Урок английского языка в 10-м классе общеобразовательной школы по теме «Who is a successful person ?» (учебник Биболетовой Н.З., Трубаневой Н.Н. «Enjoy English – 5»)

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Воспитательная – способствовать нравственному воспитанию учащихся при выборе ориентиров в жизни;
  • Развивающая – развивать внимание и умение сопоставлять и анализировать факты;
  • Образовательная – развивать навыки аналитического чтения как части лингвистической компетенции.

Введение: We are going to discuss “ Who is a successful person?”. Everyone has his own association with success, so let’s postpone the serious conversation! I’d like to invite you to take part in the contest. Firstly we should devide our group into two ones “ Pacesetter” and “ Rising star”. Your assignment is to arrange the work in your team so that everyone will take part in your answers.

Warm-up: Find the proper Russian equivalents to the following English proverbs ( They are written on the blackboard):

  1. Every man is the architect of his own fortune. (Каждый человек-кузнец своего счастья/)
  2. A cat in gloves catches no mice. ( Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда/)
  3. Rome was not built in a day. (Москва не сразу строилась/)
  4. Live and learn. (Век живи – век учись/)

Введение в проблему: Look at the pictures on page 94 and match the short characteristics of the people with the photos.

  1. A famous Russian popular music singer, now this person is well-known presenter of some TV programs. (Alla Pugachyova/)
  2. On 12th April 1961 he became the first man in space when he traveled round the Earth/ (Yuri Gagarin/)
  3. A famous Russian ballet dancer. (Galina Ulanova.)
  4. A world famous Russian sportsman. She won Olympic medals in 1972, 1976 and 1980. (Irina Rodnina.)
  5. A great chess player. (Garri Casparov.)
  6. A famous English film actor and producer, he usually played in silent black and white films. (Charlie Chaplin.)

Практическая деятельность: We are going to read three texts about successful persons: Walt Disney, Mother Teresa and Slava Polunin ( Упр.11, стр. 96)

You have several minutes to skip each text and to answer the questions about it.

Questions to the first text:

  1. What did Walt Disney study with great pleasure in his childhood? (He spent a lot of time on a farm, where learned to study nature and animals.)
  2. Did he have fun while his father was working? (His family wasn’t a rich one and Walt worked hard helping his father.)
  3. How did he get his first camera? (He rented an old camera and a garage and managed to set up his own film company.)

Questions to the second text:

  1. What lessons of kindness did Mother Teresa get in her family? (They often gave money to the poor. The second lesson from her mother was: when life is difficult you must try, try and try again.)
  2. Did she worry about money? What did she think about it? (Mother Teresa never worried about money. She always said that the help would come when it was needed.)
  3. Was her activity appreciated in the world and how? (In 1979 Mother Teresa got the greatest prize in the world – the Nobel Peace Prize.)

Questions to the third text:

  1. Can you say that Polunin is independent person? (He is rather independent because he says that any place where the evening finds him can be his home.)
  2. What was nice in his Snow Show? (This show can transform adults into wide-eyed children.)
  3. Prove that he is successful person. (S. Polunin has travelled through more than 20 countries. Over 25 years he has made unbelievable progress and his show has become a national attraction. Their theatrical characters are known to everyone in Russia.)

Грамматический аспект: Find the examples of Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous. Explain the meaning, sense of these grammar construction in proper sentences. Present Perfect helps to express the final result of one’s activity. Present Perfect Continuous can show that the work has some results but it isn’t over so far.

Подведение итогов: Let’ make a formula of the hard working to the real success in one’s life. Look at the proverbs that we started with once more.

Let’s find some steps to the success. Try to put the proverbs in such an order that you follow in order to get a success.

I step – Live and learn. (= First of all you should learn to do something very well)

II step – A cat in gloves catches no mice. ( =You should work hard and do your best)

III step – Rome was not built in a day. ( =You should be able to wait for your success)

IV step – Every man is an architect of his own fortune. (= You‘ll get everything that you deserve)

Объяснение домашнего задания: Write your own opinion answering the questions.

Activity 1

A successful person is a person who has:

– much money

– a lot of friends

– an interesting job

– a friendly family

– sense of humour

– an ambition

– a dream

A successful person should be:

– industrious

– intelligent

– creative

– independent

– sociable

– curious

– tolerant

Activity 2

  1. What’s your main character trait?
  2. Would you like to be famous? Why?
  3. Do you respect ‘self-made’ celebrity?