Урок английского языка "Welcome to a Magic Castle!"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • повторение, обобщение знаний и умений, приобретенных в ходе изучения первого раздела учебника В.П. Кузовлева «English-5».
  • Совершенствовать лексические, произносительные, грамматические навыки, умение слушать (аудировать) и говорить.
  • Воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу, толерантность в ходе общения в группах, воображение, внимание учащихся, способность к самооценке деятельности.
  • Формировать умение переносить знания в новую ситуацию, развивать умение выражать свое мнение.


  1. лист ватмана с изображением поля произношения, волшебных ворот замка и сказочного замка с открывающимися дверями комнат и надписями их названий;
  2. картинки с продуктами питания;
  3. транскрипционные знаки;
  4. аудиокассета к учебнику;
  5. портреты английских, американских, русских, татарских писателей и поэтов; 
  6. картинки с атрибутами праздника Хеллоуин;
  7. листы самооценки; 
  8. листы с письменными заданиями.

План урока:

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Фонетическая зарядка. Поле произношения.
  3. Совершенствование навыков аудирования. Конкурс лидеров у волшебных ворот.
  4. Развитие монологической речи. Замок знаменитостей.
  5. Физкультпауза. Танец «Looby Loo».
  6. Развитие диалогической речи. Волшебное кафе.
  7. Развитие навыков общения. Комната «Хеллоуин».
  8. Контроль навыков письменной речи. Тайная комната.
  9. Подведение итогов деятельности учащихся. Самооценка.

Ход урока

1. Начало урока. Введение учащихся в сюжет урока.

Приветствие. Т – Cl,  Т - P1, P2.

- Hello, children! I am glad to see you.

- Hello! We are glad to see you too.

- How are you?

- Fine, thanks, and you?

- I am well. Thank you. And what about you, P1?

- Are you all right, P2?

T: It`s time to begin our work. Today we have an unusual lesson. We shall go to a trip.

Let`s form three groups. Who is the leader of your group?

P1: The leader of our group is …

P2: The leader of our group is …

P3: The leader of our group is …

2. Фонетическая зарядка. Поле произношения.

T: OK. We shall start our trip (Рисунок 1). There is the Field of Pronunciation. Oh, look! I see a lot of strange signs there! Do you know them? I`ll give some cards with the transcription signs to each group (Приложение 1). You should pronounce the sounds and name the words with these sounds.

Begin working in groups, please.

(If one of the groups has difficulties, the students of other groups can help their classmates).

T: Can you help them? Have you anything to add? Well done! Put the marks on your sheets of paper (Приложение 2).

3. Совершенствование навыков аудирования. Конкурс лидеров у ворот волшебного замка.

T: Let`s go on our trip!

T: Look! There is a gate. You can go in if you tell about yourself. Tell us what your names are, how old you are, about your favorite writers and their books, about your favorite dishes, your family.

The leaders of the groups tell about themselves. Listen to them very attentively. You may ask questions and then one of the students of other groups will tell about the leaders.

P1: My name is …

I am … years old.

I live in …

I have …

My favorite dish is…

My favorite writer is …

I like his (tales, poems, stories, book).

P2: His/Her name is…

He is … years old.

He lives in …

He (The name of the leader) has …

His favorite dish is…

His favorite writer is …

He likes his (tales, poems, stories, books).

T: You did a good job! We can go into the yard.

Oh! What a beautiful CASTLE! Is it a castle? Is it really beautiful?

T: Do you want to enter this castle?

I think that every castle has its ghosts. And I am scared of ghosts. And you? Are scared of ghosts? Are scared of monsters (skeletons, witches, black cats, bats?) What are you scared of?

(Students answer the questions).

4. Замок знаменитостей. Развитие монологической речи.

T: But we must go there. It is a magic castle. It is very interesting there. I am opening the door.

What is there in the room? Read, please. You are right. It is a room of Famous people. I`ll give you  some pictures of famous people. And you will tell about them. Work in groups, please.

(The possible answer: This is A.S.Pushkin. He is a great Russian poet and writer. I like his tales. I like his tale about Tzar Saltan).

T: It was super! I see you know about English, Russian and Tatar writers and poets and their stories and poems. It`s nice of you. Please, put the marks for your work on your sheets of paper.

5. Физкультпауза. Танец «Looby Loo».

T: Listen! Do you hear a music? I think you remember it. You are right. It`s a song, the ghosts` song. They sing it on Halloween. The song`s name is “Looby Loo”.

Do you want to dance? Let`s sing and dance together.

(Children sing and dance).

6. Волшебное кафе. Развитие диалогической речи.

T:  It is really a wonderful castle!

Look! What is there on the right? It is a café, isn`t it? It is a Magic café. There are English and Russian traditional dishes. Here is the menu, please. One of you will be a waiter and others will be visitors. Work in groups.

Possible answers:  

P1: Hello!

P2: Hello! Can I help you?

P1: Yes, please. I`d like some Welsh cakes.

P2: Here you are. Would you like to try some Yorkshire pudding?

P1: Yes, please. I think it is really very tasty. No, thanks.

7. Комната «Хеллоуин».

T: Today is the 31st of October. What holiday is in America today?

Ch: Halloween.

T: There is a Halloween room in the CASTLE. Now you are to remind and tell how boys and girls

enjoy Halloween, Christmas and the last day in the summer camp. Work in groups, please.

(Possible answer: Ch: Boys and girls enjoy making jack – o` –lanterns. They like wearing scary masks and costumes. Children enjoy scaring friends and neighbours. On Halloween they like going from house to house and playing tricks. They like telling scary stories).

T: It`s fantastic! Now  put the marks for your work on your sheets of paper.

8. Тайная комната. Контроль навыков письменной речи.

T: You know that every CASTLE has a secret room. And there is a Secret Room in our magic CASTLE. Oh, there is a black box! What is there in this box? Let`s open it. Look, I found a letter but I can`t read it. Please, help me. Fill in the gaps with the neccessary forms of the verb “to be”(Приложение 3).

If you do the written task, you`ll get some secret.

(Students  work in groups. Then they put the marks on the sheets of paper).

T: Tell me, please, what children say going from house to house?

Cl: Children say: “Trick or treat!”

T: Say all together: Trick or treat! As for me, I don`t like tricks on me and so I want to give you some sweets. I think everybody likes sweets.

Cl: Thank you.

9.Подведение итогов деятельности учащихся. Самооценка.

T: I am proud of you. You are super today! Now  take your sheets of papers and sum up your marks. Put yourself the mark for the whole lesson. Thank you for the lesson! Good bye! Have a good time on your holidays!

(Students  put the marks on their sheets of paper for the whole lesson).