Открытый урок английского языка "Зимние праздники России" в 8-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: Углубить объем знаний учащихся о своей культуре на примере традиционных русских праздников.


  1. Практическая
    • совершенствование навыков монологической речи учащихся по теме: “Русские зимние праздники”;
  2. Образовательная
    • расширение познавательных знаний обучающихся о своей стране, пополнение кругозора о ее традициях и обычаях;
  3. Развивающая
    • развитие чувства национальной самобытности, логики мышления, памяти воображения, самостоятельности.
  4. Воспитательная
    • более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры, ее традиций, воспитание положительного, уважительного и толерантного отношения к британской культуре.


Тип урока: Обобщающий.

Ход урока


Teacher: Hello, boys and girls. Today we go on talking about holidays. I’m sure you know a lot about British and American holidays, don’t you?

Who doesn’t like holidays? Holidays usually mean not going to school or to work; they also mean nice food, presents and a lot of fun: singing, dancing, visiting friends and relatives, playing, walking and etc.

And today we’ll also know about one of the most favourite Russian holidays. The motto of our lesson is every country has its own customs and traditions. And for the lesson we’ll read the text, play a game and change opinions about holidays.

2. Warming-up

T: Make the sentence longer. People like to celebrate Christmas.

P: People like to celebrate Christmas and New Year. (Easter и т.д.)

T: Now let’s remember the most popular British holidays.

Match the holiday and the picture (slides show, pupils work chorally)

Let’s guess the names of holidays and answer the question: When do the people celebrate this holiday? ( Slides 3-8)

3.Listening. T: I `d like to invite you to speak about one of the best seasons of the year. Russian winter! The Russian winter is full of poetry and magic. There are the ways the Russian winter is described. Singing songs is an old tradition. Songs about winter are very popular, they are numerous. Listen to the Russian song. Very shortly give the main idea of the following song.

Listening for the main idea. (учащиеся слушают русскую народную песню).

P1: I think this song is about hope, love and optimism of Russian people.

4. Oral practice.

T: Russian winter is rich in festivals. It`s a time to celebrate though it`s cold, frosty and snowy. What Russian winter festivals would you suggest to visit to the foreigners? Let’s do ex.1,p.102

P1: I`d suggest to visit New Year`s Day.

T: Why? Explain, please.

P1: New Year is one of the favourite holidays in our country. This day is always connected with our news hopes and dreams. It is a pleasant moment to get presents on the New Year`s Eve. Everyone hopes that next year will be better that the last one. It is a tradition to celebrate New Year`s Day on the first of January. Each family prepares for this holiday beforehand. My father buys and brings home a beautiful New Year`s Tree at the end of December. I like to decorate it with toys, coloured lights, sweets and a big star on the top. My mother prepares our holiday supper, my grandmother makes a tasty cake. We like to see the New Year in at home with our relatives. They come to see us at 11 in the evening. At 12 o `clock we are sitting at the table and we are glad to see the New Year in. We say “Best wishes for the New Year”. I like this happy and gay holiday.

T: What holidays do the Russian people celebrate in January? (Christmas, Old New Year’s Eve, Epiphany)

Christmas – tide is the period from January 7, till January 19 (the Epiphany). It was establishes by the Church in honour of the birth and baptism of Jesus Christ. At this period people used to walk wearing fancy costumes and singing carols, they went from house to house giving and receiving gifts and treats.

Пришла Коляда, накануне Рождества,
Дайте коровку, масляну головку!
На окне стоит, на меня глядит
Подайте блины, будет печь гладка.
Коляда, Коляда, подай пирога!
Блин да лепешку в заднее окошко!

What do people do nowadays at Christmas-tide? (Do ex.2,p.102-103)

Before you will answer the question look at the blackboard. You can see the word combinations connected with this holiday.

5. Reading and Speaking.

T: Another winter festival is Shrovetide. It has deep roots. But nowadays people hardly remember about them, they just have fun, say goodbye to winter or welcome spring.

(Slides 18-18)

What are people’s favourite activities on Shrovetide?(Complete Word Web)


T.: And what about the symbol of this holiday.

PP: I think the symbol of this holiday is blini (pancakes).

Why do you think so? (Blini are oval as the sun. They are the symbol of coming spring).

And what would you like to do on Shrovetide?

PP. I would like to fight on Shrovetide. Etc.( учащиеся составляют предложения, используя схему)

I would like to V.

T.:- Shrovetide lasts the whole week. Each day has its own name.

Monday is called встреча, Tuesday is called заигрыши, and Wednesday is called лакомка, Thursday is called разгул, перелом, Friday is called тещины вечерки, Saturday is called золовкины посиделки, Sunday is called прощенный день.

Match the days of the Shrovetide with the days of the week. You’ve got sheets of paper with this task on your tables. Please, do it in pairs. You’ve got two minutes to complete this task.

(Приложение №3)

Look at the screen and check your answers.

Read the text and answer the questions under the text.

(Приложение №4)

T: On Sunday the people had a carnival, played different games. Let `s play games, too!


1. “Snowballs”.



P2: Winter, funny

P3: Winter, funny, tradition

P4: Winter, funny, tradition, holiday

P5: Winter, funny, tradition, holiday, troika

P6: Winter, funny, tradition, holiday, troika, festival

P7: Winter, funny, tradition, holiday, troika, festival, pancake

P8:Winter, funny, tradition, holiday, troika, festival, pancake, spring

P9: Winter, funny, tradition, holiday, troika, festival, pancake, spring, Shrovetide.

2. “Tongue twister”.

Can you say these three times fast?

Seven Santas sang silly songs.

Bobby brings bright bells

3. Sh! It `s a secret.

Directions: Use the following code to learn the secret. (Приложение №5)

Key: Don `t forget to leave a plate of pancakes for Maslenitsa.

It`s a traditional Russian Shrovetide`s Fun.

After that the people prepare fires and burn straw scarecrows of winter.

Ты прощай, прощай наша Масленица,
Ты прощай, наша хорошая.
Ты пришла с добром,
С сыром, маслом, калачом,
Со блинами, пирогами,
Да оладьями,
Блины масляные,
Шаньки мазаные.

А сегодня – в воскресенье.
Наше кончилось веселье.
Ты прощай, прощай,
Наша Масленица!
Укатила Масленица,
Добрая красавица,
До будущего года,
До сырной недели.

7. Подведение итогов.

T.:I’m sure Russian people like holidays. Let’s make a conclusion. What does a holiday mean for Russian people?

T: -Thank you for your answers.

8. Объяснение домашнего задания.

T.: You should write a letter to your foreign friend about Shrovetide.

9. Рефлексивно-оценочный результат.

Заполнение листа рефлексии. (Приложение №6)