Урок английского языка в 10-м классе " Advertising"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока:

  • развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся при обсуждении темы.

Задача обучения:

  • обучение анализу телевизионной и печатной рекламы.

Воспитательная задача:

  • формирование толерантного отношения к мнению других людей.

Оснащение урока:

  • компьютер,
  • видеопроектор,
  • экран,
  • видео реклама,
  • рекламные объявления на английском языке,
  • рекламные плакаты.

Ход учебного занятия

I. Introduction.

T.: Today we are going to talk about advertising and commercials. Advertising penetrates all spheres of our lives. It is so powerful that you can’t avoid it. Could you tell me where do you come across advertising?

S1: We come across it everywhere when you read a newspaper or a magazine, watch TV, go to the shop, take your mail, etc.

II. Task 1.

T.: I couldn’t agree with you more. Some people like commercials others don’t . What’s your view on advantages and disadvantages of advertising?

S2: In my opinion it entertains and develops our cultural level and enriches us emitionally.

S3: I’m not sure about that. You can hardly call introduction of cigarettes and alchohol moral and plays on our emotions such as envy and greediness.

S4: Absolutely! It persuades to buy things we really don’t need.

S5: I see what you mean but it prepares us to real life as the world is highly competitive and introduces teenagers to the life of grown-ups.

S6: There might be some truth in that, but it makes us suffer if we can not afford what we want. More than that it interrupts all the programmes.

III. Task 2.

T.: On your desks you can see sheets of paper with slogans of the Coca-Cola company. You can see how they have been changing since 1868. Look at them and say which of them are up-to date and which of them are not.

1886 Drink Coca-Cola

1911 Enjoy a glass of liquid laughter

1917 Tree million a day

1922 Thirst knows no season

1933 Don’t wear a tired face

1939 Whoever you are, whatever you maybe, when you think of refreshment, think of ice-cold Coca-Cola

1943 Universal symbol of the American way за life… Coca-Cola

1946 The world friendliest club… admission 5 cents

1946 Yes

1952 What you want is a Coke

1965 For extra fun – take more than one! Take an extra carton of Coke!

1968 Tell your thirst go fly a kite

1987 You can’t beat the feeling!

(Students give their answers)

IV. Task 3.

T: Well, thank you. Now let’s to find out what stands behind advertising that makes it so powerful and successful.

S6: Perhaps there are different techniques that make commercials so powerful.

T: You are right. There are several techniques. On the screen you can see some of them. Let’s explain them and find the examples of using them at the advertising posters.

S7: Repetition helps people to remember the slogans of companies.

S8: Sound effects give the impression through different sounds.

S9: Imperative gives orders to buy or to use some goods.

S10: Bandwagon makes people do something because it is fashionable or successful.

S11: Personification describes something as if it were a person.

S12: Textual technique – is based on pure information. It’s free from emotional words.

V. Task 4.

T: Your hometask was to make commercials. Let’s watch them and see what techniques you have used.

(Student demonstrate their videos and presentations in which they advertise some goods or ideas)

After watcing students discuss the advertising.

Give your students marks for their work and ask their opinion about the lesson.