Урок английского языка в 7-м классе по теме "Friends and Friendship"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  • совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме,
  • совершенствование навыков работы в группах,
  • организация контроля умений и навыков устной речи учащихся по теме.

Учебные пособия:

  • плакат “We are friends”;
  • фотографии друзей.

План урока

I. Организационный момент. (Вступительное слово учителя)

Today we’ll have the lesson of discussion. We shall speak about friends and friendship.

We’ll discuss such questions as

  • “What is a friend?
  • “What is friendship?
  • “Are you a good friend?”

I wish you good luck at the lesson.

II. Аудирование стихотворения о дружбе.

This short poem is written by Edith Segal, a famous American poetess. Do you agree with her? Why?

Some British girls and boys share with you their opinions on friends and friendship. Who do you agree with? Use the expressions of agreement and disagreement.

1. Friendship is a thing that helps you to live.

2. Friendship is a thing that teachers you how to get a long with other people.

3. Friends are people who are always good to you.

4. Good friends are people who spend a lot of time together and share their secrets.

5. True friends are people who are supportive and never betray you.

III. Discuss the questions on the theme.

1. Работа с пословицами.

There are many sayings and proverbs about friends and friendship. What proverbs about friends do you know?

1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

2. Lend now friend’s money and lose you friend.

3. They are rich who have true friends.

4. No man is useless while he has a friend

5. A friend to everyone is a friend to nobody.

6. Friends are thieves of time.

Choose the proverb and discuss it. Say what it means. Work in groups.

(На доске и на карточках написаны пословицы. Учащиеся выбирают одну для обсуждения в группе. При защите работы, своё мнение могут высказать как все члены группы, так и один представитель от группы.

By the way?

2. Which is better – to have many friends, one friend or to be friendless?

(Опрашиваются все учащиеся).

I see practically all of you think that it is better to have many friends.

The more the better! Why? Why do you think so?

3. You have many friends but I’m sure that all of you have the best friend.

- Who are your best friends? ( учащиеся подходят к доске и показывают фотографии своих лучших друзей на плакатах).

- Why do you think they are the best?

(Рассказы учащихся о своих лучших друзьях)

There are many people and things around you. Some of them are your friends. Mainly they are the persons of your age. What about other people?

1. What kind of people are your teachers. Can teachers be your friends?

2. Do you have friends in your family? Who are they?

3. Young people and grown-ups sometimes can be friends too. Can you prove it?

4. (Учащиеся работают в группах и готовят высказывания по данным темам. В это время, учителя английского языка, присутствующие на уроке, готовят высказывание по теме: “ Can books be your friends?”

(На работу отводится 4 минуты)

5. You’ve told us about your friends. They are good and true friends. And what about you? Are you good friends? Do this quiz and find it out.

(Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы теста и определяют себя, в качестве друга. См. “ 1 сентября”, стр. 35, № 14, 2007 г.)

I’ve come to the conclusion that you have good friends and you are good friends.

IV. Заключение.

Выводы по уроку. Исполнение песенки о друзьях. (См. журнал “Шляпа”, стр. 50 – 51, № 5, 6, 2007 г.).