Урок английского языка в 10-м классе с применением элементов технологии развития критического мышления

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ход урока.

Этапы урока



1. Приветствие

2. Фаза вызова:

T: Our theme is “Global problems of Humanity.”What’s your opinion what are we going to talk about?

P1, P2, P3…

T: Now we want you to watch and to listen to a clip by Scorpions. Try to answer why this clip is called “Humanity goodbye.”

Watching the clip.

T: So why? What must we stop doing to escape Humanity death?

P1, P2, P3… point to some problems:

  • Wars
  • Hunger (starvation)
  • Nuclear weapon
  • Drug addiction
  • Ecology
  • Terrorisms and so on.

T: Now let’s define which of these problems you mentioned above are the most dangerous and which are less dangerous. Put them in the order of decreasing. Work in groups.

Group work.

T: Now let’s draw the common decision.

3. Фаза осмысления:

 T: We decided that the first four positions are for terrorisms, drug addiction, ecology and hunger. Next we are going to comprehend the reasons of these problems. Find in the texts the answers to the following questions:

  1. What are the reasons of terrorisms?
  2. What are the reasons of drug addiction?
  3. What are the reasons of bad ecology?
  4. What are the reasons of hunger?

While reading use the Insert tables. First read individually, then discuss in groups and prepare for presentation of group’s answer.

Reading individually and discussion in the groups.

T: Now each group gives us their understanding of the problem. Other groups listen to carefully and give their own opinion, using POPS formula.

Presentation and dispute.

4. Фаза размышления( рефлексии):

T: As a result of our discussion all of you come to the decision that if we don’t begin to solve these problems the mankind may disappear. The last step of our work will be writing the sinkvein. Show in your sinkveins what you understood from the lesson, your thoughts and dreams.

Group work and publication.

5. Завершение урока.



Мозговой штурм



Прогнозирование по ключевым словам и видеоряду.



Мозговой штурм











Формулировка вопроса, на который необходимо найти ответ.



Метод Insert (приложение 1),

Работа в малых группах.

Круговая система, ПОПС-формула. (приложение 1)



Написание синквейна.



Дом. задание – сочинение.

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