white-water rafting.

White-water rafting.

Yes, she says it is exciting.

T:Now I'd like you to work in pairs. Tell your partner who of your relatives or friends take up, go in for, enjoy, like or dislike some rare sports to see his /her surprise. ( work in pairs). Do not forget to use gerund, infinitive or noun with the right verb :Go in for something,take up something, do something, enjoy doing something, like/ dislike doing or to do something, be interested in something, be keen on something. ( Pairwork)

V. Развитие аудитивных навыков.

Task 1. Listen to five teenagers talking about sport. Choose the correct words to complete the phrases. Ex. A, p. 38. Speaking and Listening . Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles, Elena Klekovkina Macmillan, 2007.


Task 2. Which of these sports are becoming more and more popular nowadays? Why is it so ? Look through the questions of the interview with Michelle , then listen to it and tick the right answer. Opportunities. Intermediate. Student's Book. Machael Harris,David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska. Longman Ex. 2, p.12.

Task 1. Match the sentences using parts A and B . Ex.5, p.57, State Exam, E.N. Solovova, I.E.Solokova. Why are these sports considered to be extreme ?

Task 2.Name the main advantages and disadvantages of the most popular sports.

Sports Advantages Disadvantages
Rock climbing    
Bungee jumping    
White-water rafting    
Car racing    
Sea kayaking    

Ps answers:


Sports Advantages Disadvantages
Rock climbing Teaches to be brave, develops physical ability, is done in the fresh air and beautiful nature Dangerous, exhausting, needs long hours of training, strong climbing boots are required, risk of falling off from a rock
Bungee jumping Teaches to cope with fear, helps get adrenalin, can be an exciting contrast to every day life Risk of heart attack, loosing consciousness
White-water rafting Emotional, develops physical strength, encourages team spirit, surge of adrenalin Mountain rivers are needed, have to hire a professional instructor, danger of being driven by strong currents, rapids, crashing on the rocks
Snowboarding Exciting, a good way to get rid of all stress, improves strength and reaction Have to pay for instructors , expensive equipment, danger of loosing control due to high speed, risk of bone breaking
Car racing Develops quick reaction, thrilling, can be very profitable Dangerous, expensive
Zorbing Helps develop courage, exciting The possibility of piercing the protective air cushion, loosing control and bumping into smth with great speed
Sea kayaking Is done in the fresh air, develops strength, helps be fit High waves, risk of drowning

Task 3. Speak about :

the sport you would like to try;

what the advantages and disadvantages of this sport are;

what is needed/required to do this sport.


(Pupils prepared answers using: Steve Taylore-Knowles, Malcolm Mann, Elena Klekovkina, Speaking and Listening, Macmillan. ; Michael Harris,David Mower,Anna Sikorzynska, Opportunities, Longman.; Virginia Evans, Neil O'Sullivan, Click On, Express Publishing.;Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Upstream. Express Publishing.; Е.Н. Соловова,И.Е. Солокова, State Exam, Longman.; Steve Taylore-Knowles, Malcolm Mann, Lazer, FCE, Macmillan.)

Key words : to flow round the body like a wave, an exciting contrast to everyday life, equipment hire costs a lot of money, to ride a horse through fields and forests/ in areas of unspoilt countryside, used to be afraid of heights/speed, a wet suit to keep me warm , a mask to see in the water and an oxygen tank to be able to breathe under water ,to take place on a dirt track of about 300 or 400 metres with series of jumps and freestyle BMX involving stunts and tricks, to go round the track at 200 kilometres per hour, to grow out of fear.

P1: I'd like to try bungee jumping. It is an extreme ,non-competitive, individual sport. I think bungee jumping is thrilling. When people bungee jump they feel excitement, joy and fear. This feeling seems to flow round the body like a wave. This sport teaches us to be brave and helps to get adrenalin. I' m sure it can be an exciting contrast to our everyday life. Of course ,it is rather dangerous as we can get injured but I have a great wish to try it because it will help me realize why people take it up.

