Номинация "Мой любимый урок" в 8-м классе. Тема: ""Would You Like to Go to Britain?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Оборудование к уроку:

  • классная доска, на доске написана тема урока и высказывание сэра Густава Джонса, грамматический материл по теме Present Perfect Active.
  • мультимедийная установка,
  • грамматические карточки,
  • лексические карточки,
  • туристические буклеты и иллюстрации по теме урока.

Ход урока

  1. Warm-up: (T→CL) Good morning, boys and girls! CL: Good morning dear teacher!

Teacher: I’m glad to see you! CL: We are glad to see you too! T: Sit down, please! Let’s begin our lesson! Today we are going to discuss the following problems:

  • Do you like to travel?
  • Traveling. Is it good or not?
  • What is it necessary for a good journey?
  • Where must you go to choose your future destination?
  • The history of the travel agencies.
  1. Phonetic Drill:

And now let’s begin our work from the phonetic drill:

  1. Protrude your lips and repeat this sound and these words after me: [w] (want, want to visit, weather, well, I’ll need, I will also need, where.
  2. Put a tip of your tongue on the alveolar and pronounce this sound and these words after me: [n] (have never been, necessary, also need, Edinburgh, the United Kingdom, Great Britain, Northern Ireland.
  3. Put a tip of your tongue on the alveolar and pronounce this sound and these words after me: [t] (to travel, a travel leaflet, a travel guide, a travel brochure, a travel procedure, documents, a ticket.
  4. Pronounce this sound and these words after me: [k] (crafts, camp craft, climbing, English language courses, boating and canoeing.

Well done. Thank you! Now let’s continue our work:

  1. Main Part:
  1. На этом этапе работы используется мультимедийная установка (методическая презентация):

Now look at the map, please, and answer my questions (T→P1, P2, P3):

  • What country can you see on the map?
  • What is the short name to name it?
  • Where does the country lie?
  • How many parts are there in the UK?
  • What are they?
  • What is the biggest island?
  • How many parts are there in Great Britain?
  • What are they?
  • What is the capital of the UK?
  • What people live in the UK?

Teacher: That’ll do. Thank you! Now, Maxim, go to the blackboard, please and summarize all the material. (Ученик работает у доски, демонстрирует и описывает материал с использованием мультимедиа: по клику компьютерной мышки на экране появляются по очереди, описываемые географические объекты) (P → CL).

P: I can see the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the map. The UK is the short way to say it. The UK lies on the British Isles. The country consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is the biggest Ireland. It is made of three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. London is the capital of the country. The Scots, the Welsh, the Irish and the English live in the UK.

  1. Teacher: Now, Sasha, please, read the question on the blackboard and remember us the theme of our lesson:

Sasha: Would you like to go to the UK?

Teacher: Sasha, answer this question.

P: Yes, I would?

Teacher: and you, Nadya?

P: Yes, I would.

Teacher: Now I see that you are ready to visit the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. But before to choose our destination let us see what kind of activities you like or dislike. Say me, please. What kind of activities do you know? (T→ P1, P2, P3)

  • P: I know archery.
  • P: I know arts and crafts.
  • P: I know drama and music.

Now say me, please, what do you feel about the activities suggested?

  • P: I really enjoy climbing.
  • P: I’m extremely interested in motor sports.
  • P: I’m fascinated by tennis. Etc.
  1. Teacher: And now let us see where you can see and visit some interesting places. Open your textbooks on page 40 and find the map and say me: Where and what can you see or visit? (T→P1, P2, P3)
  • P: I can see Garden Festivals in Belfast.
  • P: I can visit the Boat museum in the Liverpool. Etc.
  1. Teacher: We know what sightseeing we can see or visit in the UK. Let’s remember what is necessary for your trip. Look at the multimedia and read these words:
a passport
a sleeping bag
a travel guide
a ticket
a first aid kit
a visa
a map
a health insurance
a money belt
a camera

Teacher: Say me, please, what you’ll by all means (T→P1, P2, P3):

P: I’ll need a passport by all means. P: I’ll need a visa. P: I’ll need a ticket. P: I’ll also need a health insurance. Etc.

Teacher: And what is not necessary? (T→P1, P2, P3):

  • P: A sleeping bag is not necessary?
  • P: A TV-set is not necessary.
  • P: A sofa is not necessary. Etc.
  1. People before going abroad try to know about the country they want to visit as much as possible. So we do. There are special travel agencies in our country. But before to visit some of them let’s remember some historical facts. Open your textbooks on page 66. Listen to the tape, please, and remember how to read some words and phrases.

The History of Travel Agencies.

Today, travel agents offer all kinds of holidays to all types of people, as nearly everybody can afford some sort of holiday. Travel agents think that their customers consist of certain type of people. For each type, they try to offer the “right” kind of holiday, at the “right” price, in the “right” country. All this has to be planned very carefully. So, while most people are still busy buying Christmas presents, the travel agents have already decided where their customers will be going next summer, what kind of things they will be doing there and how much money they will be spending on their holidays.

