Открытый урок в 7-м классе (базовый уровень) по теме "Традиции, праздники, фестивали"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

Воспитательная – способствовать учащимся воспитанию интереса к традициям страны изучаемого языка.

Развивающая – развивать внимание и наблюдательность.

Образовательная – развивать лексические навыки по изучаемой теме.

Практическая – отработать правописание слов, умение употреблетяь их в контексте.

Оргмомент и разминка:

  1. Учитель задаёт вопросы, следит за правильной формой ответа учащихся с лексической и грамматической точки зрения.

(What date is it today? What day of week is it today? Is it a holiday? What holidays are coming? What are your favorite ones and why?)

  1. Учитель предлагает ученикам в предложенных цепочках слов найти лишнее и обосновать свой выбор. (Let’s try to find the odd-out word in each group and explain your choice.)

– New Year, Christmas, your birthday, Easter Sunday, St. Valentine’s Day, Guy Fawkes’ Night. (“Your birthday” is the odd-out word, because this day is very important family and other people don’t celebrate it.)

– Christmas tree, Halloween party, copy-book, a present, Father the Frost, special greeting card. (“Copy-book” is casual thing.)

– Chocolate Easter eggs, lambs, pumpkins, green trees, young animals. (‘Pumpkins” is a symbol of Halloween, but other words are connected with Easter Sunday.)

– Fireworks, big bonfires, Christ’s return to life, King’s men, conspirators. (“Christ’s return to life” means victory over death that Christians celebrate on Easter Sunday, and other words are associated with Guy Fawkes’ Night.)

– Return, blow, kill, death, burn, catch, knock. (“Death” is a noun, other words are verbs.)

Проверка домашнего задания:

  1. Самостоятельная работа по карточкам с последующей проверкой вслух.


  1. When are you going to ........ the money?
  2. Did James live in Scotland all his ..........?
  3. Look at the stars and make a .......... .
  4. My little sister goes to bed late on .......... days.
  5. In winter she often .......... a cold.
  6. When they came to the city wall, they .......... it.
  7. I ............ on the door but there was no answer.
  8. People often ......... leaves in autumn.
  9. What do you know about the King's ........?
  10. I didn't understand what that word ......... .


  1. Look at the stars and make a ...... .
  2. 1 was so glad to see my grand parents and I ......... them.
  3. All children ....... near the Christmas tree and danced,
  4. My friends always send a greeting ........... on my birthday.
  5. Don't cry, ............ !
  6. I didn't understand what Ihat word ......... .
  7. I can ......... the neighbour's TV.
  8. My little sister goes to bed late on ........ days.
  9. To ........ means to begin.
  10. A red rose is a ......... of England.
  1. Учащимся предлагается кратко рассказать об известных им праздниках, о том , как их празднуют в Великобритании. Упражнение 7 на стр.136, в котором есть опорные слова, поможет ученикам сформулировать свой ответ. Если ученик воспользовался подсказками данного упражнения, то получает на один балл меньше.

Продолжение работы над темой “ Праздники, фестивали и традиции Великобритании”. Учитель предлагает дополнительную информацию:

  1. The shortest day for winter in England is called the winter solstice, and it has been celebrated for hundreds of years; the day falls on December 21st. On that day people used to make lanterns of paper. They carried the lanterns in a parade through their town to the evening. At the end of the evening the lanterns were burned, this was the way of saying goodbye to the past and getting ready for the future.
  2. There are some differences in wedding traditions in Russia and in England. The groom has a friend for him, called “the best man”. He has to carry the wedding rings and make a speech after the wedding at the party which is called the reception. Also, he has to give presents to the bride’s attendants who are called “bridesmaids”.
    The best man organizes all the cars to take the guests to the reception and makes sure that everything runs smoothly. It’s quite a responsibility! It is traditional for the bride to wear or carry certain things for luck: she needs “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”. She usually wears flowers in her hair and carries flowers in a bouquet. Some flowers and some jewellery are considered unlucky, so she has to avoid those! Black cats and horseshoes are considered lucky, the bride is often given decorations and cards with them on. It is unlucky if the groom sees the bride before the wedding ceremony. Perhaps that is why it is traditional for the bride to arrive late!
  3. The Notting Hill Carnival in London is one of the biggest street carnival in Europe. It was started by people who came to London from the Caribbean. It’s in August and it is wonderful weekend. People wear fancy costumes and there are parades, dancing and music.

(Учитель предлагает учащимся разбиться на группы по три- четыре человека и без слов изобразить тот праздник, который им выпадет по жребию. Эта увлекательная игра займёт не более 5 минут и позволит проверить, насколько полно и правильно ученики поняли новую информацию о праздниках. Группы могут исправлять и дополнять выступления соперников,У выражая свои мысли полными предложениями.)

  1. Use the expressions in the box to complete a paragraph about a school-leaving celebration in England.
excitement attended by prizes are given going on in the afternoon

dresses up at midnight live band in the evening a banquet

 There is a ceremony called Prize Giving when______________ to all the school leavers. It takes place _______________________ in front of the rest of the school

And the leaver’s families . ________________________, there is a dance and_______________________, again__________________________the school leavers and their families. Everyone ________________________and there is a _________________________. It ends ____________________when everyone sings a special goodbye song. There is a lot of ___________________about leaving the school and____________________to college, jobs or university, but the leavers are sad to say goodbye, too.

(Учитель на этом этапе может предложить ученикам сравнить выпускной вечер в российских и английских школах).

  1. In English families еveryone opens their birthday presents very early in the morning in Mum and Dad’s room. The presents always include some very good chocolates, which everyone eats right away, even they haven’t had any breakfast! Sometimes they put balloons outside, too, with a notice to say whose birthday it is!
    Celebrating the twenty-first birthday is a special day for British people, they save up lots of money and try to do it in extraordinary way. One girl, for example, took twenty friends in five hot-balloons for a flight along the south coast of England. None of them hadn’t flown in a hot-air balloon before, they were a bit scared. However it was bright sunny day and everyone enjoyed their flight very much.

(Учитель: Do you have special traditions of celebrating the birthday in you family?)

Активизация лексико-грамматических навыков по теме:

Учащиеся слушают два диалога (упр. 2 ,стр. 133) при закрытых книгах.

Учитель: What holidays were mentioned in these dialogues?

Учащиеся открывают учебники и прослушивают диалог еще раз, следя по тексту.

Учитель: Find in these dialogues sentences in past progressive.

Let’s play these dialogues.

Подведение итога урока, оценивание работы учащихся.

На дом детям предлагается составить свой диалог о любом празднике в Великобритании по аналогии с учебным диалогом из упр. 2 на стр. 133 и выполнить грамматическое упражнение на употребление Past Progressive (упр. 4, стр. 135).