P2: I would like to try sailing. I think it is an extreme sport and it can be individual or team. Going sailing is an enjoyable activity though it can be very expensive as boat and equipment hire costs a lot of money. Everybody knows that sailing is an outdoor activity, it is useful for our health as we can breathe fresh air. On the other hand, it can be dangerous especially in bad weather. Boating accidents can easily happen in a storm and people could fall over the boat and may even drown. It is necessary to be a good swimmer and know what to do in emergency. But I would like to try it.

P3: I'd like to try horse riding. It is a popular activity with many people. I think horse races are dangerous and I don't want to take it up seriously. It is more pleasant to ride a horse through fields and forests , watch beautiful nature, hear birds' singing. I like to ride in areas of unspoilt countryside. It is also a good exercise which can help me get fit. On the other hand, it is rather expensive because lessons and equipment cost a lot. And in addition , it can be dangerous if a rider is not skillful as he can fall off the horse and suffer from serious injuries. But I'm persistent in my dream and I will do it.

P4: I would like to try rock climbing. It is an extreme sport. It is non-competitive , individual sports. It requires a lot of courage and determination. I know I should be very strong and skillful but it is so exciting to climb rocks that I cope with all the difficulties in order to take up this sport at least once. I will spend many hours training myself as I spend my holidays at my granny in the village which is surrounded by lakes and mountains. I used to be afraid of heights but after some trainings I have grown out of my fear.

P5. Ice-diving is an extreme sports . It is becoming more and more popular nowadays and I would like to try it. I have always been interested in the under water world. Extreme adds my wish some strength. I need some special equipment and should be a good swimmer and diver. I train every summer when I'm on holidays improving my experience. The only problem is the cost as it is very expensive I can't do diving very often. But I hope one day I'll buy a wet suit to keep me warm, a mask so I can see in the water and an oxygen tank to be able to breathe under water. Divers have to be fit as they have to swim a lot and should also be brave because diving can be dangerous, especially if there are sharks in the water or if they run out

6. of oxygen. But doing diving is so educational and interesting I can feel like a part of the under water world and can see more beautiful creatures. I think I'll do it.

P5. I would like to try BMX. This sport is popular with young who are very brave people. It is based on cycling and has two forms , BMX racing which takes place on a dirt track of about 300 or 400 metres with series of jumps and freestyle BMX involving stunts and tricks. I have to work hard to do this sport and don't mind it. It looks dangerous and even watching it makes me feel fear. But the feeling of fear is added to the feeling of excitement and it attracts me. I enjoy being excited and scared at the same time. I think it's a thrill of a life to go round the track at 200 kilometres per hour. It's perfect if I love danger. I 'm sure BMX is one of the most spectacular extreme sports.

P6. To my mind, snowboarding is so exciting and I would like to take it up seriously. I have tried it several times already. I used to be afraid of speed but since doing snowboarding for the first time I have grown out of my fear. It's so exciting to go down at high speed. It's more than just covering the hills. It's really relaxing and it's nice to be in the open air. The main disadvantage of doing snowboarding is that it is dangerous as I can fall down and get injured. I should be attentive and try not to risk without reasons.

VI. Заключительный этап занятий.

1. T: We've discussed different kinds of sports, their advantages and disadvantages. Can you answer the questions asked at the beginning of our classes ? Is sport always useful for our health? Can we live longer if we go in for sports?

P1: I think sport can be dangerous if you are not careful. But it is impossible to live without sport.

P2: In my view, any physical exercise might hurt our health. It is necessary to be careful and train a lot in order to be skillful.

P3: Personally I think, we can't live without sport. But we should think what sport to go in for.

Conclusion.T: Should we do sport? What should our attitude to sport be?

There are many benefits and drawbacks of going in for sports. Each of us is different and what is good for one person may not necessarily be good for another. It should be left to individual man to decide how seriously to take up sport. Do what is good for you and your health and you only benefit from going in for sport. Live, do not hurt yourself and others and you will live long and happy life.

2. T: The next classes we are to speak about the most popular sports in our region and town. I'd like you to get ready to speak about sport in your school.