In spite of the many advantages which travel agents can offer, there are still quite a few people who “go it alone”, choosing their own destination and booking their tickets and accommodation themselves.

Travel agencies started long ago. Thomas Cook was one of the first travel agents. He started to organize excursions by train in the middle of the last century. Later on, he also organized excursions from England to the European continent. In 1890 he began to sell travel tickets to places in England.

Sometimes the agents are right (people will be doing exactly what the travel agents have planned for them) but sometimes they are wrong. All this makes their business rather risky because if they make mistakes, they can lose a lot of money.

Teacher: Now, let’s read it (Pupils read the text in chain: P1, P2, P3 → T).

Teacher:Listen to me, please, and try to answer my questions (T→P1, P2, P3):

  • Who was the first travel agent?
  • What did he start to organize?
  • Where did he organize excursions?
  • When did he begin to sell tickets?
  1. Teacher: Well done! Thank you! And now, let us visit a travel agency and choose a trip.

(На столе импровизированное туристическое агентство: табличка, туристические брошюры).

Travel agent: Good morning. Can I help you?

Visitor: Yes, please. I’d like to go to Britain this summer. Where can I get some information about holidays in Britain?

Travel agent: Oh, that’s quite easy. I’ll give you some travel leaflets. You’ll find lots of information there.

Visitor: Thank you. Um … I’m fond of horse riding. And I’d like to take a riding holiday. What can you suggest?

Travel agent: No problem. We have some special tours.

Visitor: Um … One more question, please. How much will it cost?

Travel agent: In this leaflet you’ll find all the prices.

Visitor: Thank you.

  1. It is very difficult sometimes to prepare for a journey. Help your friends to do it. Give them good advices, please! (work in pairs: P1→P2)

P: Dima, you must take a passport!
P: Thank you. Olga, you’d better buy a ticket! Etc.

P: Ann, you don’t have to pack too many things
P: OK! Pavel, you should check the weather!

P: Sasha, you should visit York!
P: OK. Thank you. Sveta, you needn’t send a letter of application!

  1. There are different kinds of transport for traveling. What kind of transport do you prefer? (P1, P2, P3 → T)
  • P: I prefer to travel by train.
  • P: I’d rather travel by plane.
  • P: I’d rather travel by bus.

Teacher:But why?

P: I think, walking is no fun when it rains. I’d rather travel by bus. Relax and enjoy the views. And of course, you would enjoy guided Bus Tours most of all.

  1. Teacher:A wonderful way to spend the time while traveling by train is to play a game. Each of you must add one place you saw or visited in the UK:
  • P: I saw a royal place.
  • P: I saw a royal place and the first Safari Park.
  • P: I saw a royal place, the first Safari Park and the boat museum. Etc.
  1. Teacher: You know that many people dream about traveling, but not all of them have an opportunity to do it. Let’s rest a little and sing a song “Brighton in the Rain” (Tape → CL)

I’ve never been to Athens and I’ve never been to Rome
I’ve only see the Pyramids in picture books at home
I’ve never sailed across the sea or been inside the plane
I’ve always spend me holidays in Brighton in the rain.
I’ve never eaten foreign food or drunk in a foreign bar
I’ve never kissed a foreign girl or driven a foreign car
I’ve never had to find my way in a country I don’t know
I’ve always know just where I am and where I’ll never go.

  1. Now look at the blackboard, please and let us remember how Present Perfect Active is made: (T→ CL)

On the blackboard: Present Perfect Active

Have/ has + V3

Now, take the card № 1 on your desks and do the task:

Card № 1

Fulfill the blankets with the negative form of the statement, tag questions, general question and special questions:

He has just been to London.

2) He has been to London,
3) He hasn’t been to London,
5) Who
6) Where
7) When

  1. Boys and girls, look at the blackboard! You can see Sir Augustus John’s saying. Let us read it (a saying is on the blackboard):

P: “You may travel the world over, but you will find nothing more beautiful …”

Teacher: Think, please, and try to finish this saying!

P: “You may travel the world over, but you will find nothing more beautiful than your country”.

P: “You may travel the world over, but you will find nothing more beautiful than your town”.

Teacher:Yes, you are absolutely right! We know many English and Russian proverbs about it. Now on your desks find the card № 2, make up proverbs, read them and translate.

Card № 2

Make up the proverbs, read them and translate:

  • Every country has - long lies
  • East or West - its customs
  • There is no place - the welcome home
  • The wider we roam - home is best
  • Long ways - like home

(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 → T)

Teacher:Now, my dears, it’s time to finish our lesson. Answer my question, please. Do you like our lesson? What did we do during the lesson? Is our lesson useful? (T→P1, P2, P3).

Teacher:Thank you! I’ll give you the following marks today:Sasha – a four. Etc.

To finish our lesson today I want to say you such words: wherever you’ll be don’t forget about your native place, a place where you were born is the best place in the world. But dreaming is not forbidden.

Now our lesson is over. Stand up, please! Good bye!

CL: Good bye, dear teacher!

Примечание: По ходу урока используются сокращения при указывании режимов работы:T – учитель, P – ученик, P1 – ученик1, CL – класс.
